
The Last Shinobi

Naruto and Ichigo go threw the struggles of life in the bleach world . Naruto tries to regain himself after the 4th shinobi war and live up to the mantle of 6th Hokage. Ichigo tries to find his place in the world while protecting those he holds dear

Nomad_Playz · Cómic
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8 Chs

Chapter 6: Stand (Soul Society Part 3)

"Stand down Renji." A voice calm and calculated spoke with no emotion found in it. He stood there looking down on his two fallen opponents mutilated bodies. How could they believe that they had the power to defeat him a captain? Their red and orange hair turned bloody crimson from their battle but they would not go down. "I will end this battle." Kuchiki Byakuya spoke his voice barely above a whisper as he lifted his left hand and placed it on his Zanpakuto pulling it out of its sheath.

"Senbonzakura Kageyoshi"


With a gasp Ichigo Kurosaki rose from his bed having a light sweat cover his body. The ginger haired teen turned to his side seeing his Zanpakuto laying on the ground beside him.

"Good morning Zangetsu." The Kurosaki greeted with a yawn exiting his mouth. The ginger turned to look at his fellow comrades around him…only to find them all looking at him with a questioning expression. Except for Orihime who continued to sleep with out a care in the world.

"Good morning, everyone!" The female ginger spoke whilst stretching out her body. She looked around the room seeing all the boys questioning gaze at the Shinigami. "Did Kurosaki-kun do something?" she questioned looking at the glasses wearing Quincy only for him to avoid her gaze. She then turned to their local giant and asked him the same question. The stoic giant just turned to stare at the ginger letting him answer the female's question.

"Nothing Inoue; I just had a little nightmare." He spoke giving his fellow ginger a reassuring smile which didn't calm the nerves of the males in the room but was enough to get Orihime calmed down.

'Knock' 'Knock'

The group turned their heads towards the door to see it open and in walked the owner of the home they are residing in. "Ara ara; you kids should learn to be quieter when staying in someone else's home." A busty woman spoke holding a pipe in her left hand. She walked with a sway in her hips her outfit barely covering her enormous chest with one side needing to be covered in cloth to keep her dignity.

"Big sister where did you go!" a voice shouted from down the hallway only to hear a smack and crash come from the same location.

"Well look what the cat dragged in." Kukaku spoke seeing a black cat walk in with her little brother following afterwards.

"You must tell your brother that when I'm sleeping, he must not shout so loud I am trying to get my beauty sleep over here." The cat spoke in a dark masculine voice while licking the blood of its paws from when it scratched Ganju.

"Yourichi you should know by now that my little brother has a gigantic mouth." The one-armed smoker told the masculine cat.

The rest of the group looked at the scene with a sweat drop on their face.

'Cough' 'Cough'

They turned to Ichigo who was wearing his most serios expression he could muster in that moment. "When will we leave to the Soul Society." He spoke changing the whole vibe of the room.

"We will leave in one hour." Spoke the busty woman looking at the orange haired boy. The ginger looked at Kukaku and then turned his gaze to the cat who was laying down on the ground with its eyes closed.

"Oi Yourichi I've got to talk to you about something."


"Hey guys wait for me!" A voice shouted from behind the group when they were about to step into the cannon. As they saw the person who shouted they saw Ganju running up to them. "Can I come with you guys?" he asked but when he looked at the face of the ginger, he saw his answer.

"Ganju, I can't let you come." Ichigo spoke with a stoic expression. "This is something serios and we can't afford any mistakes to happen in our plan." The ginger continued his expression not changing. "But what we do need you to do is get stronger." The Kurosaki said with a slight smirk on his face.

Ganju felt more encouraged from hearing Ichigos words. "I will get stronger and when we meet again, I will be there to help you." Ganju said with tears falling from his eyes

"Brat you done making my brother feelin' depressed." A female voice spoke from the side of the two males gaining both gents attention.

"I am not depressed! / I'm encouraging him!" both shouted towards the young women and the result caused her to break out into to laughter.

"Hey why are you laughing at us!?" questioned the young men in a frustrated tone which only made her laugh more at them.

"Sorry, sorry…you two just remind me of two brothers I used to know." The young women spoke fondly remembering the two brothers who used to fight like Ichigo and Ganju.

"You're talking about uncle and father, right?" questioned the black-haired man whilst scratching the back of his head. The only reply Ganju got in return was a nod of her head before she turned towards Ichigo a pointing in the direction of their way into Soul Society.

"Your friends are waiting for you in that." She said as Ichigo looked towards the gigantic white canon. "You aren't being serious are you." Ichigo questioned with sweat falling down his head.


'Everything went wrong so fast' thought Ichigo as he fell from the sky clutching tightly to his blade. Directing himself throughout the air would be impossible so the ginger-haired teen let gravity decide the direction he needs to go.



"What was that noise?" questioned a voice as it looked up to the sky only to see that the barrier which protected soul society from threats was destroyed and multiple pieces came from the crack falling in different parts of the society.

"Captain-Kenpachi the Captain-Commander has called for a urgent Captains meeting at the division 1 headquarters." A member of squad 11 barged into the captain's barracks with a fearful expression.

"Is that all?" questioned the leader of the 11th division while standing up and walking to the window and letting a grin split his face. The soldier started shaking as he felt a pressure fill the room.

"No sir… Lieutenant-Sasakibe has called for all lieutenants to come to Division for a meeting of their own." The lower ranked Shinigami started to see black in his vision and couldn't help but pass out.

"Zehahaha…come Yashiru let's see what that old man wants and then we can check if these guys got any power to them." The older man spoke as he looked down to his lieutenant who was seated on his desk.

The young girl in return looked at the older man with a sour expression and spoke. "But Ken-chan I haven't finished my candy yet." The little girl said with tears forming in her eyes. The older man reached out to grab Yachiru's head and place her on his shoulder. "Come on you know how the old man gets when we are late for these things… you can enjoy your sweats when we come back." Zaraki Kenpachi spoke with that massive grin still on his face

"Or we could go out search for the intruders Ken-chan." The young pink-haired girl spoke with a mouthful of candy. The captain of the 11th Division proceeded to think of the words of his Vice-Captain. "The old man will probably accept it this time if I'm a bit late." He spoke with a maniacal grin spread across his face.


"Oi, where can I find Rukia?" questioned Ichigo while battling with a bold man using a spear type weapon. The man looked visibly irritated by the lack of seriousness before him.

"If you want to know where the traitor is being kept then u will have to defeat Hozukimaro and myself!" the bald man spoke with great determination. Ichigo simply stared at him with bewilderment.

"I guess I'll have to defeat you and your pointy staff." The ginger-haired boy spoke while getting in stance to fight the man before him. The man looked even more pissed than before and lunged towards him.

"I will defeat you soundly and this is not a pointy staff it's a…" the man paused his sentence as he disappeared in front of the ginger's eyes. "Sansetsukon!" the man appeared in front of Ichigo leaving the young man little time to block the attack allowing the man to land an attack on him leaving a small trail of blood on Ichigo's cheek.

"That was impressive bald-san." Spoke Ichigo with a grin on his face getting ready to launch into his own flurry of attacks. "Remember this day bald-san for Ichigo Kurosaki will defeat you and the entire Soul Society!" Ichigo spoke as their weapons clashed once more.


"Let the Captains meeting commence." Spoke a wise old man with a large white cane keeping him up. To his left stood the captains of the 2nd, 3rd, 6th,7th,10th and 12th squads respectively and on his right stood the 5th,9th,8th and 13th squad captains. Looking around the old man looked to see who was missing. "As I expected Kenpachi has already commenced in battle with our little intruders." Spoke the Head-Captain Yamamoto.

"The intruders have split into three groups Head-Captain." Spoke a weird looking man with horizontal horns on his head. "Where are there whereabouts currently Mayuri-san?" spoke the old man with a piercing gaze.

"Well, the one with the strongest Reietsu is currently in the 11th divisions barracks battling with the 3rd seat Ikkaku Madarame and it seems that the 11th division captain is already on root to confront him." Spoke Mayuri with a stoic expression on his face not really caring about the intruders.

"And what about the others?" questioned the 2nd division captain. With a glare Mayuri continued his report. "The second group appears to be another intruder in the 7th division barracks but his Reietsu levels appear to be at the level of a 4th seat so that should be no problem for you Kyoraku-san." Spoke Mayuri whilst looking towards the 7th division captain who was busy falling asleep where he was standing.

"Slap!" "Ha, yes I'll take of the intruder back at my base." Spoke the captain with a sheepish grin on his face whilst giving the short captain to his side a glance for hitting him.

"And what about the final group where are there whereabouts so we can deal with these brats." Spoke the gigantic captain of the 9th division. Mayuri proceeded to cough a bit to make his throat wet since it dried from all the talking. "It appears that the last group is two people a human and what appears to be quincy and they are heading straight towards the 12th division." Spoke the 12th division captain with grin on his face just thinking about the experiments he can have on the quincy.

"There we have it, captains of the divisions where the intruders are making sure to subdue them so that we can deal with them and the rest of you make sure that your units are ready for battle and make sure the medics are able to help everyone once the noise settles down." Spoke the old man while slamming his cane on the ground declaring that the meeting is over. The captains all immediately disappeared to inform their squads about the upcoming battles.


"Your one tuff fellow." Spoke Ichigo with a grin on his face as his body was battered in bruises and cuts. His opponent lay on the ground with a gigantic cut over his chest as he had been defeated by the intruder. "Its over their at that gigantic tower is where you find the one, you're looking for." spoke the bloody man as he looked towards the towering man before him. "Don't get too cocky that you defeated me I am only the 3rd seat in this squad, beware for the captain will come for you and you better give him the fight of his life." Spoke the man before passing out.

Ichigo looked at the passed-out man and then turned his head towards the towering building where he is certain Rukia must be. 'Just wait a bit more Rukia I'm almost there.'


"You are one tough kid." Spoke Kyoruko with a grin as he acknowledged the power within in the young man. Chad proceeded to release a strong right fist towards the man whilst releasing the energy that was building up in the exo-skeleton like gauntlet around his right arm. "Pity your too weak to give me a challenge." Spoke the captain as he proceeded to slash the beam of energy in 2 with only his hand whilst releasing his own slice of energy that reached all the way to Chad.


In the rumble left behind after the collision of the two attacks you could see the captain standing above Chad with his blade towards the young man's neck. "Do you yield?" questioned the captain before receiving a nod from the young man below him.


"Orihime what are you doing just walking around in the open these guys can kill you in a blink of an eye!" shouted Uryu as he looked at the visibly confused girl in front. "My bad Uryu-chan I was just trying to make some new friends." She said with a happy gleam in her eyes. This caused Uryu to fall over as he couldn't believe she would try to make friends with the enemy.

"Its alright lets just get out of this place it giving me a bad vibe." He spoke as he turned his back to Orihime only to hear her scream a second later. Turning towards her direction he saw that she being held by her neck a few buildings away by a woman with black-hair tied up.

"Orihime!" Uryu shouted before his vision became blurry as he found himself crashing through multiple buildings and witnessing his vision go black.

"Uryu!" Orihime shouted as she struggled against her enemy.

"Koten Zanshu!" She shouted as her earrings became light particles and attacked the one before her. The woman holding her was stunned by the attack which gave her enough time to escape and land next to Uryu.

"Soten Kusshen!" She called out as more piece of her earring turned to light particles and went to create a barrier around Uryu allowing him the chance to heal with her ability.

The lady from before appeared to be healed from the previous attack and went to lunge towards Orihime who was busy focusing on healing Uryu. She was less than a meter from Orihime before arrows made from Reietsu struck her legs and arm.

"Thank you Orihime." Spoke Uryu as he went to battle the Shinigami before him


"Quite interesting the Quincy hasn't realised I was the one who lauched him into the building but I will wait here and watch how the battle goes and that girl is special for some reason." Spoke Mayuri as he watched his daughter Nemo fight the two intruders.


"And where do you think you are going Ichigo." Spoke a red-haired man with an excited grin on his face as he watched the ginger land in front of him. "Renji get out of my way and let me save Rukia." Spoke Ichigo with a fierce look on his face as he prepared to get into another battle with the man before him. "This time you don't have your captain to come and save you." Ichigo said knowing that it would trigger a nerve within the red-head.

"Roar! Zabimaru!" Shouted the red-head as he launched his blade towards Ichigo but the ginger blocked his attack with his own blade. "You two haven't met yet but Renji this is Zangetstu!" he proclaimed as he launched himself towards the other man who was launching himself towards the ginger with their blades clashing creating sparks of steal all over the battlefield.

The two men suddenly stopped and looked towards each other until Ichigo finally spoke. "I don't have time to waste either you get out of my way right now or I'll end this battle in one slash." Ichigo spoke with confidence radiating from his voice. This clearly pissed of Renji as he rushed towards Ichigo while shouting. "Don't get cocky just because you have your Shikai!" he shouted has be prepared to slash Ichigo in half.

"I warned you." Ichigo spoke with a cold condescending look on his face as he got into stance to attack Renji.