
The Immortal in Star Wars

Going to the galaxy far far away, was something that the MC always wanted. But going there is dangerous, so he has to make sure his one wish counts. What better than to simply wish for immortality? He will find out the ups and downs. Well ... he should have asked for a specific time to be born in. Now he waits.

DaoistRUH792 · Cómic
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22 Chs

The Order

I'm back y'all. 


(Ketu POV)

Our story begins a long, long time ago, on planets far, far away ... ten thousand years before our time. For a millennium, high in the snowy Andobi mountains of Ando Prime, the Dai Bendu attended a massive edifice they called the Tho Yor. 


The monks knew the Tho your was not of their world. Within its sealed structure, they sensed great mysteries waiting to be revealed. And so the Dai Bendu waited. They contemplated, meditated, and listened with their minds, hearts, and senses.

One day, the Tho Yor spoke to them. 

"Gra'Pa! Do you hear?"

"Aye. The Tho Yor calls us."

They heard the call in their hearts, in their minds. Not with words, but as a voice. Heard in stillness when all was in balance. An invitation.


There were no questions among the Dai Bendu. This was their moment. This was the moment for which all their training had prepared them. This was the fulfilment of Prophecy. The Dai Bendu entered the Tho Yor, following that Prophecy ... and found revelation. 


Seven other Tho Yor repeated the pattern throughout the galaxy. On Kashyyyk, Wookiee Warriors defending the mystic pyramid heard the cal ... and found peace. Because they probably knew the Tho Yor best, apart from another race, that is. 


On Dathomir, Shamans and seers encountered the Tho Yor in dreams and visions. the Tho Yor sang to them. They followed the song and found harmony.


On Ryloth, Twi'lek philosophers, debating the source of the mystical energy they felt surrounding them, heard the call of the Tho Yor and left the safety of their caves to venture into the desert. By instinct, they knew the answers they sought lay beyond their world. They entered the Tho Yor and found enlightenment.


On Manaan, Selkath scholars and scientists paused in their studies as the doors of the great Tho Yor opened. They entered and found wisdom. 


The eight Tho Yor visited many worlds, gathering other sentients who heard the call, then sped toward the centre of the galaxy. Within the deep core, where dark matter causes stars to collide and pace can warp in the blink of an eye, the Tho Yor navigated the twisted paths between black holes and stars, almost as if they were being pulled by something, some ... Force ... arriving at their final destination. 

The planet Tython, where the ships gathered around the Ninth and largest of the Tho Yor. The Planet heralded their arrival with great storms. In this world, the travellers felt the energy that surrounded them. The same mystical, primal energy - the same Force - that had first called them to the Tho Yor. 


On that day, the travellers became one in the Force. The Tho Yor left the central pyramid to take the travellers to their new homes in this strange world. One in the Force, these travellers from diverse and distant worlds also became one people. They became Tythans. 



(3rd Person POV)

The travellers exited the Tho Yor and looked around. They were on a new planet. They understood that they were led here by this ... Force, as the Tho Yor called it. And as they walked out of the Tho Yor, they found themselves in front of a group of people. These people were all humanoid. They were tall and black-coloured, with white spots that looked like stars. 

They didn't have facial expressions and only the different coloured eyes were seen. They were very muscular and gave off an aura of strength and authority, but also of peace and tranquility. After a moment of not saying anything, the biggest of the Tho Yor opened and someone else exited. 

When the travellers saw the man, they were a bit frightened, while the Celestial individuals bowed their heads to him. The man was tall, at least 2 meters tall and he was wearing armour on his body. A helmet concealed his eyes and the hilt of a sword of some kind was visible. 


When the travellers saw him, they became really frightened. It was as if they were in front of an endless ocean. The surface might seem calm right now, but the depths could swallow you in an instant and never let you go. You would be crushed under the powerful masses of water. 

We know this individual. Our main character has arrived. He waves his hands and spreads calmness around the travellers. 

"Welcome to Tython. My name is Genji. The birthplace of my order. I have called you here to study and learn about what you might have perceived as energy. It is called the Force. You are all gifted and I offer you a chance to learn about the Force and come to understand it better. 

This is not mandatory. If you don't want to study here and learn, you may leave again. But those that stay, shall adhere to the rules of the Order."


(A/N If you want another name for the MC then tell me. Vote in the comments, cause that's all I got.)


Waiting for an answer, Genji stood there. After no one said anything, he took that as confirmation. That and their feelings. Over the millennia, he had grown mighty. There was seemingly no limit to his potential anymore and his progress didn't decelerate, but accelerate. 

"Very well. Then let's begin."



(Ketu POV)

The purpose of this gathering soon became clear to the Tythans. Just like Genji had told them, they were there to study the Force and try to understand it. They were not there to master the Force or fully 'know' it. Truly knowing the Force would take more than sitting in deep and silent thought. Their lives became a loving meditation on the Force. 

They followed the way that Genji and the 'Celastiosapiens' showed them. It was a way of contemplation and waiting. Waiting for the Force to reveal whatever it wanted to reveal. 

There were two moons in the sky. Light Ashla and Dark Bogan. They thought they understood the dual aspects of the Force, the Light and Dark. But they failed to notice the many other moons in the sky. It wasn't that they couldn't see them, they were just not ready to see them. Because seeing them meant understanding the Force on a much deeper level than normal. That's what Genji told me.

The Light defined the Dark, as the Dark did the Light. When the balance was not maintained, Tython reacted to the imbalance with severe storms and quakes. This was something that Ganji had created. He said it was better to suffer now than later when the Force itself decided to punish you.

And so the travellers defined themselves, ever seeking a balance. They became the Je'daii, a Dai Bendu term meaning 'Mystic Center'. 

Only through the harmony of balance could the Je'daii maintain a peaceful world. As the millennium unfolded, the Je'daii built a great civilization, establishing temples, cities, and seats of learning. The structures were all there, having been created by Genji and his 'children'. 

The Celastiosapiens used to guide the Je'daii in the Force, whenever they were asked and had time. The Celastiosapiens were a seemingly distant race, but the Je'daii came to understand that they were simply deeply connected to the Force and saw and heard things that they could not. 



(Genji POV)

I watch the progress of the Tythons and the Je'daii order. They have all come far in these years. As time passed, I became the Supreme Grandmaster of the Je'daii. It wasn't a title I wanted, but one that they gave me. They saw me as the centre of the Force and as such deserved such a title. 

Ironically, I had met a young entity I have encountered and was told about by the Force, on the planet of Atollon. 

"How are you Bendu?", I ask him as he is lying next to me in the sand. I usually come here to be alone for a while. Guiding my children in the way of the Force was hard and I understood taht they, while talented, had nothing close to what I had with the Force. Their progress was light speed when compared to the Je'daii but snail-paced when compared to me. 

It didn't matter, they could live as long as they wanted. 

"Good. How are you?", Bendu asks me.

"Just as good. Have you been learning diligently?"

"Not really. I take it as it comes. You know me.", he says acting all nonchalant. 

"Haha, do you want me to teach you?", I ask him, understanding his intentions. Just like Sky, my eagle, Bendu can survive for many many years. Sky is seemingly immortal, thanks to the connection to me. But Bendu represents the centre of the Force, between the light side and the dark side. And as such, he can survive for aeons. 

"Yes!! I mean ... please.", Bendu says making me chuckle. I was told about the birth of Bendu by the Force as usual. I created a wormhole and then arrived on the planet Atollon where I found the baby Bendu and took him in. He bonded to me, like Sky did all those years ago. 

Ever since then, I have been training Bendu in the understanding of the Force. As an entity who represents the very centre of the Force, he can understand and guide many people on the correct path and I am doing the same to him. He simply likes to spend time with me. 

"What's wrong?", Bendu asks me.

"I can see things taking their natural course. Another migration will take place if the Je'daii don't find a better way to deal with the non-Force sensitive.", I tell him. 

During these times, the Je'daii have started to mate and under their children more and more non-Force-sensitive are born. This is a problem because while there is a safe haven I created just for them, most of Tython, is merciless to them. They are at the mercy of the planet and the Je'daii can't protect them at all times, should they wander off from the safe area. 

A few millennia ago, I would have actively tried to do something about this. But after creating a safe haven for the non-Force-sensitive, I believe it is for the Je'daii to figure out how they will handle this. 

"Why do you say this?"

"I can see problems arising in the future. Aurum will be at the centre of it."

"How so?"

"Haha, you'll see my friend, you'll see."



(Kentu POV)

Aurum, later known as the lost city of Aurum, was a city on the planet Tython that was built by the Tythans. Over a thousand years after the Tho Yor Arrival, Aurum was destroyed during a Force Storm, a powerful phenomenon that caused fierce weather and seismic activity on Tython.

The Je'daii were powerless against the Force Storm and the cosmic powers that were unleashed. If it hadn't been for Genji's intervention, many of the non-Force-sensitive Tythans would have died. 


There are many depictions and texts about what happened that day. All essentially say the same. When the giant Force Storm formed, all the Je'daii were helpless against it. But when Genji arrived, he commanded the storm itself to yield and bend his will. It is said that Genji didn't even use his hands to focus the power of the Force. He simply told the Force his intentions and it was done. 

While no one died, the city of Aurum was destroyed. It became clear after the destruction of Aurum, that Tython was too dangerous for those who could not use the Force. So, in the second millennium, a second migration took place. The Tythans who were not Je'daii left Tython.

It is said that Genji himself was against this decision, but didn't force his will. He even created ... yes, he created a completely new planet from debris flying through space that he placed next to Tython so that the loved ones could be close at all times. 

So while this was a time for great sorrow, it was also a time for gratitude towards the Supreme Grandmaster Genji, for his help in keeping the families close together. The Je'daii saw this as a terrible necessity. But even though the families weren't that far apart, they were still sundered and, in many cases, the wounds never healed.