
The last crowned nightwalker-Rise of the vampire king

Everything fair in love and war. He knows he is lots of enemy even , if he is not born yet,but it will difficult to think that the person kill him in disguise of love . Vlam laughing like a mad man, he is shattered,and broken too , but he know he has the power to change the world. He is looking Amaira with an questioning look "love will you tell me , What sin I committed" when he is saying the statement the word ""love"" is one word he is stammering to say. "Actually I'm sorry betrayer right , now you tell Me ,where you came from, or İ will let you the taste of death in neno second" Amaira is not feared from the vampire king ,she stood stand infront of him ,and said"do you think I'm an normal being that you can kill in seconds" The vlam vampire king laugh bitterly and said , "do you know that vampire never die " Amaira smirked and saud"İndeed İ Know You can't die ,But you can punished by the curse of the fairy princess" Vlam uplift his eyebrows looking towards her "oh so you fairy princess right, You must know that when a vampire loves someone, he looses all his control,And when love becomes a trap, then they lose all control and become uncontrollable.". vlam tightly hold the hand of the Amaira and force her to look into his eyes "You know, when you came in my dreams, I felt that I have completed myself somewhere,But today I am hating myself, what had I seen that I lost myself in you too" "Love is the biggest curse of this world, but don't know why people love it" "The story you have started, I will finish it, this story is of deception and fraud, from this time onwards people will call fairy clan is cheater" "History will be a witness to this, a fairy princess had to kill a vampire with the drama of love, and the lie of marriage." suddenly the vlam forcefully turned the Amaira on his side and choking her neck mercilessly. while the Amaira is trying hard to breath. when vlam noticed that Amaira eyes are closed because of suffocation, he let her free from his hands . When he free Amaira from his hands ,for a minutes she is at the ground lifelessly. Vlam looking towards her at approx one minute unexpectedly one eye of him is watering then ,he lowered his head, now at this crucial moment out of sudden the riddles of the truth tree, keep replaying into his mind . Now he is able to connect every spear by spear ,but still unable to find and appropriate meaning. Amaira pov Amaira is trying hard to stand by herself,she looked to the vlam the almighty vampire king , who is lowering his head . Suddenly she heard the voice of Veronica in her mind "Amaira this is indeed good opportunity, please go and kill him " Amaira eyes are watering and she is unable to respond any replies to Veronica she said"I'm exhausted by making tons if plans to kill , doesn't he is hurt by the realisation I'm actually betrayed,İn this world,nothing cost more than betrayed in love ,but directly or indirectly I'm also committed a sinful crime " Veronica than again said "The mother of vlam is actually an aunt of yours " Amaira is puzzled in her thoughts but she hear the word"aunt" she came out of her thoughts and listening each and every single word of Veronica, by listening all he detail her eyes drenched in the pool of hatred ,and she want to kill vlam very instantly. "

siara2023_ · Fantasía
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19 Chs

The secret Queen

As he young king continue to search the girl in the portrait he encountered the rumours of the secret society.

He ordered his credit worthy warrior to investigate the matter deeply.

Young king Vlam was always hope himself by saying "whenever I find you , you have to be mine"

Days after days, months after months ,years after years.

There is not a glimpse of her, it's seems she is disappeared from the world,

But to suprised the love of viam never fade away, it's getting deeper day by day, months after months, years after years.

After straight one years passed and the warrior he sent to investigate the matter of secret society has returned.

When young king get to knew that secret society has the capability to tell anyone future with hundreds percent guarantee.

In the group of warriors there was his old friends Azazel.

Azazel -we also get to knew that the secret society members are excellence in prediction of future events.

vlam seems really interested in knowing the future.

Vlam- we should atleast try them first .

Azazel-seems really good deal.

Vlam - Do you know exactly where they actually form a society.

Azazel- there is no prominent place where all are gathered but there is some days where all secret members came into the contact of eachother,

Vlam - Then what's the day is .

Azazel thinking about the day, which someone already told him about it.

Azazel -The full moon day .

Vlam- Do you know anything also.

Azazel-yes highness , secret society is a group of humans where they possessed the spiritual energy to protect the weaklings from the supernatural beast.

Vlam - What about his leader

Azazel -It is no clear yet, because the leader always cover his /her face while interacting his /her members too, everyone says that he/ she possess the ultimate power of telekensis, biokensis,and much more ,not yet revealed.

Vlam - It seems the person not everyone's cup of tea, we have to deal him wisely and effectively.

Azazel - yes highness.


the conversation The vampire king turned his head and walking forward, without looking back .

Then out of blue Azazel asked a question which made the vampire king step shakkened .

Azazel while thinking suddenly a question popped in his mind without thinking twice he asked the question.

Azazel-Highness did you find your future wife .

Vlam has stopped for a minute and trying hard to process what to say??

vlam- No yet I'm still finding her.

Azazel understand it ,while nodding his head

When the full moon night came the soldier of the vampire king marched towards the country side .

In order to meet the leader of the secret society, accompanied by Vlam,Azazel,and some courageous soldiers along with them

The full moon rose high in the sky, casting a pale glow over the countryside. The wind howled through the trees, rustling their leaves and sending shivers down the spines of any who dared venture outside. Clouds raced across the sky, their shapes constantly changing as they were pushed along by the powerful gusts.

The moon was so bright that it seemed almost as if it were day, albeit a strange and eerie one. Shadows were cast in sharp relief, making everything seem otherworldly and strange. The tall grasses that grew along the roadside swayed back and forth, their movement amplified by the wind. Small twigs and leaves skittered across the ground, driven by the force of the gusts.

As the night wore on, the wind intensified, causing tree branches to creak and groan under the strain. The full moon illuminated the landscape, casting long shadows that seemed to stretch out into infinity. The wind was so strong that it was almost difficult to walk, and those who were brave enough to venture out were forced to lean forward and struggle against the invisible force.

Despite the danger and foreboding atmosphere, there was a certain beauty to the scene. The moonlight made everything seem ethereal and mysterious, and the way the wind stirred everything up made it seem as though the very world itself was alive and breathing. The full moon night was a time of power, of change, and of hidden magic lurking just beyond the veil of perception.

while marched near the country the vampire king Vlam seems in dilemma about the meeting.

As an vampire king sense of foreboding or bad omen may be unsettling and unwelcome. While he is a creature of darkness and thrives on fear and uncertainty, even he can recognize when something feels off or wrong.

He is trying hard to settle his skewed feeling of bad omen.

Azazel the child hood best friend of king suddenly notice the unsettled expression on the face of vlam.

Azazel- what happened king is there any thing bothering you.

Vlam is in his deep thought when he acknowledged that someone is calling him he,came into sense

Vlam - I don't know Azazel, but It felt like that something is meant to happen, which is ofcourse not good in terms of ours .

Azazel -I Know king you are already burden of kingdom as well for your future wife,so your mind is hallucinating things,which are not meant to happen.

Vlam - I should hope too .

While chatting and talking they came across the bridge which meant to help them to reach countryside.

But unexpectedly the bridge is actually devastated , like someone knowing did it.

when the soldier saw this ,they instantly stop and waiting their king for instructions.

Azazel- why are you guys stop moving

Then after a minute ago a soldier came near them and said.

Soldier -Commander the bridge is broken,

Azazel shocked for a second and asked in frustration