
The Last Shinobi

Naruto and Ichigo go threw the struggles of life in the bleach world . Naruto tries to regain himself after the 4th shinobi war and live up to the mantle of 6th Hokage. Ichigo tries to find his place in the world while protecting those he holds dear

Nomad_Playz · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Zanpakuto (Soul Society Part 4)

Naruto stood in the middle of an empty rocky field with his blade in his hand practising his sword slashes.

"Spiralling Slash (Rasen-jo no surrasshu)!" A gigantic golden whirlwind was released from his blade destroying everything in its path, it continued moving forward for 5' until it dissipated into nothing leaving an exhausted Naruto laying on his back.

"Finally tired?" questioned a female voice from behind him. Turning to look at the voice he saw Urahara standing with a smile on her face as she watched him get up from the ground. "Well, I have been training non-stop for the past 3 days." He said with a sheepish smile on his face.

"And that you have but its about time you enter the party as well." She spoke looking at the ancient sage with the serious expression. "You are right I've been silent for to long." He said whilst strapping his sword to his waist. "I'll be opening the portal again later tonight so be ready because the moment you enter the Soul Society you will have to prepared for battle." She told him.

"I already know that and if things go sideways, I make sure to get all those brats out safely." He spoke as he turned to leave the underground training room. "Gather all your supplies and meet me here later Naruto-kun." She said as the fan she was fiddling with covered the bottom half of her face.

"Sure, thing Kisuke." Naruto said as he disappeared into thin air.


Naruto arrived outside his company that had tons of people walking in and out. "Uzumaki-san!" he heard someone scream and as he turned to face the sound, he saw his assistant run towards him.

"Maki-san how can I help you?" he asked looking at the shy female before him. "Well, in your absence a lot went down." She said not meeting his eyes. Looking at the girl he couldn't help but smiling at her. "Don't worry about it this company has been around for plenty of generations we went through all the struggles as one and we will stand high after this." He said motivating the young girl.

"Your right Uzumaki-san." The girl had a smile on her face as she ran into the building to get everything ready for Naruto. He proceeded to enter the building seeing his employees busy doing their work. The company has evolved a lot over the past few years with it not only producing books but films, shows and manga.

"Boss, the board is ready for the meeting." Maki told him as she handed the reports to Naruto so he can look over them before joining the meeting.

"Good morning Uzumaki-san." His vice-president greeted him as he went to sit down at the head of the table with 5 people sitting on the left side of the table and 4 sitting on the right side of the table.

"Good morning, how has business been while I was away?" he asked the people sitting at the table with a gentle smile on his face.

"It has been going bad boss, people want something new." The man sitting to his left spoke with a frown on his face. They all proceeded to talk amongst themselves trying to think of new idea until a young man barged into the office. All the people in the room turned to look at the man who stood before them with pages in his hand.

"Morning Oda-san." Spoke Naruto with a smile on his face as he looked towards the man waiting for him to explain the reason he barged into the room.

"Good morning Uzumaki-san." He said whilst giving a respectful bow towards his boss. Naruto gave him a nod in return since he wasn't into all the formal things.

"Oda-san you know I love talking with you but right now isn't the time, can we maybe talk later." Naruto told him with a gentle smile on his face.

"Sorry Uzumaki-san I didn't know when you would be coming back so I thought this could my only opportunity to give you this." He spoke as he handed Naruto the pages in his hand. He proceeded to look over the pages and the more he read the bigger his smile got until he finished reading it and passed it to the person to his left so that man can read it.

"Oda-san how long have you been working on this story?" Naruto asked as the story he just read might be just what the company needed.

"A few years now boss, I wanted to make sure it was perfect before I let you see it." Oda spoke with a smile on his face since everyone appeared to have positive reactions to his story. This got a smile out of Naruto. "All that for me, how about this how many chapters to you have so far." He spoke as the man before him was getting a bit nervous.

"What you are holding is the very first chapter of my story and so far, I've gotten 350 chapters ready which is about 35 volumes." He spoke with a smile as he saw the shocked expressions on everyones faces.

"Oda-san I think you might just be what we need." Naruto said with a gigantic smile as the pages returned to his hands. "How could I be of service to you Uzumaki-san." The younger man asked looking excited to have pleased his boss.

"Well, to start of I would like this manga to have a weekly chapter release schedule with a volume of 10 chapters being realised every 2 and ½ months." Naruto told him seeing the shock on his face.

"In return we will give you full creative control and if this manga is successful, you might just find yourself sitting with the rest of us."

"Thank you, boss." The young man spoke as he bowed towards the older male.

"Oi, Oda-san what's the name of your story." Naruto asked while he scratched the back of his head since he forgot to ask him.

"One Piece."


"Hey, Oda-san and Mika-san will you guys join me for a drink down the road." Naruto asked as he went to exit the door of his office. Mika and Oda seemed shock that their boss would invite them out so suddenly.

"Sorry boss it's my son's birthday tonight." Oda told his boss with a gigantic smile on his face since he didn't have time to attend his birthday last year because he was busy with One Piece and his passion towards the story is very high. "Same here Uzumaki-san I have plans with my daughter." The smile on her face was the same as that on Oda.

"Oh, that alright I'll maybe get you guys next time and by the way Maki-san I won't be coming in for a week or 2 got personal matters to deal with." He said whilst smiling towards both his colleagues.

"Goodnight boss!" they both walked in the direction of their homes leaving Naruto standing outside alone.

"*sigh* Maybe one day I can also have a family." Naruto spoke as he disappeared to his apartment to get ready for the start of project Invincible.


"Is your pills ready Kisuke-san." Asked Naruto as he walked with Kisuke towards the portal which was ready to start operating.

"Ah, yes Naruto-kun…here you go." She spoke as she handed him the pill which will allow his soul to exist his body but still allowing for the tailed beasts to stay inside of his body.

"Good." Naruto spoke with grim face as he would be fully alone without the beasts now. He proceeded to swallow the pill which.

"Wow, that's weird to see your body from outside." He spoke whilst wearing his Hokage clothing. "You get used to it." Kisuke said with a smile on her face.

"Well let's get this started with."


"So, this is Soul Society." he spoke as he looked towards the poor people around him. He then stood still as he sensed Orihime and Uryu struggling a bit.

'Guess those brats really do need my help.' He thought with a gentle laugh leaving his mouth as he used his Shunshin no jutsu to travel towards the two.

'Appears to be a force field surrounding this place.' He thought to himself as he pulled his sword out ready to slash the barrier. Until gigantic building pieces fell in front of him. He then put his sword back in his sheath and prepared to use one of his ninjutsu techniques on it.

"Rasengan!" he shouted whilst clashing with the object immediately destroying it, sending the pieces all over. The Shinigami and souls around him were shocked by his move as they never though someone could do that.




Three figures appeared in front of him wearing a white cloak around their Shinigami outfits.

The first figure he saw was a rather short kid, with turquoise eyes and short, spiked, white hair, which tends to draw attention in the Human World. He wears a standard sleeveless captain's cloak with a green sash around his shoulders, held together by a round, star-like clip. The sash holds his Zanpakuto's sheath in place on his back and is tied to it at either end.

The second he saw was a rather gigantic man who had a helmet over his face.

He saw another man who had long white hair which was reaching his waist. He wears it parted on the left side with one long piece that tends to fall over his right eye. He has green eyes. Ukitake wears the standard Shinigami outfit with a long-sleeved captain's cloak, and a crimson lining. He wears a narrow white obi, in which he secures his Zanpakutō.

"So, you three must be captains." Naruto told them as he got his blade out ready for his first battle in a very long time.

"Ukitake-san this man is dangerous." Spoke the short man towards the rather sickly-looking man.

"You are right Hitsugaya-kun, we will have to go full out for this." The sick man spoke whilst placing his hands on his blades on either side of his hips.

"Roar! Todoroko!" the gigantic man activated his blade trying to surprise Naruto. There appeared a second blade next to his own body but twice his own size.

"Wait Komamura!" Ukitake shouted towards the man as Naruto unsheathed his blade only to disappear and then appear behind the beast man.

"Ah!" The gigantic man yelled as blood sprayed from his body in a straight line down the middle causing his helmet to crack revealing his beastly face.

"Lay down good boy." Naruto said as he kicked the man-beast on his back sending him tumbling through trees.

"Guess we gotta be serious." The short man said as he unsheathed his blade.

"Bankia! Daiguren Hyōrinmaru!"

"Your right Hitugaya-san." The sickly man spoke as he got his blades in an attacking stance.

"All Ye Waves, Become My Shield. All Ye Thunder, Become My Blade" the man spoke as water and thunder started appearing on either blade respectively.

When Naruto saw all these men activated their power forms, he couldn't help but grin.

"Let's hope you boys can entertain me for a while. "He spoke meeting them eaech in the eye whilst pulling his blade in front of him in a horizontal axis.

"Kitsune de asobu!"

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