
The beginning

I came to my hometown Pakistan in the end of 2017, I was so excited to meet my relatives and family members, I flowed alone along with my younger brother to Pakistan, my parents were not with me due to some financial crisis, but the put some responsibilities on my, I'm from a joint family, I was so so excited to meet more relations and relatives, but soon I found my excitement into a trash box, created by the people, society and others.

I actually don't know what to write or how to write, I am actually writing what I actually write, my emotions, fantasies, desires and achievements, hope I'm not missing something, I'm quite tired, I need a sleep, but these relaxing breezes coming through my room's window making me to write,

I accept it is a toughest life for females in typical Pakistani society, I'm here for last 4 years and I feel that I struggled too much to write comfortably on my laptop, sitting on my bed and thinking to what is too suitable to write, I think that these 4 years make me too mature, so that I'm managing my friend zones, and managing my strong side to people or we may say that our own,

I remember that day when I was too excited to meet my relatives and my owns, and today I am thinking a lot to share something with them, I am so confused of making friends, before coming to Pak I didn't even think before making friends, and all my school friends seems to me angels, we were kids, or I can say that I was actually a kid before arriving Pakistan, there were many things that were too new to me so that I can't differentiate between them that they are right or wrong

I am not writing much about this so that It can be explained easily it is why because, I think that this was my first era containing 4 years of my first struggle in Pak, I was 13 at that time, and sometimes I feel that.. that was important for me to step towards my actual life, to my actual exam...