Ray Kaine, a skilled fighter turned office worker, finds himself on a bus, and after a terrible accident ends up in front of a god, who informs Ray that he himself shall now become a god.
Ronz stands silent in his office, staring out his window, for the past few days his family has been reading through the large collection of files Ronz took from Adaire's office.
A younger woman with black hair and red eyes enters and says, "Sir, we have discovered a sale of possible interest."
"Good," Ronz says, "Does this sale have the name of the buyer?"
"No... But it does talk about the sale of a person matching the description you gave us," The woman says, "We know the sale was made on the Contal border, near a town called 'Olmos.'"
Ronz turns around and gestures for the woman to hand him the file, 'Fourteen people... That's the right number at least. This was most likely their last batch then. Even if Eclipse isn't involved, at least we have a lead on Fenris.'