
the King of Knight After link the Fire

After Lucifer last fight with Gwyn and rekindles the First Flame. He offers himself as kindling to the fire. Sacrificing all of souls souls, the Chosen Undead is consumed by the flames and the Age of Fire is extended, as life is breathed into the First Flame once more. when lucifer opened his eyes he was confused by what he saw, not the afterlife he was aiming for but the alley. he looked around and saw a lot of people passing by, he wanted to stand up but fell down because he was still injured from his last fight. while he was thinking what about his fate, someone blocked his view who turned out to be a beautiful girl "sir, are you okay?" ======================== Author: Joyful Interest i am just translating this for fun and training my writing skill, this novel doesn't belong to me and the cover also not mine.

Lotus79 · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Chapter 65 Knight Girly Heart

Faced with Lucifer's question, Joan really thought about it this way.

"Hey! How do you know"

Her expression was a little surprised.

"I always feel that you are a little too pure...Well, Jeanne. How did you live safely until now and have not been sold?"

"Why did I get sold? Everyone was good before, Uncle Burr, Aunt Lola and they helped us a lot."

"That's why I want to say. It's really a miracle that you haven't been sold yet. If it were a year ago, a girl like you would soon be taken away by a certain nobleman, and then played with, or even tortured to death."

During the words, Lucifer stretched out his right hand.

His hand was close to Jeanne left cheek, as if he wanted to take a closer look at the girl face.

Faced with such a rude behavior, Joan subconsciously thinks that she should pull Lucifer's hand away, but the thoughts in her heart are blocked by another emotion.

She didn't stop Lucifer, but the hands on her legs held her skirt tightly.

"No... no. I'm not a person who is beautiful enough to be appreciated by the nobles."

She blushed desperately to defend.

"Sure enough, you are completely unaware of some aspects of yourself. This is...something like Altria before."

Lucifer's words immediately caused knight girl small dissatisfaction behind him.

"My king, please allow my rude words. At that time, I just didn't know what love was, it was not unconscious."

He doesn't know why, Lucifer felt a little happy when he heard Altria talk about their private affairs in such a serious manner.

The unintentional actions prove that the line between public and private is getting blurred.

"Right. It's still a little different from her."


This time, Jeanne d'Arc hadn't finished speaking, Lucifer had already spoken out his decision seriously.

"Come with me, Jeanne!"

"Hey! What?"

Jeanne brain is blank. She knows the meaning of this sentence, but she doesn't know the meaning of his action.

"I said, follow me. I like your innocence very much, but if you continue to stay here, your innocence will sooner or later be defiled along with your beautiful eyes, and I don't want to see that scene. I don't want to see you being sent to the torture frame again."

Lucifer's thumb moved and wiped the corners of Jeanne cheek.

But this time, Jeanne was calm.

"Is it... because of Miss Altria? Because I have a face similar to her."

Jeanne looked at Altria subconsciously. She instinctively thought that the reason why country girls like her were favored by the king was because they had a similar face.

Her guess was close to the truth, but it was still a bit false.

That is only one, but it is not the decisive reason.

"There is a part of the reason. But more because of you. In the world reflected in my eyes, there are more flames of sin than the original good will. After experiencing countless malice, suffering, embarrassment, and even betrayal, it is courage to choose to believe in human goodwill. Many people have this courage, but in your body, I have seen completely different results."

"Courage, I am not as good as you say."

Jeanne lowered her head.

She knew the answer in her heart best.

In addition to being kind in nature, she is more afraid of the angry resentments and the disasters they bring.

Even the leading people, she just thinks that they have fallen into evil, not because of anger and hatred.

"Let's put it this way, I am obsessed with your courage. In my future life, I am destined to dance with killing. In that sea of ​​blood that cannot be seen in my heart, I want to have a person who makes me feel that there is still a beautiful person in the world."

I need you.

Although Lucifer didn't say it clearly, what he meant in his words.

Hearing this, Jeanne head was almost buried in his chest.


"Don't rush to respond to my expectations. I will stay here for a while before investigating what happened to you. I need your answers before I go back."

Before leaving this room, Lucifer left these words.

After leaving the room, Lucifer came to the room prepared for him. He was waiting for the result of Agravain interrogation.

This... cruel knight is particularly talented in torture.

There were only two people left in the room at this time.

Lucifer looked at Altria when he was bored.

Altria also looked at Lucifer, her face was stern, her eyes clearly tinged with anger.


Lucifer asked tentatively.


Answer firmly "That is...jealous?"

"Absolutely not!"

Increase the volume.

Hearing this, if Lucifer still doesn't understand what's going on with the knight in front of him, he always with her for so long.

He pulled Altria into his arms and whispered his apology.

"Sorry, Altria, you will be able to face things like today many times in the future."

Lucifer directly explained a certain fact.

"For the inheritance of the country, the king should have many concubines and leave many descendants, otherwise Britain may face a situation where no one will inherit. These...I know all of them, yes, I know. But the feeling in my heart is...I thought that this day would come sooner or later, so I wanted to follow you as a knight. Because if it were your queen, I think I might not be able to bear it."

Altria's voice contained distress, but it was her heart's voice.

On the one hand, there was a feeling in her heart that Lucifer was robbed.

But on the other hand, the loyalty as a knight reminded her at all times that it was not something she should intervene.

It reminded her that as a knight, the jealousy and anxiety in her heart is almost tantamount to betrayal.

In fact, she set the bottom line for herself a long time ago, and it is precisely because she may be out of balance due to this in the future, she chose to only be a knight.

Of course, she also knew that she was not suitable for life in the harem.

"Thank you, my knight."

Lucifer didn't explain anything at this moment, just soothed.

Even if the world clearly allows men to marry multiple women, the queen can also have multiple male harems, but the secular is one thing, and the parties are the same.

"No, this is my duty."

"But before being a knight, you were still my lover. I don't want to create a slight gap between us because of this kind of thing. Don't even think about it."

If some things are not clearly stated in advance and resolved in advance, bigger problems may break out later.

Blindly comforting can only hide the problem, but it cannot solve the problem.

For this reason, Lucifer wants to make it clear now.

With the bond between them, there is no unresolvable knot.

"I don't want to either. But seeing Lucy just now when you were speaking to with such a face, I felt as if there was something missing in my heart."