
The Jin Family's Daughter is a Fortune Teller

The real rich daughter of the Jin family has been brought home! However, rumor has it that she was a little crazy. She constantly messed around at graves and was a nutcase waiting to be sent to the mental asylum. Surprisingly, no one expected her to defeat chess grandmasters with a simple move, and she was so good at hacking that she caused a world-renown hacker to have autistic after besting him! Moreover, a tune she played offhandedly became a chart-topping song, while international jewelers worshiped her. Yet, she claims those weren't her strengths! Jealous of Jin Xi, the fake rich daughter laughed: My sister is even better at deceiving people and messing around at graves! Jin Xi: She's right. Feel free to ask more! Everyone:...Later, a superstition brewed online as the top movie star posted: [@Jin Xi, my right eyelid has been twitching for days. Is this a sign of something bad?]Magnate: [@Jin Xi, I had bad luck for three months. Can that be changed?]Top scientist: [@Jin Xi, my house keeps having trouble later. How much for an exorcism?]Mysterious big shot: [@Everyone, allow me to announce that Jin Xi is my wife.]Jin Xi: [@Mysterious big shot, please don't bother me while I'm at work, darling!]Everyone is mourning: Why did a power couple like you display your affection publicly? Are you trying to kill us?!

Golden Rock · Integral
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40 Chs

Wu Yuyao's face darkened, because she knew very well that what Jin Yingying said was very likely to happen. If she hadn't played truant, why didn't she go home with Jin Yingying? And she still wasn't home.

"Wretched girl! I personally sent her to school, but she dared to play truant. When she comes back, I'll break her legs!" Wu Yuyao said angrily.

At this moment, a slender figure suddenly appeared in front of them. She looked carefree, as if she had been shopping.

"You still dare to come back?" Seeing Jin Xi, Wu Yuyao was furious. "Tell me the truth, did you skip class today?"

Skip class? Jin Xi curled her lips and looked at Jin Yingying as if she was threatening her. How dare you tell on me!

Jin Yingying instinctively hid behind Wu Yuyao, "mom, look at her. She wants to fight me."

Wu Yuyao had always looked down on Jin Xi. Now that she heard that Jin Xi wanted to hit Yingying, she was even more furious. "This is crazy. It's fine that she's worse than you in every way, now she wants to hit you out of jealousy?" Wu Yuyao was about to get a stick.

Jin Xi, however, was very calm. She narrowed her eyes, "you said I'm jealous of her?" Her tone was frivolous and disdainful.

Jin Yingying suddenly became annoyed. She wanted Wu Yuyao to teach her a lesson.

At this moment, Butler Fang suddenly came in. "Madam, there's a guest here,"

"Who?" Hearing this, Wu Yuyao stopped what she was doing. She couldn't remember inviting anyone to her house today.

"She said her surname is Liu." After saying that, he looked at Jin Xi with disgust. "It seems that…he is the young miss' teacher."

Liu Tao? Jin Xi raised her brows and quickly did some calculations. As expected, Liu Tao's mother was no longer in danger.

"He didn't say what he's here for?"

Butler Fang thought for a moment and shook his head.

Jin Yingying immediately sneered, "what else could it be? It must be because Jin Xi skipped school today. That's why Teacher Liu came to visit."

Hearing this, Wu Yuyao's face was gloomy. The Jin family had never been visited by a teacher before. Now, it was only Jin Xi's first day at school, and the teacher had come to her house! Jin Xi was indeed disappointing! Wu Yuyao stomped her feet in anger, but she quickly tidied up her clothes and asked the butler to invite Liu Tao into the living room.

"Teacher Liu, I'm really sorry. Jin Xi has been used to living in the mountains since she was a child. She doesn't know the rules, so she skipped school and had to trouble you to come here so late."

"Skipped school?" Liu Tao paused, then he looked at Jin Xi.

He saw Jin Xi standing there with her eyes lowered, calmly playing with the old phone in her hand. Seeing the phone, Liu Tao felt more sympathy for Jin Xi. He had such a rich family, but she still used an old phone that was no longer in the market. How pitiful!

"Madam Jin," Liu Tao was determined to help Jin Xi. "You might have misunderstood. Jin Xi didn't skip school today. She went out to help me with something."

"She didn't skip school?" Wu Yuyao was a little surprised. But Jin Yingying clearly said that Jin Xi didn't go to class today. Which one of them was telling the truth?

"Madam Jin, you might not believe me, but in fact, if it wasn't for Jin Xi sacrificing her class time to save my mother's life today, my mother might have already passed away."

Liu Tao was not good at lying. To hide his panic, he quickly took out the gifts he had prepared. "Madam Jin, to thank Jin Xi for saving my mother's life, please accept this token of appreciation. Please don't misunderstand her."

Wu Yuyao was dumbfounded, "uh...." She couldn't wrap her head around it.

On the other hand, when Jin Yingying heard that, she became anxious. "Teacher Liu, even if she's your student, you shouldn't cover for her like this! If she causes more serious trouble in the future, will you still be able to take responsibility for her?"

Jin Yingying could no longer care about pretending to be an obedient student. She was aggressive and sounded aggressive.

Upon hearing this, Jin Xi put her phone back into her pocket, and a mocking expression appeared on her fair face. "If he's covering up for me, then how about the time when you make Teacher Li take responsibility for you when you skipped class to go to a concert?"