
Umbrella against the storm

Jon was not enjoying waking up in strange places at all and the fact that it was becoming a common experience was annoying to him.

He had woken up aboard what he could only assume was the same helicopter that he had been put to sleep on. The number of straps restraining him had doubled and the bag was still removed though the marines in the back were more focused on talking to each other.

Probably expected him to stay under way longer than he had though a drowsiness lingered in his bones that was so tempting to give into the forced sleep having helped him recover faster.

Giving an experimental pull at the straps he found them to be pretty tight, but Jon could tell already that he would be able to break free.

For now, though he needed the chance to rest and swaying from the frame of the helicopter he could see a few bags that were hooked up to him.

[Advanced Nutrient Pouches- Recovery Speed +60%]

[T-Virus IV Drip- Infection or Adaptation the chances are not stacked in your favor]

Now that one brought a very big frown to his face as Jon considered the implications of it all finding that his emotions were being suppressed by his own overwhelming logic.

They were still present but almost buried behind an unknowingly created mask of logic that dictated that the infection needed to be combated by increasing his body stat.

"We are five minutes out from the Colorado facility."

Now that really captured his attention and made it very clear what was coming next was another struggle for his life making him flex his muscles a few times.

"Good a time as any to get up Jon you got this."

The bigger marine that punched him seemed to have heard him though it was too late to react when Jon finally stopped holding himself back almost all of the straps snapping. As he got up with half of the stretcher board still attached to his body.

Wiping around Jon backhanded the closest marine sending the younger man sailing across cabin into the door ducking down as a knife cleaved through the space, he had been standing in.

Head wiping back as the board cracked against the bigger man's face sending him stumbling backwards across the space a third marine raising his rifle.

Jon ripped the board free hurling it across the five or so feet between them sliding on his knees across the floor following right after the board. A few rounds hit the board as Jon worked on a plan of attack in the second it took to slide across the distance.

By the time he had gotten to the marine Jon had his plan fist slamming down hard on the left knee a crunching sounding out as the marine dropped to one knee while Jon whirled up elbow smashing into his throat.

The motioning continuing as he pressed himself firmly against the marines back hand gripping the partial crushed windpipe tightly as he grabbed the rifle that had almost hit the ground.

"Stay still big guy or I will put you down." Jon was reeling from all the moves he had just pulled off but keeping the rifle aimed at the bigger marine.

"You move fast for a civilian." The big guy started talking while trying to inch to the side a little.

"Hold still damnit or I will put a round right between your eyes."

Jon ignored the rapidly declining marine hold tightly in front of him as he looked over the bigger man examining everything about him over the course of a few seconds.

"I see your patch there says Johnson so if you don't mind, I am going to call you by your name."

[Skill Acquired due to repeated action! Observe Lv.1!]


[Michael Johnson Lv.35 T-Virus Specimen (Currently Mutating)]

Now that last bit of information added a level of stress to Jon he didn't have before he was in no way prepared to face a mutating T-Virus anything at this point.

Flexing his hand gripping onto the marine he jerked violently to the side snapping the slowly dying marines' neck before firing off a few rounds into Johnson's torso missing his head purely because he had moved forward.

Now that was a problem he needed to rectify because he could hear it now the sound of bones snapping and rearranging. It was taking seconds to happen as the virus worked its almost magical effects on him.

Its host was in danger, and it was responding to fix that Jon needed to act fast a single step seeing him halfway across the space between them a second sending them both smashing against the wall.

Rifle poised upwards as he fired it repeatedly into Johnson's torso and neck watching as chunks gave way the spinal cord exposed as the gun clicked empty.

Going to jam his hand into what remained of the flesh to snap the spinal cord Jon found himself staggering forward as fresh pain spread across his back once than twice.

Managing to roll away before it could happen again Jon bounced to his feet staggering upright against the wall near the control panel for the ramp.

One of the pilots was standing in the entrance to the cockpit handgun raised two shell casings on the ground by his feet. The bastard had shot Jon twice in the back.

Almost right back where he started Jon snatched the bags hanging off of the frame of the helicopter while smacking a button on the panel ramp and floor opening at the same time.

"You better hope I don't survive this, or I will burn your whole organization to the ground."

Jon tossed himself out of the back having already checked the distance to the ground while talking also making sure to keep an eye on Johnson who was twitching rapidly.

Twisting and tumbling through the air while clutching the bags close to his chest Jon could hear faintly over the wind a horrified scream come from the helicopter. Though his focus was forced to shift away as he hit the first branch back first bouncing off to slam into a tree trunk followed by a thicker branch.

But that was where his violent descent ended as the branch had held up against the impact bones most definitely broken and vision swimming Jon had survived narrowly a cold creeping into him.

"I hate my life." Jon wheezed out a complaint as he checked on the pouches relieved to find them intact with the lines still connected.

Dragging himself upright against the trunk of the tree Jon set up the bags the best he could on a higher but smaller branch reconnecting them to him.

Though he hesitated when it came to the T-Virus filled one he was heavily injured and there was the chance that the virus would be able to mutate him because of that but he had already had a good amount pumped into his body.

[Level Up! X4]

[Body +3, Spirit +4 and Mind +2]

Jon spent some points that had accumulated from each level up to raise all of his stats to eighteen head lolling back against the trunk. He was so tired, and the broken bones paired with the gunshot wounds were taking it out of him now all he could really do was hope that the extra points would allow him to ever wake up again.

Third Person POV

Aboard the helicopter Johnson was slowly standing up right bones cracking loudly as the missing tissue filled in rapidly blood dribbling out of his mouth as he shuffled up on the unsuspecting pilot.

Screaming and bloody filled the bay not that the single remaining pilot could hear it as the door separating the two sections had been closed automatically by the bays being opened.

Johnson or what was left of his mind looked down at the rapidly passing buildings underneath stepping out of one of the hatches in the floor plummeting towards a roof.

The building he landed on was the hospital in the town that was about to become a battleground between two different forces.

A ship crashing in the woods not far from town carrying multiple infected Yautjia and a single fully grown Predalien the grown alien bursting out of the side of the ship heading towards the town in the dead of night.

It was going to be a bloodbath that would be impossible to hide with the widespread availability of advanced technology that Umbrella's existence had allowed.

Screams had already started ringing out into the night from the hospital while out on a packed football field there was a Predalien stalking a target waiting and watching.

Two hundred miles down a team of umbrella security agents were already hard at work activating containment protocols having picked up the rapidly mutating form of Johnson in the hospital.

They had remote locked all of the doors because they had been heavily involved in the building of the hospital.

It would be filled with infected hosts by the end of the night though they had been catching glimpses of what seemed like another infected mutate out near the football field.

Teams were being scrambled and strings pulled with high up figures in the government as a cover story was being concocted to explain why a whole town would just disappear off the map in two days.

All while Jon slept on a tree branch the night passing for him with no incidents happening to wake him up the packs seeping in new cells forming with the T-Virus worming its way into his base dna.