
The Invincible Dragon Empress

A young lady born into a world with an unknown ongoing war, is prophesied to be the Messiah and saviour of the world. However, she has other ideas. Zhang Xiu doesn't care about prophecies, and she only seeks revenge for the death of her family. Will she be able to fulfil her destiny, or will she give up on destiny and make her own path?

PHOENIX_GOD_5600 · Fantasía
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73 Chs

Attack on Earth 2

Zhang Feng's expression was one of both confusion and astonishment. Two extraordinary people coming to his home to attack his family with the intent to kill him was quite surprising and unexpected. This was no longer something to take lightly, these men came to destroy his family, and he was in their way.

Zhang Feng's confused look disappeared and he stood straight. His wife looked at him with shock and confusion written all over her face.

"What's going on honey? Who are those... beasts?" She inquired but Zhang Feng on the other hand didn't take his eyes off those men. His face was serious and his aura, which he had been constricting for a long time suddenly got released.

"I advise that you flee this place for now. There are some unwelcome guests that I need to take care of." Zhang Feng uttered and the air suddenly got heavy and the two beasts, Seth and Irrak, felt this sudden change in the atmosphere.

"Ohh..." Irrak said with surprise in his voice, "So this human happens to be strong." He smiled excitingly and so did Seth. They both made a fighting stance and their eyes began to glow brightly. Seth's hands burned with flames while Irrak compressed the air around him and turned them into sharp blades.

"True, but he's just a human after all. Let's show him the power of the dragonoids, brother." Seth blurted with excitement in his voice as his eyes and fists began burning with flames and he took a fighting stance.

Zhang Feng's aura didn't disseminate and lightning began to form around him. Electric webs ran around his body and his eyes slowly began glowing too.

"You attacked my home..." he said with a heavy voice and his body suddenly burst with lightning. He held up his hand and the lightning took form and shaped itself into a lightning sword. The sword glowed bright blue and electric sparks kept emerging from it from time to time. Zhang Chen held it firmly and looked angrily at the two Dragonoids in front of him, "You will not leave here unscathed."

Seth and Irrak smirked before lunging themselves at him together and he did the same. They all collided and a battle ensued. Just their clash created a mini shockwave.

Zhang Lin on the other hand was running with her baby crying in her hands. She tried to calm her down but to no avail. She ran down the desolate streets before finally stopping to catch her breath and assess her situation.

She looked back and the sounds of battle she heard troubled her. Her husband was fighting two beasts who she could identify to be extremely powerful.

'The auras they exuded was almost on par with my husband's. He's going to have a hard time holding them off. If I put the baby in a safe place, I'll be able to go help him.' She thought but thinking deeply about it, she threw the thought away. Her going there would only hinder her husband, as she wasn't as strong as any one of the three fighters.

So she thought of another option... to call her father in-law.

Back at the completely destroyed mansion, Zhang Feng was having a hard and serious battle with Seth and Irrak. The power and speed displayed by the fighters were beyond ordinary. They ran through the place like flashes, and a normal person wouldn't make out something normal from the fight.

However, Zhang Feng seemed to have the upper hand. Irrak and his partner on the other hand, were being bullied in this fight. They were both at the Elemental stage but it seemed like Zhang Feng had more comprehension on the realm than they did and he was strong both with his elemental control and physical abilities and skills. Their bodies were filled with several lacerations and burn marks, due to a lightning sword striking at them.

Irrak slashed his highly compressed wind scythes at Zhang Feng, who dodged it with finesse, while Seth uses his burning fist to punch Zhang Feng. In close combat, Seth was confident of his skills. However, in front of Zhang Feng, his skills were nothing.

Seth rushed forward with a spinning kick while a slash of Irrak's wind scythe came from the opposite side. Zhang Feng knew that dodging was not an option, as the attacks were close ranged and dodging the two attacks at once wouldn't be possible. However, if he took any of those hits head on, he could get injured. However, he had one advantage, speed.

With his lightning like speed, he quickly gathered a ball of lightning and shot it at the incoming Seth, blasting the latter into a building. While he jumped and spun horizontally to dodge the scythe. When he landed, he shot a bolt of lightning at Irrak. The attack was so fast that even though Irrak bent backwards to dodge, the lightning bolt still hit him, also blasting him away into a pile of debris.

Zhang Feng exhaled after all this and his brightly glowing eyes returned to normal. Although he knew that they weren't dead, he didn't intend to kill them. Killing them would only be done if he had no choice. But seeing how weak they were, they weren't worth killing. Besides, why kill them when he could just run and hide where they would never find him or his family again.

As he was just about to leave to check on his wife, he suddenly heard an explosion from afar, in the place where he blasted Seth to. He turned his back to that direction and his saw a burning silhouette afar. He squinted his eyes as he felt something threatening from this person. He noticed that it was Seth, but this time, he was different.

There were lots of cracks on his body, his eyes were glowing red and his whole body burned with fire. The top of his combat suit had been burned to cinders as he was bare chested and he had a pair of wings on his back.

"We underestimated you humans when we arrived. We didn't realize that your race had already gotten this strong." Seth commended, "However, we won't make that mistake again. We shall end things once and for all here."

Zhang Feng closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. Immediately he opened his eyes, they were glowing again and an intense amount of lightning energy rushed from his body. He too decided to go all out against this particular enemy. His fists sparked and cackled as lightning webs ran through it. He took a fighting stance and gestured for Seth to attack.


The latter growled and flew towards Zhang Feng with intense speed, leaving behind a stream of flames. He punched Zhang Feng but the latter dodged it and delivered a punch of his own, but the later blocked it. Seth jumped to give a series spinning kicks and Zhang Feng blocked them

However, the kicks had so much power in them that Zhang Feng groaned as he felt his arm hurt as he blocked them. The last kick ended up pushing him away but he was able to regain his balance.

'He's gotten stronger than when I fought him. Does this have something to do with his change in appearance and aura?' Zhang Feng thought but Seth appeared before him in a split second.

"You should know better than to lose your guard when fighting me!" Seth blurted and delivered another paunch that sent Zhang Feng flying again.

Afterwards, he decided to use his combo attacks and put strength into his feet and wings and within a split second, he was already behind Zhang Feng and he punched him, but the latter wasn't so slow as to allow his opponent kick him in the back and immobilize him.

He turned mid air and crossed his arms to block. The latter's fist hit his arms and the force made it crack, making him wince in pain as he was sent flying again. Before he knew it, Seth was behind him again hoping to give him an axe kick.

Zhang Feng had now realised that blocking Seth's attacks was going to be disadvantageous for him and he couldn't dodge, so all he could do now was to meet his attack with another attack.

His thoughts were as fast as lightning and he began to gather a ball of lightning. The ball shined brightly as it held tremendous energy in it. The moment Seth appeared behind him, he turned mid air and threw the ball on him. It was unexpected and Seth was too close so he couldn't avoid it.


Zhang Feng yelled as the ball hit Seth's abdomen and blasted him back to the ground.


Likened to a meteor hitting the ground, a shockwave spread and a crater formed on the ground. Dust and rocks were sent flying around, due to the impact, but the explosion that followed after was the one that caused most of the damage. A mushroom cloud formed and multiple shockwaves spread, like it was multiple explosions.

Zhang Feng landed near the explosion and quickly backed away, before he was consumed by the fire. After running a safe distance, he stopped to catch his breath. That lightning bomb took a lot out of him. He could only make three of it before he got tired, unless he wishes to fight by burning his essence.

He looked at the inferno afar and he sighed. He realized that the power he possessed was a little too much. He hadn't gone all out with someone in a long time, this was a good reminder.

Just when he thought it was over, he saw a black silhouette emerging from the fire. He looked closer and he saw Seth, bare body and limping towards him.

"I... refuse... to fall... to a human..." he muttered as he coughed while limping out of the flames. There were lots of bruises on his body and he was bleeding badly. The cracks on his body didn't disappear as he was still in the middle of burning his essence to gain strength.

"What's with this guy." Zhang Feng muttered as he gave a frustrated sigh. Seth kept walking towards him and after spotting where Zhang Feng was, he growled.

"No matter what it takes, I shall destroy that human." He swore to himself and immediately stopped to his tracks. Zhang Feng felts threatening vibe from him and knew something big was coming.

Seth took a deep breath and began to gather the last of his life essence to launch an attack that was sure to end his life.

"Polar Connection: Inferno of Destruction." He muttered and his body suddenly burst into flames. Instead of saying his body was covered in flames, it was more appropriate to say he became the flames itself. Zhang Feng sense grave danger as his head kept ringing alarm bells.

The flaming figure resembled a true dragon and it didn't look friendly or something he could handle. It possessed tremendous power and strength and suddenly burst forth, approaching Zhang Feng with great ferocity and destroying everything in it's path, even the ground.


Zhang Feng shivered at the sight of this great beast that was approaching him and he wanted to turn to run, but he couldn't. His legs wouldn't obey his commands to move.

'I need to run. My legs aren't moving... I'm gonna die. Is it fear? No... it's something greater. It's TERROR!' he thought as he looked behind and he still saw the great flaming beast approach him.

"Shit! I'm really gonna die." He grunted and closed his eyes as he expected intense pain and death to fall upon him. However, it never came. He opened his eyes but what he saw stunned him but made him feel relieved.

He saw an old man, who's eyes were glowing and he stood rooted to the ground. With his two hands, he created a huge water barrier akin to a tsunami. The flaming dragon collided with it but it kept getting extinguished. It's flames kept replenishing itself though.

Zhang Feng looked into the man's face and saw that it was his father.

"Father?! What are you doing here?" He questioned.

"I do not believe that is the question you should be asking." The old man replied and with a few gestures and out water wall, five water dragons, smaller than the flaming dragon, emerged

These five water dragons bit into the flaming dragon in different places. After holding it down, the water wall suddenly covered the dragon like a ball and suspended the ball in the air.

"Five water dragon seal!" Zhang Lin muttered as he used his power to suspend the water dragon in the air. He then locked it and stopped controlling the ball. Zhang Feng looked inside the ball and he saw five water dragons tormenting the fire dragon. The fire dragon's flames were getting extinguished. It was only a matter of time before it completely extinguishes.