
Rovan Joins

Paradox and Samos with Rovan now sitting in a dark room with a bit broken lamp emitting green light:

<Rovan getting his scars brushed off of a piece of cloth and some fruit juice>

"So, what do you want from me?"

<Paradox puts his elbow on the table>

"Did I not make that clear?"

"Go to hell...."

<Stands walking of throwing the piece at the table and wiping the dust off of his arm>

"Come-on! Rovan, you are the one, a must be in our team. Grief will destroy everyone and everything, only we can stop him."


<Rovan gets out of that chat room with the boards outside saying don't make love inside, it's illegal>

"Grief has destroyed many many of the Jinn or these Khurafa Alien species and not just Khurafa but many many species....."


Rovan getting his tea made of Porcupine seeds from the large machine holding some gebs to be scanned under red color rays, throws the gebs in the lake near by drinking it.

<Samos following Paradox>

"I think we are enough for Grief, no need for this one?"

"Tell that kid Paradox?"


<Rovan smiles turning his head a bit while walking forward>

"Tell him it's just you and your selfish urge, dream to make this super team. You don't any one with that level power of that avatar."

"That's not true Grief!"

"Rubbish, listen to me Rovan...."

<Professor sharply this time>

"Grief will come with much much more power now! He must have the 4th Petal now."

<Rovan stops immediately with Paradox with Samos confused looking at Rovan>


"Oh Yeah it is Possible! The Rose was supposed be divided the power was supposed to be divided by no! That is not what happened....not completely. By the 1st Petal, I got my powers, from the 2nd Yex got his, by the third this avatar survived and his host, Samos got powers, the forth petal remains."

<Roars at him turning around>

"You said you will burn the 4th Petal, that's what you told everyone, even the media!"

"And you thought that was true? Or I did it willingly or for fun? I was forced by my responsibilities, and my morals. If I were to announce the 4th Petal exists, everyone was gonna run to have it first, even you and everyone. But my plan failed for Grief, he was smart enough to calculate that it was nothing but a rubbish act....."

<Rovan sits on his left knee, touching the grass>

"If what your saying is true Professor, we are all dead. Leave the kid alone and get ready, wish your self a good death, or at least not that worse like the others."

<Rovan stands again>

"Believe me, it's not the end....there is a lot more to the story or we can add by Allah's will, think about it. The whole Khurafa World will be destroyed. We can save it, still, by getting Yex into it, by getting Nile into it and others, we will get more.....come-on, think about it."

<Rovan turns around feeling the cold breeze, without looking backwards>

"Please don't get the rabbit and the red skin idiot into it."

<Paradox laughs looking at Samos, while he smiles too after Rovan>