
Little Fairy almost gets murdered

Unfortunately Yun Che didn't do anything, but something did happen! The woman tracked Yun Che down and offered him twice the price for a fire crystal or something, Cross wasn't paying attention before.


Yun Che said that the crystal wouldn't help and that her poison would be cured in 20-30 years. Then he told her that he could potentially cure her in 10 days as he walked away but she stopped him and said that she would greatly appreciate him curing her.

Yun Che said that he could do it and gave his residence before leaving with a whistle.

When Yun Che got back to his residence the woman was already there. Yun Che said that he wanted 3 requests to which the woman agreed and Yun Che said he wanted to know her name, but the girl refused so Yun Che called her Little Fairy.

Little Fairy flared up and said that she was old enough to be his elder to which Yun Che responded that she was an unreasonable woman and that he wasn't treating her anymore. Little Fairy gave in and agreed to let him call her that, Yun Che smiled cheekily and said his second request was to see her face to which Little Fairy denied again.

This woman was really unreasonable!

Yun Che said "Whatever." and moved to his last request which was to protect him for 3-4 months but not right now, 2 months later. Little Fairy agreed and Yun Che started treating her, but there was a poison spirit in her!

Which was bad.

So Yun Che took it out!

Which was good.

But he grabbed her breast to do so!

Which was bad.

But the Spirit came out!

Which was good.

But Little Fairy's aura flared for a split second in rage before noticing the spirit and taking it back.

Which was bad.

Cross stepped out and destroyed the aura, grabbing Little Fairy's neck at the same time. Little Fairy trembled in fear at the sudden intruder and couldn't move a muscle. Cross' expression was ice-cold as he said "You're trying to kill him after he saved you? Sure enough, the Frozen Whore sect is filled with cunts."

Yun Che tapped him and said "It was an accident!" Cross squeezed his hand with narrowed eyes as he said "Was it an accident? Maybe me crippling you will be an accident too?" Little Fairy choked out "It was an accident! I swear, senior!" Cross dropped her with disgust as he said "You live.... For now."

Before disappearing.

Yun Che helped her up and said "Are you okay?" Little Fairy nodded and said "Who was that?" Yun Che said "My brother, he had a little altercation with the Frozen Immortal Sect before. I'm sorry..." then he explained that he can cure her in an instant, before doing so and revealing that his intentions to keep her were impure from the beginning.

Little Fairy rubbed her neck and said softly "It's alright, the sisters from my sect can be hateful sometimes... Thank you, Yun Che." Yun Che smiled and Little Fairy disappeared, Yun Che sighed before hearing Little Fairy's voice "I will return in 2 months as per out agreement!"

Yun Che jumped for joy. Jasmine snorted and said "Don't be too happy yet, you will still lose to that Murong whatever guy." Yun Che dimmed and Cross laughed as he appeared saying "You should keep that sword on you at all times now, get used to the feeling."

Yun Che looked at him and said "Only in the Profound room, not outside. I need that guy to underestimate me..." Cross nodded and said "A cautious approach! I haven't been cautious in years! Ahh..." as he got lost in his memories, Jasmine rolled her eyes and said "I will teach you the 'Heavenly Wolf Hell God's Tome' perhaps you are the last inheritor..."

As she tapped Yun Che's forehead and transferred the Art to him, imprinting it in his mind.

Cross didn't even ask and grabbed Jasmine as he said "We got two months to spar! Come on!" before teleporting to the Sky Poison Pearl. Jasmine smiled slightly, happy that he didn't ask her for the Art too.

Cross wasn't too interested in her brother's Art or skills, she forced the 'Great Way of the Buddha' on him or he would've never asked. He knew that it brought up bad memories for her and he didn't want her to be sad, she was his friend and sparring partner.

2 months came and went

Cross basically sparred all day with Jasmine and went to sleep with Luna, dual cultivating almost every night. He learned that purposely dual cultivating with her basically sterilized him and turned his cum into pure Yang energy, so there was no chance of Luna getting pregnant again, not that it mattered.

If they wanted another, Cross had dozens of ways to increase both their fertility. The same with anybody really. He could probably have had dozens of kids if he wanted, but how was he supposed to take care of so many kids?! It was impossible, he had his hands full with two, maybe more in the future, but now, he didn't even think about it.

Cross' moves became even more forceful and reckless but they were getting smoother and smoother, as it the Mace was an extension of his own body. His cultivation had also risen to Spirit Profound Peak.

Today was the day of Yun Che's arranged fight.

He occasionally came into the Sky Poison Pearl and sparred with Cross, trying to get a feel for the Heavenly Wolf Hell God Tome's moves. Cross pushed him to his absolute limits with his own reckless style, forcing Yun Che to adapt constantly to someone trying to kill him with his own life on the line.

Cross was standing outside Yun Che's residence while he was assaulting Xuerou's mouth with his tongue. He looked down at his watch, it seemed like time was wonky around here..


Yun Che was finally done and walked out, holding Xuerou's small hand, with a satisfied and happy smile. Xuerou's face was completely red and she looked at the ground. Cross said "Ready?" Yun Che nodded and they went to the arena.

Yun Che let go of Xuerou and walked to the stage by himself. Xuerou got worried and Cross slapped her shoulders as he said "Don't worry, sister-in-law! If he loses, I'll kill him myself." Xuerou didn't feel better hearing that and got more nervous.

Cross rolled his eyes and waved, Luna walked out of the crack with Zephyr and Pandora, they jumped on Cross then jumped to Xuerou shouting "Aunty!" Xuerou was overwhelmed by the two and caught them as best as she could. Pandora and Zephyr chuckled, climbing all over Xuerou's body until Pandora sat on her shoulders and Zephyr clung to her back.

Xuerou gave a soft smile and said gently "Did you miss me?" The two nodded happily, Pandora pouted "Mean Daddy won't let us out of the castle!" Zephyr added "He's a big cunt!" Cross smacked him and said "Who are you calling a cunt, you little brat!"

Zephyr chuckled and hid behind Xuerou with a sneer as he said "You!" Cross almost spat out blood and waved, Zephyr flew into his hands and Cross gave him a devilish grin. Zephyr started to sweat as he said "It was just a joke?"

Cross chuckled grimly as he flipped Zephyr over and spanked him, Zephyr teared up and said with a sneer "Mom, smacks harder than you!" Cross smacked him silly and Zephyr held his red bottom with he sniffled, holding his tears back.

Xuerou hugged him and glared at Cross saying "This is how you treat your own kids?!" Cross stiffened and Zephyr gave him a smug smile before pretending "Pretty Aunt! My daddy's a meany! Waaaah!" Xuerou clicked her tongue and rubbed his back as she said "It's okay, the big meanie won't bother you anymore."

Cross was stunned and Luna laughed before saying "Seems like a certain little boy wants double studies... Acting like a brat.." she clicked her tongue and Zephyr stiffened. Pandora burst out in silver-bell like laughter as Zephyr's predicament.

Everyone looked over and saw the group before being stunned, who was this new woman with Lan Xuerou?!

Cross said "Come here. Let Aunt Xuerou watch the match." Pandora and Zephyr reluctantly left Xuerou to Luna and Cross. Pandora sat on Cross' shoulders and Luna held Zephyr on her arms as she teased "My little boy~" Zephyr blushed but didn't refute.

All the guys clicked their tongues at the sight, while some had greedy looks regardless. Cross snorted at the looks and everyone who had a greedy look, suddenly had their eyes bleed as they lost their sight.

Luna rolled her eyes and said "At least they're not dead I guess." Cross said snappily "They don't cherish their sight, I will take it from them." Xuerou smiled softly and they all watched Yun Che's fight.

It was pretty quick after Yun Che took out his sword, 3 sword strikes and Primordial Murong was finished.

Cross yawned as Qin Wuyou stepped in and announced that Yun Che won. He also announced that Yun Che would take Murong's place as 73rd on the Supreme Ultimate Heaven Defying God Palace Genius Rankings or SUHDGPGR for short.

Then he awarded Yun Che with a Goldscale Dragon Transformation Pellet. These names were getting under Cross' skin, especially the SUHDGPGR, what kind of name was that anyway?!

Yun Che was dragged back to his room by Xuerou as she took great care of his wound. Cross sent Luna and the kids back after a lovely kiss, Luna sauntered into the space crack with a soul stirring smile. Cross almost went after her before cursing the vixen in his heart, she really knew how to make him excited.

Cross was sitting in the room and apparently Yun Che had no problem with this as he kissed Xuerou again. Cross rolled his eyes and occupied himself with little string puppets, suddenly the door was kicked open and Qin Wuyou laughed as he said "You brat! I had to come and give the Go- EH? I-I-I-I-I G-G-GOT THE W-WRONG RO-ROOM!" before leaving in a hurry.

Yun Che sighed and Xuerou's face was red as an apple as she grabbed the bloodstained clothes and bolted.

Cross burst out laughing and slapped the table, Yun Che had an annoyed look on his face as Qin Wuyou walked back into the room saying "B-Brat!" Yun Che sighed and said "Instructor Qin, why are you so flustered? Could it be that you don't have a wife?"

Qin Wuyou stiffened and Cross held his stomach, falling back to the floor and laughing with tears in his eyes. Qin Wuyou coughed and said "Well, anyway.. I came to give you the g-" Cross cut him off and said "Yes, yes, the Golden shithead pellet. Get to the juicy stuff, old man. You're not getting any younger!"

Qin Wuyou almost spat out blood and Yun Che said "What else did you come for Elder?" Qin Wuyou glared at Cross before saying "If you truly do want to be with Xuerou, you should be prepared to face hurdle after hurdle. If not then forget about it and stay away from her. Her true identity is bigger than you could possibly imagine."

Cross rolled his eyes and Yun Che said "What is it?" Qin Wuyou said "The Emperor's only daughter, Cang Yue." Yun Che stiffened and Qin Wuyou added "She changed her name to 'Lan Xuerou' because she was looking for someone and her mother's last name was Lan, before she passed she changed the Princess' name to 'Xuerou' hoping that she would stay as pure as the white snow, and distance away from the corruption and impurities of the world."

Cross quipped "A bit too late for that, eh?" Qin Wuyou said "Yes, well anyway. This is her true identity. Also...." Qin Wuyou started explaining everything in the palace and why Cang Yue was out of the Imperial city.

After what felt like hours

Cross was snoring with his head resting on his palm and his elbow leaning on the table, there was drool escaping his lips and he had a goofy smile on his face.

He was awoken with a nudge. he fluttered open his eyes and said "Jasmine, Luna?" before his eyes opened wide and he jumped back saying "Ahem* Cang Yue, don't you know when to knock?!" Cang Yue froze and said worriedly "Did Instructor Qin tell you!? Does Yun Che know?! Is that why he's hiding from me?!"

Cross patted her head and teleported her to the roof before disappearing into the Sky Poison Pearl.

Cross didn't even speak and charged at Jasmine with his mace, Jasmine jumped and dodged before fighting back. As they started sparring without a sound.

Does 8 look like top 5 to you guys? Cus it doesnt to me.

Monkey_Godkingcreators' thoughts