
The Last Days. The end of the world

Survive in a world filled with the infected and monsters. Expect the unexpected. Beware of the incoming danger. Nicolas and his friends will explore the world as they travel to the safe zone. The world isn't the same anymore... Will they survive till the end? You'll find out...

Nicolas_Khoo · Ciencia y ficción
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13 Chs

Lead to victory

My eyes opened. I could see the sun again. Felicia was waiting beside me as I lay on a hospital bed. My vision was blurry and I looked around. Felicia was giving her blood to me. 

I woke up and moaned, "Where am I? Am I dead? Did I die?" 

She smiled at me with a life-threatening grin. She took out a knife and stabbed me right in my heart. I blacked out again…

I woke up. It was a nightmare. It was sunset and just like the nightmare, Felicia was waiting beside me, but deep asleep. I sat up on the bed and she woke up. She requested me to lie down again as she got up to get me some water. I was scared of the nightmare. 

I questioned myself, "Is she going to grab the knife to stab me?" 

I was hopelessly lying in bed, waiting for what was next.

"Where am I?" I asked. 

"We are in the safe zone! We are finally safe!" She cried at me and rushed to hug me while putting down a cup of water beside me. 

"The doctor said you will recover in about three days" Rest well, I'm going to go play with the kids." She nodded. 

I just blinked with tears in my eyes as I watched her leave my bedside. 

"I'm finally safe…" I said to myself, "But what's next?"

Three days later…

I was standing on the walls, looking at the yellow sunset from between the broken-down skyscrapers. I saw a herd in the distance. A herd of walkers rushed towards our base. I ran around trying the warn the others but no one cared. Then, Felicia came running towards me in tears. 

"You are infected by the walkers' virus!" She cried. 

I was shocked and my jaw dropped. I still had humanity in me for now. At least to last till the end of this fight. The final one.

We all readied our weaponry. I looked through the telescope and saw Loki. He was leading the whole army here. I was ready to save my people. Even if it meant sacrificing my own life. I kissed Felicia one last time and hugged the kids the final time. I told Sam and take care of my family when I'm gone…

The herd was fast approaching and I was ready. Ready for battle. I wore my favorite shoes and my favorite suit for the last time. 

"If I'm going to fall, I'm not going easily bitch!" I shouted at the herd. 

I wore bombs around me and a shotgun on the side. Two rifles and two swords, a rocket launcher, and a frag grenade. I threw the frag grenade as my comrades fired from behind. I marched outside the walls and looked at my wife and kids one last time, knowing I'd miss them. 

I shouted at the herd again, "Come at me, baby!" 

And took out my two rifles, one of each arm, and started spraying on the walkers. RPGs were blasted from my back into the herd as we blooded the entire road. Loki emerged between the walkers and I took my shotgun and blasted at his head. He fell but got back up, without a scratch. 

He roared, "AHAAHAAHAA, I am invincible! Join me, brother! And we will rule the world!" 

I gave him one last look of disappointment and pulled the pin of the frag grenade in my pocket. I ignited all the bombs on my vest. And blasted as many walkers as I can. 

With tears in my eyes, flowing down my face like waterfalls from my vacation when I was 6 years old. My life flashed before my eyes. I was grateful the have a wife like Felicia. I was grateful the have a brother like Sam. I was grateful to have a life like this. 

I looked Loki straight in the eyes and said, "It is time to go, buddy."

I stabbed my sword straight into Loki's head and blood started to spit out like a fountain.

 I shouted a war cry, "WAHAHAHAHA!"

I stared into Loki's eyes as the time was ticking. It was then and only then, I felt relieved. 

"3…2…1…0… Boom!" 

Everything went white…

I had successfully killed Loki and 1000 thousand walkers. I felt grateful for everything I had done. I knew that I made my life worth it. At least I saved my family and friends… I was in heaven. The last days are finally over… 

Out of the rubble and debris of the walkers, A blooded hand emerged. Someone must stop him. But who will? I am dead. So, who will stop the evil forces and save Earth? We are still not safe in this world…