
The Last Days. The end of the world

Survive in a world filled with the infected and monsters. Expect the unexpected. Beware of the incoming danger. Nicolas and his friends will explore the world as they travel to the safe zone. The world isn't the same anymore... Will they survive till the end? You'll find out...

Nicolas_Khoo · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


It has been 20 years. 20 years since the hero of our people fell to the walkers. Those monsters are still roaming the streets. It is still not safe. 

Looking into the sunset beside my father's grave, I was angered. Angered and broken I lost my father to the monsters and I promised that would protect my mother at all costs. I stood there as the wind blew around me. I couldn't shed a tear out of my eye. I want to prove to my father that I am strong. Stronger than him. Stronger than before…

20 years ago…

"There he was!" A man shouted.

We were looking through the piles of bloodied bodies, searching for what was left of my dad. My mother, Felicia, was beside me, in tears, protecting me as I was in her arms. 

A group of men pushed the bodies of the walkers as what was left of my father and my uncle came into view. A head. A head of Loki and the necklace of my father. My mother picked up the necklace and squeezed it in her palms. Tears flowed down like rivers and streams down her face. I didn't even know what to say. I was just a kid. A kid who would proudly take my late father's place.

We held a funeral for my father. A grand hall was constructed in honor of my late father. Red curtains hung from the roof and a statue of Jesus Christ stood in the middle. Looks like a church? A heron honored like a god. The hall was fabulous. 

"He was a man that we all loved. He was the man who saved us. He will forever be our hero in our hearts!" shouted a soldier. 

I attended the funeral and it ended quickly. My other brother, Felix was also there. He was just like me. Clueless at what was happening. 

"Take this toy car." He ordered me.

"Nah, I'm mourning for our late father's death," I replied.

He was younger than me. Two seconds younger. We were twins but he was somehow dumber than me. 

I found myself standing on the stage, talking about how great of a father he was. We sang along to the holy songs and we paid respect to his gravestone. We, as in me, my mother, and Felix, were the last ones to leave his gravestone's side. I couldn't imagine my mother's pain.

The day ended soon enough. The sun was setting. It was my first time on the walls, looking over the gate. The sun and I looked at each other before it parted into the horizon. 

"The moon had risen!" shouted my uncle, Sam.

I looked back and there he was. 

"Uncle Sam you're back!" I cried. 

I rushed to hug him tight. He was back from standing guard. 

"Yes, little one. I am back from protecting my people! It isn't as easy as it looks!" He spoke. 

"I will protect these people one day," I replied as I stood up. 

"Yes, little one. One day, one day…" He whispered into the air…

Chapter 11

"Cling, Cling, Cling!" The alarm rang. 

My grown-up eyes opened to the world. It was a cool morning. The weather was nice. No snow nor rain but it was cool. A fog of low and high mist was there. The time was 6:30 a.m. The sun was waiting to rise. It was early in the morning. Sam came into our house, barging in. 

"What's wrong?" I questioned him.

"One of the soldiers! They got infected! Now the whole camp is in chaos!" He answered. 

I got up as fast as the flash and noticed my mother was outside. I grabbed the shotgun from Sam's hand and rushed out. 

"Mother!" I cried.

I shot every person running towards her, blasting their heads off. I ran in and grabbed her. Uncle Sam covered fire. I led myself and my mother inside the house and we all barricaded the doors and the windows. Felix just woke up and came downstairs. He was struck with bloodied windows and fortified doors. A look of horror flashed across his face. 

"What, what's going on?" he stuttered. 

"I'll explain later! We need to fortify the windows and doors first!" I shouted.

"Boys! Here! Take one pistol each. You'll need it!" he ordered. 

We proceeded to take one each and we all were gathering into the kitchen. We were all thinking. Thinking about what we should do. I and Felix had never been in these situations before. 

"Oliver! Check how much food we have! We will have to ration them!" Sam ordered.

I agreed and opened the fridge. We got canned food and 5 bottles of water. Just enough for two days at least. We then heard a bang on our roof. Uncle Sam went ahead and checked it. He slowly pushed the window to the roof open. 


It was Rebeca. An old friend of my late father.

"Aunty R! You're alive!" Felix shouted. "I thought you died."

She replied with a smirk. Sam welcomed her in and checked her for bite marks. Luckily, she wasn't bitten. 

"Ok, so, making noises can and will attract these infected people so we will need to stay as quiet as possible. All right?" He asked.

We all nodded, scared to death…

The next morning, we all looked out from upstairs. The streets were deserted. Piles of trash and some human body parts were scattered across the street. It was a blood bath outside. I stepped outside from the window of the upstairs and looked over the town we once knew. 

"So, this is what's left of it," I commented.

Sam put his index finger in front of my mouth, signaling me to be quiet. We didn't want to attract any walkers or the infected to us. We climbed down the house and left for good, leaving the town which used to be the former safe zone, searching for what's left of humanity. Our destiny awaits us…

28th September 2033

Traversing through the woods, we were hungered for days now. We had run out of canned food and we were running low on water. A map would be really useful right now. We hadn't run into one of those giant steams where freshwater flows. The natural noise of the water splash also allows us to speak freely there. It is okay if we don't make too much noise. Our dry lips await those juicy apples. I'm guessing we couldn't even last two days anymore. We were weak. Weak into the core of our belly.