

Follow the willy nilly story of a teenager as he tries to survive and find his place in family school and love he----

JohnClinton · Real
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1 Chs



A beautiful view of New York city. from the bright skies down to moving vehicles tall buildings and people on their various activities.

[ Voice of protagonist] :- Hi, ok you might be thinking, "who the f**k is this guy", like what am I seeing right now, and you might want to look away. but don't, this is an amazing story of me, and now you will be like "who are you" well, only one way to find out who I am, and what this story is about. well people, this, is the INTROVERT, which is well, me. and this is my WILLY NILLY STORY

A tall teen in a red and brown uniform is constantly kicking another student lying on the ground, cheers are becoming rampant,all eyes on the enforcer and the enforced.

[Tall teen] :- huh huh--- ( chanting with anger) you little f**k

[Voice of protagonist] :- you might also be wondering why that tall dude with sexy eyes is beating up that poor guy on the floor, well, let's back up a little to the beginning of my story.

(1st February of 2022)

( A messed up room with clothes and books. the walls are decorated with pictures of superman)

[Timon] :- ( sleeping recklessly at the edge of his bed)

( The alarm immediately starts ringing )

[Timon] :- ( rotates to the of his bed, then sits up ) urrh, freaking alarm ( looks at the alarm to his right on a table close to his bed ) nine thirty ( says reluctantly ) nine thirty ( repeats slowly ) nine thirty ( gets off the bed ) nine thirty!

voice of protagonist :- My name is Timon Dikrol

[Timon] :-( Rushes into the bathroom )

Voice of protagonist :- And I woke up really late on a school day, in the first time in my--- oh, sorry, no lying (chuckles) more like everyday of my life as i can remember.

(A tall black woman, with a buzz cut, immediately opens the door and walks in)

[Mrs dikrol]:- ( storms out ) Timon, what the hell are you doing in the bathroom, why can't you be like other normal kids and wake up, and get ready before nine thirty?

[Timon] :- ( brushing his teeth quickly )

[Mrs dikrol] :- you better get ready before ten, or you would be sorry. '' What a kid '' ( mutters to herself and walks out, shutting the door behind her )

[Timon] :- ( rushes out from the bathroom and starts dressing quickly )

[Voice of protagonist] :- I didn't take a bath, and belief me, that wasn't my first, as I noticed it wasn't that big of a deal for me in school.

[Timon] :- ( picks up his bag and puts some books in it, and walks out, then down the stairs quickly ) mum, am ready

[Mrs dikrol] :- ( walks out the kitchen)

[Voice of protagonist] :- That's my mom, she's a black, and that is one of the things I got from her, and just so you know, we met under normal circumstances, the giving birth, then after some months, maybe years, I called her mum, she's amazing, little aggressive at times, but I love her.

[Mrs dikrol] :- you didn't take a bath

[Timon] :- mum, you said leave before ten

[Mrs dikrol] :- yeah, that doesn't mean,( changes her voice tone in an annoying manner) don't take your bath

[Timon] :- ( walks close to her ) mom, dont worry I'll be fine am really late

[Mrs dikrol] :- ( gives him a bag ) your launch

Timon] :- ( takes the bag) what is it?

[Mrs dikrol :- The usual ( draws her words and smiles)

[Voice of protagonist] :- The usual, vegetable sandwich, urrh!( says in disgust) I hate those.

[Timon] :- ( smiles at her) love it.

[Mrs dikrol] :- Now make sure you have launch, and nothing else.

[Timon] :- Alright, bye ( turns and starts walking out)

[Mrs dikrol] :- timon ( calls out)

[Timon] :- ( turns around and looks at her)

[Mrs dikrol] :- ( gets serious) you have that sandwich, or or you would be sorry. (smiles) I love you.

[Timon] :- ( walks out and looks around, starts running to his right, stops) nope ( shakes his head then looks to his left) shortcut ( says to himself)

( A man with a bald, in a white pyjamas, walks out from his house and picks up a news paper on the floor of his corridor )

[Mr Alfred] :- ( looks to his left ) kiddo! ( smiles and spreads his arms )

[Timon] :- ( looks at him ) oh, good morning Mr Alfred

[voice of protagonist] :- Mr Alfred, more like Mr Inquisitive, he's one of our neighbors, almost our only neighbor he asks a lot of questions, he could win a lottery for that if it was possible. my mom avoids him all the time, and I so, get her.

[Mr Alfred] :- morning kiddo, how did you sleep?

[Timon] :- awesome, thanks ( smiles ) I really need to be on my way to school, am late

[Mr Alfred] :- hmm, same school or a new one?

[Timon] :- em, same. I woke up so late that's why I, you know

[Mr Alfred] :- why did you wake up so late?

[Timon] :- well----

[Mr Alfred] :- ( cuts in ) did your mom wake up so late too?

[Timon] :- OK, I gotta go ( starts running towards his left

[Mr Alfred] :- ( screams at the top of his voice) "by, you off to school or something? ( turns around and starts walking towards his door, then immediately stops) what was I doing out here? ( says to himself in confusion, then looks at the papers in his hands ) oh, these ( walks into his house)

written by

John Clinton

Thanks for reading

Watch out for next chapter
