
The Kings of The Unstable World

leoraph83 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

First quest Ch.2

[Typhon's POV, Protagonist #2. Current mortal age: 13]

Aw man all I did was show him how to access that thing and now he's been staring at it for hours. I could explore a bit I guess.

I walk around the small clearing we're in, Examining what's around us. I venture slightly into the forest and keep walking until I notice I'm far from Kage. Shit, I must be atleast 500 meters away by now. How am I supposed to find him? "Man you're real lucky I know how to use this thing" I hear come from the shadows behind me. "Huh??" I turn to see Kage walk out of the shadows "What's that thing hovering over your shoulder?" I ask noticing a Bright white colour changing Void above his right shoulder. "Don't you read?" He says insultingly "It's a Sliver, That thing you showed me earlier?". "I didn't know it could be manifested physically.." I say curiously. "Well it can and I also got to choose my abilities so you should probably read it." "Abilities..?" I say looking very puzzled "Yes, Abilities" he continues "You start with some set stat points in things such as your speed and stamina that you can't change. But from what I've read every time you "level up" or complete a difficult quest/task you get a point to choose Abilities with." He says seriously. "What did you choose?" I ask trying to get ideas for what I should choose. "I chose what I chose. The only thing I'll ask you to choose is size control and shape-shifting." "Okay. I'll listen to that, How do I access my abilities then?" "Do what you did earlier and choose stats and abilities." He says simply. I obey and a wide selection appears infront of me as I choose what I was told and notice I have a couple remaining I can choose. I decided to choose a few that I like and that would be beneficial and then close the Sliver. Suddenly his Sliver shines bright and he says "Looks like we received our first quest." "First...what?" I ask "First quest you dimmed out lightbulb" he continues rudely "A task that we are given where we could possibly receive rewards for it." I pause to think for a moment before choosing several useful abilities. Telportation, Cloning, Flight. Aswell as the two I was told to choose Shape-shifting and Size control. "Okay!" I say brightly "What is our first kwest?!" I ask "Quest...It's pronounced...uhhh well the same way you just pronounced it haha" he says with a dumb faced grin scratching the back of his head. "Our fist quest is to cut down a few trees and build a small shelter before nightfall. The reward is classified apparently." He says looking very confused "Well" I say enthusiastically "Let's get too it then! But.....how will we cut down the trees if we have no tools?" I ask curiously. He gives me an evil look that I don't really like and then it clicks for me "No...no...no...no" I say backing away slowly. "Yes..yes...yes, I will subdue you physically if you don't do it willingly." He says inching ever closer. "Do I have too?" I say complaining. I'm met with a blunt "yes" and I sigh before turning into an axe. Why does he get to have all the fun? This is a drag. I think before feeling like my head got slammed against something really hard. Too bad I can't see outside or even talk for that matter. I sure can hear him laughing maniacally though, He's so dead when we're done this quest. I think while plotting every prank I'm going to pull for the next couple years before my head gets slammed against another tree. FOR FUCK SAKE.