
Dragon Demon Lord

The pl

EvilGodZ · Games
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37 Chs

The Tutorial Start

A few weeks later…

Out of nowhere, many players received a surprised message regarding the starting of the next tutorial.

[The next Tutorial will begin in 5 minutes.]

[Tutorial: Survive the demon invasion.]

Hearing that, many of the weak players began to panic. Whereas, the strong players didn't panic, it was the opposite, they were extremely excited and were looking forward to it.

"Shit… it's really starting…"

"I have been waiting for this! Hahaha!"

"Ugh! Why do I have to fight?! Fuck! I don't wanna die!"

"Tch! How annoying! Weaklings getting scared even before the war starts," An unknown strong player showing his disdain toward the weak players.

"Yeehaa! Finally, the time has come!"

"Perfect! This will be a good opportunity to test out my new skills that I have been saving up all this time."

Some players were excited, while some feared for their lives.

Naturally, Sol received the message as well regarding the starting of the next tutorial.

"Finally, the day I have been looking forward to."

Sol was excited.

5 minutes passed, and finally, the main event started. <<

[The Tutorial will now begin.]

[Tutorial: Survive the demon invasion.]

In the Xenon Contient…

The massive war started, the players and the inhabitants of this world versus the massive demon army.





The demon army screamed powerfully as they charged toward the battle.

"Bring it on, you filthy demons!" a Warrior class player yelled furiously as he took out his giant sword and charged at the demons.

"You disgusting demons! I'm going to avenge my friends and kill all of you!" an unknown magician player casts a giant meteor from the sky to strike the demon army.

"Huuuuaarrr!! You demons motherfucker!!! Die!"

"Attack buff! Defense buff! Go, attack!" A Healer yelled to her teammates to let them know she had already buffed them for the battle.

Back in Azurion city, in the royal palace, Sol was chilling in his room.

'I'll wait and see how things are going for now.'

Thinking it was going to be a peaceful day, at least that's what he thought, suddenly, he heard someone screaming from a distance. It was a scream of desperate help.

"Help! Someone help me!"

"Shut the fuck up, you rats! Die!"

"Nooo! Don't kill me!"

"Hahaha! You die too!"

"Mom, dad! What's going on?!"

"Mom and dad will buy time, run now, my son! Find somewhere safe and hide!"

"But mom, dad, what about you guys?!"

"Go now! Don't let our sacrifice be in vain! You must live on, my son!"

"Oh! What a lovely family. Kill them! Leave none of them alive!"

Looking outside the window, Sol saw Azurion City was in a mess. It was in total chaos. The demons were killing and butchering the human slaves without no mercy, they gave those humans no chance to escape. Even if Sol wanted to save them, it was little too late.

Ever since the Tutorial began, all the demons started going berserk, as if someone was controlling them. In short, it was the voice that Ingrid was talking about, the voice controlling the demons and thus the demons were unable to think rationally and just kill every human or player on sight.

"What the hell is going on?!!" Sol speechless.

Out of nowhere:


The demon soldiers barged into Sol's room.

"Kill him! Don't let him escape!"

"Are you guys out of your mind?! What's going on here?!" Sol asked.

"Shut the fuck up and die you, dog!"

Soon after, the 11 Demon Knights also joined and attacked Sol as well.

'What's wrong with them?! They are not acting like their usual self. Wait a minute…! Now that I think about it, is this the voice Ingrid was telling me about?' Sol thought to himself.

"I can't wait to tear his body into pieces and eat him! Come on, boy! Let me eat you! Hahaha!" Seriana said in an extremely bloodthirsty manner.

"Shut up, Seriana! He's mine! I'm going to kill him and drink his blood! Hahaha!" a Demon Knight said.

'I see, so it's really the voice controlling them… make sense, that explains why they are not behaving normally. It was great spending time with you guys, but unfortunately… I have no choice but to kill all of you.'

Sol was furious, he didn't really want to kill them because he knows the demons are victims too, just like the players. Sadly, there was nothing he could do, so he screamed in sorrow as he began killing the demons one by one in his room.

"I'm sorry, everyone! Please forgive me for what I'm about to do! I promise your deaths would not go in vain! I swear I'll find out who the voice is and avenge you guys!" [Sol]


Although Sol didn't cry on the outside, but deep in his heart, he was crying in pain as he killed the demons. It was the first time in his life he felt so guilty killing the demons.

It took a while, but eventually, Sol calmed down a bit, but still, there are a lot of demons in Azurion city, so it's going to take a while to get rid of them all.

At the same time, he's also trying his best to save as many human slaves as possible, it's not an easy task, but he won't give up easily.


A few days have passed since the Tutorial started.

In the middle of nowhere in the street in Azurion City, Sol was distracting the demons in order to buy time for the remaining human survivors to escape.


"I'll try to distract them! Find a safe place and hide now! Hurry!" Sol yelled at the remaining human survivors, "Goddammit! There's no end to them! Tch! Looks like this is not going to be easy."

If it wasn't for the fact Sol had to protect the human survivors and at the same time fight against the demons, he would've had a much easier time. But unfortunately, protecting and fighting both at the same time was a massive pain in the ass.

Furthermore, it's not like he could Taunt his enemies 24/7, because there's a 10 seconds cooldown each time he uses his Taunt. Thus he has to be careful not to use it carelessly and save it for emergencies, especially when the human survivors face danger.

One and a half weeks passed, making it about two weeks now.

Sol managed to save some of the human survivors and brought them to hide deep in the forest, just outside of Azurion City. After making sure the human survivors were safe in the forest, Sol had to leave them and rushed back to Azurion City to continue massacring the demons.

'I can't protect those human survivors forever, I've done my part. From now on, it's up to them to survive in the forest on their own.'


A couple of months passed, by now, Sol had already massacred all the demons in Azurion City. There was no one left in Azurion city except for him.

Back in the royal palace, Sol returned back to his room and lay down on the bed and relaxed. He wasn't exhausted physically, rather he was just exhausted mentally from the long battle.

It's unknown how many demons he had killed, but possibly a few million demons at least.


Lying down on the bed while staring at the ceiling.

'I have to climb the Chaos Tower no matter what. The Chaos Tower might have all the answers I'm looking for. Perhaps I'll be able to find out about the voice too if I reach the top of the tower. I don't know how long it will take, but since I've already promised to avenge these guys, therefore I have to see it through to the end.'

"What a comfortable bed, I guess I'll have one good sleep for today and continue my journey to the Xenon Continent tomorrow. Alright, good night or good afternoon? Welp, whatever, good night I guess even though it's still daytime."

With that being said, he closed his eyes and slept like a pig.