
The Knight of Ruin(DxD)

In his past life, Romonus Gremory was named Andrew. He was brought over to this new world because of his boss Rahvdall, the god of Insanity. He was tasked with breaking the fate of DxD or Canon because gods like his boss feed on the chaos of broken fate to grow stronger. Romonus is all for it as he gets to enjoy the perks of being in a lewd world like DxD.

A_Real_Werewolf234 · Cómic
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123 Chs


With a smile, Romonus felt how his four familiars began to wake up he was quite pleased. It had just been a few hours since they began to evolve, but being without them sucked. While he took this time to relax, he turned to one of his Greater Demons. 

"You, track down Boreas and his daughter Chione for me." 

With a bow, the giant Demon teleported away to get that done. In the mean time Romonus, he released his familiars from his soul as they wanted out. Kharn, the Honey Badger did not look any different other than the fact he was a bit bigger and more streamlined.

He did double in size, but that was still rather small. His colors were still white and black, but his claws were no longer blood red. They were a dark purple and they glittered like gemstones. 

Next to him, Grimaldus the Living Automaton Wolverine also did not look any different. Through the contract he shared with Latia's and Ajuka's creation, he could feel that the AI programming and Soul of Grimaldus now ran on Infernal Divinity. 

Grimaldus was also an intelligent self-learning AI with a soul, but now that he effectively also had Divine Energy running through him his weapon systems so got an upgrade. 

"Now, I worry what you two little insane Weaseles are going to do." 

Rather than respond, they both just climbed up his legs to get to his shoulders. As for Azi Dahaka, the three-headed dragon was even bigger than before. Before, he used to be 80 meters long which was almost as big as Great Red who was 100 meters long from Nose to Tail. 

Now, Azi was around the same length as Great Red. 

"Hey, Azi, I wanted to ask you a question. Since I am a Demon God and you evolved in my soul, does that make you a Dragon God?" 

Azi sat on his butt as he began to think on that like a philosopher. 

"I can feel my Dragon Heart now has a spark of your Infernal Divinity and even my soul which is contracted to you has the same. However, to be classified as a Dragon God, I would need to have a concept of my own. 

I am a dragon made to kill gods, and I am the Dragon of Demonic Origins, but that doesn't mean I have a concept. I would need to find my concept if I want to be considered a Dragon God." 

Nisselred turned to the giant three-headed dragon and asked a question. 

"What about the Concept of Curses or Forbidden Magic? Those are your specialties are they not?" 

Azi Dahaka hummed as he tapped on the chin of his main head. While he used his two other brains to increase his thinking power. 

"Not a bad idea, Azi Dahaka, Dragon God of Forbidden Magics, sounds interesting." 

Natsume looked up at Azi who always seemed to get along with Romonus. However, he did rarely speak to them. 

"Hey, Azi, I got a question?" 

One of his heads lowered to look at Natsume who was holding Griffin who looked like a small tiger cub at the moment. 

"What is it?" 

"How do you feel about being in a contract with Romonus? He did kinda force you." 

Azi nodded. 

"I respect him, he proved to be my better and I follow him as a result. Though, if I ever become stronger than him, I will enslave him to my will as he did me." 

With a smirk, Romonus looked up at his Evil Dragon. 

"I respect that, though you do realize the chances of you being able to surpass me are slim." 

Azi Dahaka began to chuckle as he looked at Romonus. 

"That is true, but then again, we are only as powerful as he allows ourselves to be. Since you are superior, you are the master, if I leave you in the dust, guess who will serve?" 

"Me? Good luck." 

Romonus turned his head to look at his fourth and final familiar Mephiston his Royal Griffin. He walked up to the creature and began to run his hand down his eagle head. 

"I still love your species." 

He hugged the Griffon's head who nuzzled into his armored form. Seeing this, made Seekvaira smile as if there was one thing about Romonus, he loved his familiars. If that was how he treated his pets, thinking about how he would be as a Father made her happy. 

"Romonus, I do have a question, if you had to get one of us pregnant first who would it be?" 

Without even looking back, he answered. 

"Latia, she is my first fiance so, it makes sense I get her pregnant first." 

When he turned around, he could see that Seekvaira was proud of him. Latia was her best friend and the first to get engaged to Romonus. 

"Makes sense, if you had to have a boy or a girl, what would it be?" 

"Boy, boys are simple. Give them food, a cool pet, and a cool sword and they are happy. Though, I do want a cute daughter to raise like me." 

Seekvaira, Natsume, and Akeno looked at each other as they imagined a female Romonus. It was kind of hard because of how damn masculine he was. However, a daughter of Romonus that took after him would be scary. 

As for Nisselred, she didn't care as she was just the maid, nothing more. Though, if her chosen master wanted her to warm his bed, she would do so. Her mother had raised her, Grayfia, and their sister to always please their master. 

Though, thus far, Romonus was far too focused on his strength. Speaking of that, now that Azi Dahaka, Kharn, Grimaldus, and Mephiston were awake, he was ready to start his next campaign. 

He had limited time and he was on a timeline. Just as he was going to leave, the Greater Demon he sent out returned with his targets. In his giant hands were Boreas the Greek god of Winter and ice. 

He was also the personification of the North Wind and his daughter Chione goddess of Snow. Both of the Greek gods were alive as the Greater Demon had captured them instantly. 

"What you asked for, Master?" 

"Thank you." 

When the two gods were set at his feet, Romonus held his hands out as he looked through the memories of Hecate. She had some pretty dark spells, and he also had some of Azi Dahaka's spells and his own.

A large eight-pointed star formed under the two gods before Romonus' Infernal Divinity activated the ritual. It was rather a painless process as the souls and Divine Essences of the two gods were refined into a pure energy that Nisselred who had been resurrected by Romonus could use. 

He drew that energy into his palm, the distilled essence of two gods. He clasped his hands together and he formed a small crystal that released a blistering cold aura. It was Divine Energy refined in his own which he handed to Nisselred. 

"Here, this should upgrade your clan ability up a notch." 

"Thank you, Master." 

She held her hand out and she took the crystal. The moment her hand touched it, it burst into a stream of energy that entered her body through her palm. The Divine Essence of the two gods had been refined into Infernal Divinity which was already flowing through her body. 

She closed her eyes and took the chance to activate her Lucifuge clan ability which began to absorb the Divine Energy. He had already given her the talent of Serafall and now he gave her the refined essences of two gods. 

Thanks to the fact she was one of his Demons she quickly adapted. In a few short moments, she finished absorbing the energy contained in Boreas and Chione. When she was done, she took a few moments to get a feel for her new abilities. 

As one of Romonus' Demons, she was already blessed by the refined Serafall and two gods for her. She felt great, strong enough that she could defeat anyone who came against her or her master. 

"I feel great, thank you, Master." 

She bowed before Romonus stood up. 

"You are very welcome, come on, we are leaving Tartarus." 

Natsume looked up at him with a curious look on her face. 

"Who are you attacking next?" 

"Heaven. My Demons, prepare for combat. We are going to speed up our campaign." 

Since Miria left with one of his attack groups he only had nine Greater Demons, 90 Demon Princes, and 9,000 Demon Knights. Though, with his familiars awake and evolved he didn't need more than that. 

Seekvaira, Akeno, Natsume, and Nisselred prepared themselves as Romonus teleported them all directly into the first level of Heaven, called the first Heaven. The 'first floor' of Heaven, where the low-level Angels reside. It also serves as the front line of Heaven's defenses which Romonus breached. 

At the end of this level of Heaven was a towering golden gate and since Lucifer's Rebellion had been a mere hundred years ago, the Angels were slightly depleted. 1/3 of Angels joined Lucifer and that was not counting the amount killed on both sides during the fighting. 

To create his Angels, God had to use his Soul, Life Force, and Power so he weakened to make them. He would recover, in time, and in the last 100 years, he had been recovering the number of Angels to offset those who betrayed him and died. 

Currently, God was in the Seventh Heaven where he was constructing the initial Sacred Gear System to add to his current God System. This is where he lived where he created his Angels and where he would one day create the Sacred Gears. 

This was also before he discovered the existence of Trihexa so he was still much stronger than he was when he died. As he was working on his Sacred Gear System, his God System began to blare alarm bells in his mind informing him of intruders. 

His Omnipotence had not informed him of this because Romonus also had the Domain of Omnipotence. When he was focused on the first Heaven, and he saw the army of Demons he was alarmed. 

'What kind of creatures are these? No, what is that thing?' 

When he looked at Romonus he knew that one of the 'Devils' the foul creatures that Lucifer and his Fallen became had become a God. He knew all of his Angels, but he did not recognize Romonus. 

He didn't have time to react as Grimaldus moved forward. In a burst of Infernal Divinity, the Automaton opened his mouth as he brought forth one of his more deadly weapons. 

Phosphex, something Ajuka had made, but locked away behind several safeties. However, during his evolution, Grimaldus had removed them all releasing his most deadly weapons 

In the back of his throat, a pale purple and green flame began to burn. After a few short moments, Grimaldus released his breath unleashing a corrosive and toxic incendiary compound utterly inimical to life. Grimaldus moved his head from right to left releasing a massive burst of the stuff that expanded and ignited on contact with air and magic. 

The flames once they caught fire, turned into a seething liquid mist that burned with eerie purple-green flames that were attracted to movement and magic. The ground of Heaven caught fire as the magic used in its construction was used as fuel by the Phosphex. 

The Angels that were hit burned alive in the flames that started at their Halos and Wings which contained their magic. Then, their bodies and lastly their very souls. Grimaldus with a grin on his face, bent his upper body down as from his back several sets of rocket launchers formed. 

Salvo after salvo of Phosphex missiles and artillery hit the gate leading to the second Heaven. Angels fled in panic only for the seemingly sentient flames to chase after them. Seeing this sight, made Seekvaira turn to Grimaldus. 

"What the fuck is that?"

The answer came straight from the Wolverine's mouth as he turned to her with a grin. 


That was quite shocking to her that he could speak, but Romonus had known the entire time. Grimaldus, Kharn, and Mephiston could speak just like Azi could. They just chose to not speak since they didn't care about it. 

Romonus grinned at the sight of true Phosphex being used. He made sure to commit this to memory to show Latia who would want to see her child use Phosphex. He collected the souls of the dead Angels as he ordered his Demons to advance. 


Without hesitation, the Demon Knights, Demon Princes, and Greater Demons moved into the purple-green flames. The flames flowed over and on the Demons, but it did not harm them. Instantly, the entire Demonic army was covered in a coating of Phosphex. 

The flames had decided to buff the Demons. They did the same to Romonus, Seekvaira, Akeno, Nisselred and Natsume. When they were covered in the stuff, it made Natsume close her eyes expecting to be burned. 

However, when she opened her eyes she saw she was covered in the flames, but not being hurt. Romonus chuckled at the sight. 

"They won't hurt targets Grimaldus decides to spare. Come on, we are on a timetable." 

As they began to advance through the burned-down gate to the second Heaven, God intervened. His Divine Energy flowed through the first Heaven trying to extinguish the Phosphex and to save his children. 

However, the sentient flames refused to die out as they burned with Romonus' Infernal Divinity through his contract with Grimaldus. Romonus pressed back with his Infernal Divinity. 

"If you want those flames to go out, you better come down and face me, Romonus The Demon God. God to God."


(I am back and my PJ fanfic is a success. Now that I know it works I will have a third story in P-atreon as I like being able to make money of this hobby.)