


2 days before I arrived from academy, the beautiful breezes were blowing, it was not too much hot and not too much cold, I stepped stairs to my home, and I picked up the phone to read new messages, as soon as I opened WhatsApp what was feared happened, and I received the notification sent by my college that my college is reopening from Monday, for that time I cleared that chat and start behaving like nothing happened, but this is injustice for Muslim students while in Ramadhan,

I know that I am just making excuses, the truth is this I don't wanna go back because there I have a lot of chances to meet #angrybirds members....

I joined this college with my friend Maryam she was the only friend of mine at that times, I always wait for her after the checking procedure but sometimes we meet and sometimes my lecture start calling me, I didn't make much friends in my class, Maryam introduced me with her two best friends Hifza and Minal, while the procedure of admission time Maryam, I and Minal went to an Ice bar, we enjoyed biryani there with a liter coke, that was my first friends gathering lunch in Pakistan, we didn't tell home that today we are going to have lunch in an Ice bar, it was just a coincidence, as the days passes I met Umama , she seems to me attractive as purity, there was something pure in her that was attracting me towards her to talk to her, It was her kindness that she like to create friends and she was pure at some place, days and times passes we became good friends, I was attending lecture and I met Mishal she was so attractive by face and she was new and a late comer so I decided to help and guide her, the next day I met with Anila , she asked me for my name and I replied 585 and then I asked her name she replied her roll number, the next day if I'm not misleading that moment so next day when I arrived in lecture theatre she was sitting with Anila and I joined both of them, Mishal and Anila were the first friends which I made in my own class, as the time passes we were used to with our bond we enjoyed video calls and lunch sharing and especially bunking classes, on the other side Maryam and I joined academy, the environment of that academy was too abroad minded I never studied in that environment before, so I was so shy or we may say that attitude that I didn't like to talk others so frankly especially at first meetings, Maryam was used to with these type, that was my thoughts about Maryam at that time, we joined academy for some subjects and a computer course, everything was going smoothly , one day I came back from college and I saw that my aunty was talking to my mother and when I entered room she asked to my mother that "here she comes, talk to her" I was so hungry and I picked up the mobile and start talking to my mother, she was so angry and she didn't watched the environment and she start yelling at me, and I was crying and my aunty tell my mom that look now she is not having her lunch, she was shouting and literally yelling at me and at least for 10 minute I can't understand why is she yelling at me as the time and then I found that she was not comfortable with Maryam and mine friendship, so I arrived academy and asked Maryam that "u are not able for my friendship' I left the room and started having my lecture ad I was literally crying and my face was all red that was explaining my condition, everyone was staring at me, and the owner of the academy asked me that "we are much comfortable to talk our teachers so that they can help students to manage themselves mentally and physically" so as the time passes I didn't tell Maryam that why am I behaving like this and on the other side I don't know the whole story my aunty tell my mom, and soon the time was passing, things were being so clear to me. the story was shared by Umar my cousin, he old about me and Maryam to my aunty and I believe that that was enough to being worried, Umar is such an annoying person everything is legal for him whether it is bad or good and it is a crime for someone, so I can understand how the molded situation aunty tell my mom, so that was not an issue after some days she became comfortable with me, and I tried my best to gave a new shape to the situation so everyone can be comfortable with it but there was something else was waiting for this friendship chapter,,,, at the beginning I know that Maryam was in relation with a guy named Abdurrahman, I always advised her to be loyal in each and every relation, idk how but Maryam's elder brother got to know that her sister is in a relation, and making relations in typical Pakistani society is a crime and for a girl it is a sin, but Maryam was not the people person as I know her before, his elder brother tell to her parents about her relation and she told me that his father asked that who is this person and she confidently replied he is your brother in law, well that was not the end on the other side I came to knew about the nude videos of Maryam from my cousin Umar, I know that he was a great liar so I didn't pay attention to it, the consequences were becoming worst in academy, on the other side I came to know that she was dating 3 to 4 persons at a time, I tried to stop her for her better future and for the respect of her parents so I started to give my best to save her at the beginning the owner of the academy helped me a lot to save her and from his help I contacted her mother and I told her the whole story so that I can help her but soon I became worst in everyone eyes, I was quite depressed with all this that how can I stop my bestie on the other side Maryam always make me feel insulted in front of everyone, I told each and every story to Hamna that I told everything to her mother just to save her and I want to tell her but I was just waiting for the nice moment so she can absorb it into herself and accept that she is doing wrong after some days Hamna take me in front of him and told her that I told everything to her mother, that was so annoying for her, we didn't talked but I was in contact with the owner of the academy sir Yahya moon, as the time passes I came to knew this from my teacher that sir Yahya and Maryam were having meal in one plate, I discussed this matter to the owner of the place mam Saadia she runs school on the place and she was the proper tier so I was quite franked with her to discuss everything to her, so when I discussed this matter to her and I came to know the answer given from Sie Yahya that a student and teacher cannot eat meal in one plate??? that was shocking and unacceptable, and then I discussed the last matter of Maryam to Sir Yahya and he take me to Mam Saadia along with Maryam and we talked and she was asking me that who the hell am I to ask her any question and he was right officially I broke up with her but privately I was helping her, she insulted me again and this time she taught me a memorable answer that it doesn't matter how honest you are how true you are or how right you are, evidence matters, if you are doing something good to anyone or being honest you must have evidence.... that day I don't have the evidence for my truth but she have evidence for her lie, I was mute at that moment and crying so I excused with Mam Saadia and left for home I cried a lot when I came home and I was continuously crying my aunty call my parents and they were asking me questions that why I am crying and I remember I told them that Sir yelled at me, I felt bad and now I am crying, then I decided to end this. I dressed up with black outfit and smoky eyes and I remember that was my last test of English subject in college after completing it I started to search for Maryam and when I saw her with her group so I called her Maryam come here I wanna talk to you when she came aside I punched her and tell that this is how the war or enmity begins , I left and after sometime a

I came to know about her message from Mishal that she asked me that she will shoot me in my street, I came back home and It was Friday and I call my mum and tell her that I punched her,

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