HIATUS! For now, check out my other books. The ones I am currently working on are as follows: The Misunderstood Heroic Villain Humanity Rising: War Slaughtering the Gods
While waiting for us to arrive at the asteroid belt, I shut myself in my workshop again to finish the fine tuning of the Ethereal Loop, for which I've just decided the name. The only work I had left was to create the chamber that would hold the heart and extract the energy, it wasn't difficult at all and finished everything in a mere hour. I honestly want to try and continue to perfect the device but without the heart, I've got no ideas for improving it at all.
It's been seven days since we set out from Cuiseria, and we only have one more day until we arrive at the asteroid belt that the beast was sighted. This will be my first time trying to catch one of this mysterious beasts, so I've got to go take a look in my vault of gadgets and devices to see what I can use to capture on of these guys alive.
"Oh wait, Sarah took everything out of there when I gave her permission. Almost went to an empty vault for nothing." I mutter under my breath as I do a u-turn back towards the living quarters areas.
A few minutes later I walk in front of a tightly closed door where I lightly knock a couple of times hoping that she is not currently to busy to answer the door. It seems luck is on my side as she nearly instantly opens up and looks at me curiously as I almost never come to knock on her door.
"Sorry but I'm not gonna be training today Zen, I'm too physically tired to do anything exhausting." Sarah quickly tells me while yawning
"Nope, not here to get you back in the training room. I'm here for the large collection of gadgets and everything else you've taken from the vault as I want to take a look see if anything might be helpful in the upcoming hunt." I say quickly dismissing her previous concerns.
"Oh that's it. Yah most of them are over in that closet over there. I've been checking them all out and having some fun seeing what they all do." She points over to the closet in the back while snickering at the amount of joy she has had from messing with all the neat gadgets she found gathering dust in my vault.
I walk over to the closet and open it, only to see a large pile of random items that all look completely different wether it is color, shape or size. I get down on my knees to quickly sort through the large pile to see if I find any of He old gadgets I had would help me. Let's see, a shrink ray, no; a shapeshifting armor, no.
As I sort through all of these items that I had forgotten about through time I found a few fun items such as the New Sky which can actually instantaneously change the current weather if placed properly on the planet, or the Interchanger which can switch the genetic code of two living beings to create an entire new species; sadly it doesn't work on the ancient races due to all the unknowns surrounding the ancients.
Ah yes, finally found two items that can help catch the Space Beast alive, these two items are called the "Eternal Prison" and "Soul Harpoon". First the Eternal Prison which is a small cub that looks very similar to Earths Rubik's cube and when you designate any target within twenty meters as the prisoner, it will expand to their size to capture them and the shrink both the prison and prisoner to the original cubes size. The only way to escape is to have something that can either ignore or negate the prison, or be a God/Demon with supernatural powers that can just break the device.
The second gadget which is the Soul Harpoon is a small translucent handgun that shoots a thin translucent hook and chain towards the target. It has a range of 150 meters and does zero damage to to the targets body and only small damage to their soul. Good thing I only need the beast alive and not it's soul undamaged. The moment it connects to the targets soul, the guns gears start to crank and pull the chain back towards the user. As it is impossible to pull a beings soul out from their body pre-death, you would not have to worry about it not being able to pull them to you. Only beings with extraordinary souls or innate ability's would be able to escape the grasp of the Soul Harpoon.
Most of the other gadgets are either irrelevant to the situation or are just to weak or ineffective for the situation or Space Beast. The only problem now is to figure out how to get within range without getting swallowed by the black hole in its mouth.
Sorry about not posting any chapters lately. I’m currently on vacation with my family in Tokyo so I’ve been quite busy, but I should still get some time here and there to write. I’m hope for everyone’s continued support of my first novel.