
The Inmate

Life was hard for Amber until Ray came into it showing her that there is warmth and love for her in this world but when Amber ends up in jail and falls for her murderer inmate, everything takes a juddering turn especially when she finds out he isn't who people thinks he is...

Umaima_Tauqeer · Adolescente
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12 Chs

Chapter 5

"You're coming," Ray ordered. Wow, so he'll order me around now? Not that I was complaining.

I raised an eyebrow and smiled to myself.

" Oh, okay, if you insist," I replied and smiled.

Ray took my hand and put it behind him as he guided me outside the store, to his car. He brushed his thumb over the front of my hand and I felt tingly from the touch. Ray clicked his auto-car remote and I followed him. My jaw dropped to the floor. A Supra. No way. And that too a red one. Wait, how did a cashier earn enough money to buy a car like a Supra, I wondered. Ray saw the puzzled look on my face and chuckled.

" I'm not a cashier, Amber," he informed.

" I own this store and a couple of others as well," Ray added.

" Then why do you?... why do you?...

" I like meeting new people, I guess. Funny, how people think that the rich can spend hours on a screen or something and not get sick of it," Ray answered.

This was what I thought as well.

"Hmm," I replied, still stoked by the audacity of his reply. I didn't agree with him.

I would probably never get out of bed if I was as rich as he was. His modesty struck me. This was probably the first time I was sitting in a car for as long as I remember. I shouldn't be taking this, whatever was happening with Ray seriously. He would probably even be disgusted by me if he knew the number of times I'd stolen from his store. His store. I was no match for him. He was my boss. How was he even giving me the amount of attention he was? I relived my breakdown from a few moments and slapped my hand on my head without thinking.

"What?" Ray inquired with a confused look on his face.