
Dragon Demon Lord

The pl

EvilGodZ · Games
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37 Chs

Demon General, Lilith

The next morning, Sol woke up and yawned out loud.

"Huaaaaaaaa! What a good sleep!"

'I feel dirty, I guess I should take a bath first before leaving.'

After a nice warm bath, Sol packed up some delicious food in the kitchen to prepare for his journey to the Xenon Continent where he would reunite with the rest of the players.

"Everything is all packed. Alright, it's time to get out of here."

With that said, he walked out of the royal palace and eventually arrived in the street of Azurion City where he was ambushed by a group of 9 powerful Demons.

They were demons from another kingdom called "Nebus Kingdom," a neighboring kingdom.

It was at this time:


[A new side quest has appeared!]

[Side Quest: Kill and leave none of them alive.]

[Reward: 1 Red Crystal]

At first, Sol wasn't in the mood for another long battle, but when the side-quest appeared, he changed his mind.

'Nothing more satisfying when there is a reward involved.'

"Are you the one who caused all of this?" Lilith asked with curiosity.

[Name: Lilith]

[Title: Demon General]

[Rank: Peak Diamond-Rank]

"You could say that." Sol replied.

'A single player capable of massacring an entire demon army in the Aegis Kingdom, to be able to do something like this, this boy… he must be at least Diamond-Rank or higher. In any case, he shouldn't be taken lightly.' Lilith thought to herself.

"Everyone, don't let your guards down!"

Lilith warned her 8 Demon Knights.

Looking at the demons' serious facial expression, Sol chuckled.

"Relax, I haven't done anything yet, so there's no need to be so cautious." Sol said.

"What happened to Lord Odeus? Did you kill him too?" a Demon Knight asked.

"Odeus? Oh, that guy, yeah he died quite a while ago." Sol said.

Hearing that Odeus was killed by Sol, the Demon Knights became furious and wanted to take revenge right away.

"Bastard! How dare you! Die!" a Demon Knights said as she charged at Sol.

The moment one of the Demon Knights attacked Sol, the rest followed up as well.

"An inferior human like you dares to lay hands on one of our generals!" a male Demon Knight said.

The only one who didn't attack Sol yet was Lilith as she wanted to observe and study Sol a little more first before making her next move.


"Fuck! What's going on?! I can't control my body!"

"Same! My body is not listening to me either!"

"Shit! My body is moving on its own! Is this perhaps one of his special skills!?!"

The Demon Knights were surprised and didn't expect something like this to happen to them.

'To be able to activate a skill with just his thoughts alone… I see why Odeus lost to this boy. This boy… has he already reached Master-Rank? Because I don't think I have heard of any players reaching Master-Rank yet, I believe Diamond-Rank was the limit for most players.'

Lilith thought to herself.

As Lilith continued to observe Sol, she came up with her own little conclusion.

'Nevermind, I don't think this boy is Master-Rank yet. His offensive power is too weak for a Master-Rank, only his defense I would say is worthy of Master-Rank level. What a weird player. Strong defensively but weak offensively. Sounds like a tank class, but even so, a tank who is at Master-Rank would still do far more damage than this.'

Couple of hours passed and Sol hit a jackpot.


[Bonus Effect! You have triggered Armor Penetration!]

[Your foe defense has been reduced by 100% for 10 seconds.]

'Very good. I don't know how many I can kill within a period of 10 seconds, but it should be plenty of time to at least bring two down.'



Sol punched one of the Demon Knights in the heart area.



A single punch in the chest area was enough to destroy the Demon Knight's ribs and heart.

There was nothing the Demon Knights could do to avoid Sol's attack, that's because all of them were under the influence of Taunt, so they couldn't control their bodies at will.

"One down! Alright, next one!" Sol said.


With his Diamond-Rank Gauntlet, Sol hammer punched one of the Demon Knights directly on the head.


The female Demon Knight's skull was crushed and she died instantly. Almost like getting a headshot in a first person shooting game.

"Nice! That's two down! Not bad, not bad."

Sol was feeling quite satisfied.

By now, the Taunt duration has ended and finally, the remaining 6 Demon Knights could move freely again.

Seeing what had just happened right in front of them, the 6 Demon Knights and Lilith were in total shock as well as lowkey feeling terrified of Sol.

"What just happened…?!"

Everyone was confused and trying to figure out what just happened.

"Yeah, what was that?!"

"No idea."

"Hehe. What do you guys think? Pretty good, right?" Sol was proud of his double kill achievement.

This time, the Demon Knights didn't act rashly, if anything, they hesitate to attack Sol now as they feared they might die the same way as their dead comrades just now.

"Everyone, stay back and leave this to me!" Lilith warned them.

Without hesitation, they listened to their master and backed off.

5 meters apart, face to face with Sol, Lilith said, "You! What kind of dark magic was that? Did you perhaps sell your soul to the devil?"

"Pfft! Bahahaha!" Sol laughed out loud as he couldn't believe what he had heard, "You're not serious, right? How did you come up with such a conclusion?"

"I don't know! That's why I'm asking you."

"Well, for your info, it's not dark magic for sure. It's just one of my special skill effects."

"Bonus skill effect?"

"Yup, the rest is up to you to figure it out yourself. Anyways, let's get back to our main topic, are you ready?"

"Yeah, I'm ready. I mean, I have no choice but to fight you anyway." Lilith said.

'No choice but to fight? I see, so the voice is controlling them too, huh?'

Sol thought to himself.

"I feel bad that I have to kill you all eventually, but it is what it is. I hope you don't think bad of me for doing this." Sol said.


Just like that, the fight between Sol and Lilith started.

By the end of the day, Lilith was killed by Sol.

[You have slain the Demon General, Lilith!]

All that left was the 6 Demon Knights remaining.

A few days later…

[Side Quest completed!]


[You have received one Red Crystal!]

With this, he now has a total of 7 Red Crystals collected. Thanks to this, he only needs 3 more now to unlock the System Shop.

'Everything is done here, I guess it's time to head to the Xenon Continent and reunite with other players.'

Just like that, he left Azurion City and began his journey to the Xenon Continent which will take quite a while to get there. Roughly a few months based on his current traveling speed.


In the middle of nowhere in the forest.




Sol was fighting a bunch of Monster Chickens that were about the size of a human.

In the beginning, the Monster Chickens were aggressive, but as soon as they realized they were not able to harm Sol, they gave up and retreated.

"Ha! You think you can run away from me?!"


Eventually, Sol killed one of the Monster Chickens and began preparing and cooking it for breakfast.

Considering the size of the Monster Chicken, it's more than enough to feed 10 people easily.

Seeing so much food in front of him, Sol was more than happy and couldn't wait for the cooking to be done and taste it.

Naturally, Sol doesn't have to eat to survive, but he's a foodie so he likes to eat for the pleasure of tasting delicious food. Fear not, the chicken didn't suffer because he made sure to knock it out first before killing it, so it was a quick and painless death.

After a while, the cooking was done and it's time to eat.

"Good, now let's eat!"

Without any delay, he began chowing down the food aggressively.


After a while, he finished eating.

"That was satisfying!"

With this, he got up and continued his journey again to the Xenon Continent.