
the King of Knight After link the Fire

After Lucifer last fight with Gwyn and rekindles the First Flame. He offers himself as kindling to the fire. Sacrificing all of souls souls, the Chosen Undead is consumed by the flames and the Age of Fire is extended, as life is breathed into the First Flame once more. when lucifer opened his eyes he was confused by what he saw, not the afterlife he was aiming for but the alley. he looked around and saw a lot of people passing by, he wanted to stand up but fell down because he was still injured from his last fight. while he was thinking what about his fate, someone blocked his view who turned out to be a beautiful girl "sir, are you okay?" ======================== Author: Joyful Interest i am just translating this for fun and training my writing skill, this novel doesn't belong to me and the cover also not mine.

Lotus79 · Cómic
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70 Chs

Chapter 66 Kind Sister

Altria's personality predestined that she will not be willful like many girls, but this does not mean that she has no feeling.

"I thought you would feel a little happy when I chose her because I saw Jeanne face resembling you."

"Happy, why?"

"Look! Because Joan d'Arc is very similar to you, I subconsciously chose her. In this way...it means I have always been choosing you?"

Lucifer's words made Altria subconsciously have a kind of illusion of identification.

"It sounds like it really is."

Thinking about it this way, she seemed to be Lucifer final choice.

Thinking of this, she felt a sigh of joy in her heart, but immediately her knight principle dispelled this squeal.

This is not what a knight should feel, no, you can't be happy about this kind of thing.

She kept talking to herself.

But even so, she couldn't help but want to confirm.

"That...does Lucy prefer the bigger one"

Altria said shyly.

Lucifer's brain seemed to be struck by lightning in an instant.

"Ah big"

What the hell, my real knight can't say that.

"just...like my aunt's body shape."

Altria added at this time.

This time, Lucifer was finally sure that he had not heard it wrong.


Lucifer's reaction clearly caused Altria to misunderstand something, she said a little disappointed.

"Sure enough, you still like the type of girl like Jeanne s'Arc! She has a very good figure and is soft to the touch."

"Actually... well... I don't deny that."

Lucifer responded very honestly.

If you take the figure as a comparison, Altria's disadvantages in one aspect are very obvious.


Hearing this, Altria's troubles and losses in her heart became more serious.

However, this sense of loss did not last long.

"But! I like you better now."

"Why don't you just say the latter sentence so I might be happier."

"I can't lie to Altria. If you want to know the reason, this is probably it. In many cases, even if you know that you may be misunderstood, even if it may reduce my image in your heart, or even make you think that I am a knight who does not meet the eight virtues of knights, I still will not lie to you. It's not that I can't, but I didn't think about it from the beginning."

They quietly looked at each other's eyes, and many things were relieved.

Yes, a long time ago, something connected between them existed, and it would not have been thought of here because of the arrival of outsiders. Altria sudden worry was a little redundant.

"Really, when Lucy said that, I'm not like a knight who can only be jealous. If you are not a knight, I think this country may not be called a knight."

The loss on her face has disappeared, replaced by recognition and affirmation.


"Yes. Only this point, I am pretty sure. In fact, most of the time it's just because I'm too in the middle of the Knights Code, and I won't walk around it."

She understood this a long time ago.

If she is walking on the path of knights with the rules of knighthood, Lucifer is...using his knighthood to complete the rules of knighthood in her heart.

She couldn't stick to her heart like Lucifer, so she needed the chivalry code to keep reminding herself where she was going, so that she could catch up with Lucifer.

"It's rare that my knight would say this, your seriousness is very beautiful. It is one of your advantages, no need to work around. Such an Altria is considered to be Altria. Just show me the best self."

"Well, Lucy, don't worry. This is only the first time I have encountered this kind of thing today. I am a little overwhelmed. I will get used to it in the future."

Speaking of this, Altria completely walked out of the shadow just now.

That's right! It was inevitable that I was a little overwhelmed the first time, my mentality couldn't be balanced, and then I won't.

"Even if you are used to it, you can tell me when you are in a bad mood. No, it should be said that you must tell me, otherwise I will be worried."

"Worry or something, I'm not that Miss Jeanne. Lucy, you worry too much."

Altria is showing her cute side in an unexpectedly strong way...

"In some ways, you are almost like her!"

Lucifer couldn't help but teased.

"I won't be as naive as her."


Lucifer was about to continue making fun of Knight girl physically and mentally, but the voice of the outside door made him interrupt his thoughts.

"Your majesty, knight Agravain, please to see you."

Agravain voice came directly from outside the door.

This voice caused a panic in Altria.

She immediately struggled to get off Lucifer, and she organized her appearance to make sure that she was a qualified knight.

Although she is very relaxed when alone in private, once outsiders are present, she will strengthen her knighthood and will not give in at all.

Lucifer was also a little embarrassed at this time.

After all, he is the king, and he has to maintain his image in public situations, even though the relationship between them is well known.

"Ahem! Come in!"

Agravain walked in with a calm face, carrying a stack of paper in his hand, which recorded the record of the interrogation just now.

It turns out that Lucifer and their ideas are somewhat redundant.

Agravain attention was not placed on Altria at all, he just regarded the girl as a passerby knight, and he was now watching Lucifer with all his heart.


"Did you get the result?"

"Yes! I have finished interrogating the key 100 people, most of them don't know what happened.

But thirteen of them are the leaders. According to them, they are the people who took a lot of money from a mysterious person to instigate this small town."

Agravain came to the table and put the papers in his hand to Lucifer.

Then he retreated to his original position.

"What's the purpose?"

Lucifer asked while looking at the file.

"The purpose is that the girl named Jeanne d'Arc, according to Farfarr, the rudest prisoner before, said that the person with black cloaks specified that they wanted Jeanne to be besieged by the townspeople and killed by fire. It's like dealing with a witch. The person also said that the other party has follow-up instructions, but farfar need to complete this part to know."

"It seems that although Jeanne is part of their plan, it is only the first step. Did you find the man behind the scenes?"

This is what Lucifer is most concerned about.

Those people are just pawns in other people's hands. If you don't find those... behind the scenes, the same thing will happen later.