

I thought it was cool that we'd come to the movies. I know it's not as fancy as it sounds but I've never in my 18 years been to a movie theater, ever.

But that is not what rendered me speechless, it was the brunette and dark haired dude; talking, laughing and touching while sitting on the hood of the guy's Jaguar XJ220.

How the hell is this even possible? I thought they applied to a school in a different state and I'd never have to see their faces ever again. Boy was I wrong.

I turned my head towards a stunned Hailey and confused Trevor. I force a sympathetic smile and look at Barbara who nods and gives me her keys.

"I'm so sorry guys, I......I have to go back,maybe we could try this tomorrow?"

"Okay girl, drive safe but we are talking about this later. We'll hang with Barb and be back around 8," she says rubbing my shoulder sympathetically.

"Thank you, you guys have fun," I hugged all of them and rushed to Barbara's car. I started the engine and put the stereo on full blast. I don't know why this still affects me. I swerved lanes driving through the city and back to school.

After I parked the car on campus, I hurried back to the dorms and into the room, locking the door behind me. I lay flat on my bed and let my tears flow freely. I still can't explain how deceitful I find those two. I was so stupid.


It was the night of our senior prom. My two best friends (Barbara Lockwood and Cassandra Michaelson) and I were in our rented limo, courtesy of my boyfriend Jayden Brown on our way to school.

Well, me and Barb have been friends since forever. We met Cass during our junior year on our first day. Since then we've been inseparable. Call us triple threat if you like, cause we were trouble. We wrecked havoc in all our high school years but managed to keep our grades up. The teachers couldn't wait to get rid of us, the girls hated us, but the boys, the boys loved us.

We got to the school and I met my prince charming by the entrance of the gym which was where the dance was going to take place. Unfortunately for Barb, she broke up with her boyfriend three weeks before prom and Cass said her secret crush had a date already and couldn't get him to take her, so they went together as friends.

We got our drinks and danced to most of the songs before Jay scurried away to get us more drinks. The three of us continued dancing till Cass excused herself and we decided to go sit down and wait for her so we could finally get our pics taken to mark the night. I mean, we've dreamt of how our senior prom would be and it was going as we'd planned.

"Come on Barb, let's go look for Cass, I'm bored I just want to get this over with and go hangout with Jay". I said winking at her and getting up to drag her towards the washrooms. We were deep in conversation laughing and talking about what I'd planned for MY night. That was until we heard moans coming from the janitor's closet which was two rooms away from the room we were headed to.

I couldn't help myself. I had to eavesdrop. I regretted it when I heard the girl call out Jayden's name. I couldn't control the anger that was brewing inside of me. I tightened my fists until my knuckles turned white then burst into the room and the sight before me left me dumbfounded.

" What the hell is going on here," I said, trying to fight the tears threatening to spill from my eyes. This was all so overwhelming. Here stood Cass, a girl I considered my best friend and boyfriend. They were all over each other seconds when we found them. I felt so awful. My boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend. How dare he? How dare she? Why?

"Baby, chill out, let me explain." I walked up to Jay and slapped him hard across the face. Baby? Chill out? Is he kidding? "Don't you dare 'baby' me or ask me to calm down," he sat back and stared at me blankly. When I heard sniffles, I whipped my head to see Cassandra crying and something in me snapped. "Why the hell are you crying, you bitch!? hmm!? Are you not the one making out with my boyfriend!?" she looked down and continued sobbing. Jayden cleared his throat and I looked at the bastard with a raised brow, waiting for him to explain.

"I'm sorry Sam. I never meant for you to find out this way. I didn't want to hurt you," he explained pouting. He's got some nerve this guy "well, you did. You both did. I don't know how I didn't see this," I looked at Barb and found her mouthing a sorry. I just shook my head and took in a deep breath and asked, "how long?" Jayden touched my shoulder and I smacked his hand off, "I was talking to this one," I snapped eyeing Cassandra.

"I liked him since junior year but you two started dating 2 months into the year and I knew I had no chance but my feelings never went away..... -" she explained shakily . "I don't care about your feelings, how long have you two been together?" I asked, stepping closer. "All through the Summer break and after," she said, wiping her eyes. I raised my hand to slap her but I saw her flinch so I decided to back away.

"You know what? you are pathetic," I spat then looked at Jay. "I can't believe you'd cheat on me and with my best friend," I walked towards the door and stopped at the door "as of this day I don't know either of you, you both deserve each other. You lied to me. You are dead to me. Let's go Barb". Barbara walked towards them, slapping them both and grabbed my hand leading me out. That's my girl for you.


I felt so betrayed. I thought I'd never have to see them again, but I did and it hurt like hell that they were happy. It still hurts to think about it and probably always will. It's not like I haven't been with anyone since Jay, but sue me because I still hurt. I actually loved that boy. With him it wasn't just meaningless sex, random hookups and make out sessions. But I can't let this get the best of me. I won't let it eat me up any more. It's about time I move on. From both of them. I'm done being soppy. I wiped away my tears furiously and decided to take a long shower.