
The Kings of The Unstable World

leoraph83 · Fantasía
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8 Chs

The beginning.

[Kage's POV, Protagonist #1. Mortal age:16]

Why? Why can't I remember? What happened before I came here?

Looking at him he doesn't really seem like my brother but one thing is certain and that is the only things I remember are my blood and my name.

"Oiii Kage" He yells "Come over here, I think I found something!" "Hm? What could he have possibly found" I think to myself. "Coming!" I yell as I walk over to him. He seems to be amazed staring at something but I see nothing there. "Huh? You're staring at....The forest?" I ask. "Oh? NO YOU ASS IM STARING AT THE FLOATING BLACK THING INFRONT OF MY EYES THAT SAYS "PERSONAL STATS, ATTRIBUTES AND INFORMATION"" He says loudly. "I don't see it." I say bluntly with a blank expression. "How did you find it?" I ask trying to figure out what the hell is going on. "Oh uhh. I think I did.." he motions with his hands and whispers something "Yeah that! I did that! Just do that and you'll find it!" He says with a huge grin. Another blank look on my face tells him I have no idea what he's just done. "Oh you just hold out your fist and say "What am I?" And then opening your fist." He says as I laugh. "WHAT?! WHATS SO FUNNY HUH?!" I laugh again and say "What were you trying to have a main character moment or something!" As I burst out laughing some more and make fun of him. After several minutes of him complaining like a child I finally stop laughing and decide to try it. I hold out my fist like a punch..."What am I?...Who am I?...Where am I?" Yeah of course I added my own words so what? I stumble back as several black background floating...things come up infront of me each with their own titles in bold letters. They read: Location, (Stats, Abilities and Informations), Race informations, Sliver operation manual and informations. Hm? What's that last one...For some reason it's intriguing to me. I can hear Typhon yapping in the background but it seems to be dulled out as I reach for the one that says "Sliver operation manual and informations" The rest of the what were they called...Slivers left and only the manual remained. I swiped through the manual, guidebook and Informations I tried to remember what I thought would be useful in the future. "Slivers come in several ranks, The Slivers abilities and Knowledge is dependant on the rank of the Sliver NOT the user. Sliver ranks are as follows:

Unknown (SSS+POWER)

Myth grade

Legend grade

S grade

A grade

Z grade

G grade

O grade

D grade

Minus grade.

-Please note Slivers are ordered from best at the top and worst at the bottom.

Currently weilding: UnK¡oW# Grade."

Hm? Unknown Grade? Guess I got really lucky. Wonder what He's using.

Note: Slivers are an idea based off the Pockets and Lighthouses from the original web story "The Tower of God" No they are not the same, Yes they share similar functions. No they are not exact copies.

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