
The Invincible Dragon Empress

A young lady born into a world with an unknown ongoing war, is prophesied to be the Messiah and saviour of the world. However, she has other ideas. Zhang Xiu doesn't care about prophecies, and she only seeks revenge for the death of her family. Will she be able to fulfil her destiny, or will she give up on destiny and make her own path?

PHOENIX_GOD_5600 · Fantasy
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73 Chs

Attack on Earth

In a large hall inside a star base, many projections sat on chairs. These projections were of different people but they resembled humans with beastly features. Their skins were blue, while some had red or brown skins and they all had horns growing above their heads and teeth as sharp as those of wolves. In this hall, their projections filled the place to the brim, counting up to one hundred.

On the largest of the chairs, sat the leader. He was physically present, and summoning his subordinates from their individual star systems would prove tiresome. So he had to hold an emergency virtual meeting.

"Sire..." one of the projections rose up and decided to speak his mind. His skin was brown with a few scales on it. He was a Transcendent, one with extreme power, "I am Zenral, Transcendent head of star system SS5679. You have probably realized it, but the chosen one has been born on planet S-33006, also called Earth." He said with a light baritone voice. Everyone in the hall gasped and they began to murmur.

"The chosen one?"

"The one that the prophecy talks about?"

"That child has been born!?"

Lots of voices continued to sound around the whole hall until the leader couldn't take it anymore.

"Enough!" The leader barked and the pressure he gave off made everyone else to keep quiet, "Now that the prophecy has began to take place I have only one order for Zenral... make sure to eliminate this threat as soon as possible. If I remember clearly, our ancestors have had a bit of a problem with that planet Earth." The leader recalled.

"Aye. There was also a treaty that still stands but we are unsure of what will happen, as that planet is slowly but steadily developing." Zenral claimed. Another red scaled female dragonoid decided to voice her opinion.

"Treaty or not, the chosen one must be eliminated." She claimed. She sat cross legged on her seat. Her skinny and voluptuous features suggest that she's in her mid twenties. Meanwhile, she's over a hundred years of age.

"I agree with Regina. The treaty was created by the old Star cluster leader, who has now retired. This 'treaty no longer holds any authority and should therefore be annulled." another agreed. With this, the rest of the Transcendent heads began to murmur but there was a sign of agreement form all of them. Seeing this, The leader nodded in satisfaction.


On Earth, Zhang Feng carried his Zhang Xiu on his arms and played with her. His wife, Zhang Lin watched her husband act like a baby in front of her child and she smiled. She felt a certain kind of warmth on her body which she hadn't felt in a long time.

"...so you'll grow up to become a powerful woman and you will lead the people to greatness. But for now..." Zhang Feng said and dropped his daughter on a trolley, "...play as much as you like and enjoy yourself." He said. Baby Zhang Xiu laughed and reached out to her father, to carry her again. But her mother came to his aid.

"That's enough, little Xiu. It's time for your lunch." She carried her child and went to her room to breast feed the baby and put hee to sleep. Zhang Feng smiled as his wife gave him a playful glance but suddenly, it turned into a deep frown.

His brain kept ringing lots of warning bells that his expression turned from bad to ugly. Something big was coming. And it was targeted at Zhang Lin who was still on the stairs with their baby in her hands.

"GET DOWN!" He yelled as he burst forth with speed to help his wife. Suddenly, an explosion hit the side of the house and burned everything on site, including where Zhang Lin was initially standing. If not for Zhang Feng's quick reaction, both she and her baby would've been reduced to ash and cinders right now.

Zhang Feng quickly examined his wife and child and saw that they were unharmed before heaving a sigh of relief. However, this didn't last long, as there was another incoming attack.

A small fireball which looked slightly harmless Zhang Feng felt extreme danger from that little ball and he carried his wife and child who were still slightly dazed and took to his heels. He barely dodged the fireball, which exploded and took half of what was left of the mansion.


Little Xiu cried out loud, due to the noise and disstability. Zhang Feng ignored her and looked towards where the fireball came from and he saw two men. They were both burly and muscular and they were putting on battlesuits with helmets on. They had a long and thick tail on their backside and one of them seemed to have his hand burning with flames but he seemed unaffected.

Zhang Feng frowned and tensed up. He studied his attackers and noticed a few things about them. They had the power to control the elements, putting them on the Elemental stage.

"Hurry up Seth. We don't have all day." One of the enemies grumbled out loud at the one with the burning hands.

"Hey! It's not my fault. That guy's just freaking fast. Humans aren't supposed to be this fast." The latter replied with a dissatisfied tone, "Instead of whinning, you should just do it yourself." He complained.

Zhang Feng was slightly caught off guard when he saw the two men— or whatever they were, arguing in front of him. Meanwhile, his daughter kept crying and his wife who had passed out initially, began to wake up. She looked around her and her heartbeat fastened its pace. She looked at her husband who was by her side protected her and her child while keeping his eyes on two strange men arguing like kids.

Zhang Feng studied the appearance of these strange beasts and he knew that things weren't as simple as a simple attack from an unknown source.

"Who are you guys? And what do you want from us?" He shouted. The two arguing aliens faced him at the same time and deactivated their helmets thereby revealing their faces. One of them had a red skin while the other had brown skin with a few scales on them. They had long ears and horns on their heads. Their teeth were as sharp as blades and their eyes resembled normal human's eyes.

"Who are we?" The one with the burning hands repeated before revealing a smile that revealed his beastly teeth and his malicious intent, "We are your doom!"