
....Is a little nudge

Jon must have stood peering out at the fight for an hour watching as the final two duked it out in a bloody display of strength and resolve.

Many houses had crumbled on the block just from the fight these two had as they were the biggest of each of their race though it wasn't to say that the other predators were dead no, they were still alive.

He had at least seen to that taking the time to take up a perch in a different part of the house putting a few well-placed rounds into the PredAliens when he could to slow them.

Now he was back at the window watching as the Predator finally managed to break the back of the last one blades singing in the air as its head was severed a faint grin on his lips.

Jon could swoop in right now and kill the Predator that had survived netting a large number of rewards but instead he decided to wait keeping watch as he backed away from the window.

Without so many of them dead he would have to pay a price to win against them all so instead he slipped away out of the back of the house smashing his way through the fencing.

Even if they heard him, it would take them a while to actually be able to come after him because Jon could already hear the Xenomorphs hissing and screaming their way to the street.

If nothing was done about it more than one of them would probably fall in the ensuing fighting but that wasn't Jon's problem.

Shouldering charging his way through a few more fences Jon kept on the move going through a house that had been filled with the zombies plowing out of the front window with no regard for noise.

By this point he already had a following anyways so it wouldn't be much of a difference the groans and occasional screaming coming out of the crowd behind him.

Sliding around a street corner Jon stopped at the sight of the hospital before him numerous windows busted open with pulsing flesh sacs attached to the outside. Stomping around behind the floor to ceiling glass of the first floor was a large figure maybe ten feet tall shoulders broader than the front of a semitruck.

Certainly not something that he could go against as he was and from the looks of it the thing still wouldn't be able to get out though a good part of the glass was sporting cracks.

Looking back at the approaching horde Jon gave a soft grunt racing over to an overturned motorcycle grabbing it by the front wheel.

Turning while digging his feet in the motorcycle left the ground with the sound of groaning metal sailing length wise down the road into the horde.

Gripping a stop sign next Jon ripped it out of the ground using the extended reach to smack aside the first few zombies that weren't struggling to get back off of the ground.

Whipping the sign away into the horde as well Jon leapt backwards creating a gap between the two almost tripping over his own feet when he landed but managing to stay upright.

A small curse escaping him because of how easy they always made that move scene in movies and shows but then again, he was also far stronger than a normal human.

Grabbing a smaller car Jon let out a grunt of effort legs straining as he titled it up tossing the car onto its roof giving out a good amount of noise as he punted it away sending sparks flying.

He could hear the bigger one in the hospital at the glass a faint tremble reaching him even half a block away letting him know exactly how hard it was hitting the glass.

Each punch had to carry the same amount of force as some sort of explosive at least.

Though Jon had already achieved his purpose the horde was divided in the center by the car and the motorcycle that he had tossed into it ignoring a few alerts that popped up.

Though one had caught his attention.

[Legs Overtaxed! Speed Reduced by 50% for 15 minutes]

"So, I can be injured like this too."

He could already feel the injury knitting back together a leg muscle seemed to have given out something that would have taken a team of surgeons to fix was pulling itself back together.

Hobbling down the street Jon used the obstacles that he encountered to create more space between him and the remains of the horde.

3rd Pov

A younger woman laid on a roof further away staring at the scene through the scope of a sniper rifle that looked far too futuristic to be from this world aiming at Jon for a moment before switching targets.

"How are we looking Violet?"

"Newbie is still alive at least though he seems to have been infected or else he wouldn't have been able to flip the car."

"We can't confirm that he is restrained by the same rules as the rest of us his first world is a mash up that has gone horribly wrong." A deeper third voice spoke up from the back.

"What do you mean captain?"

The owner of the third voice stepped into view covered in clone wars armor sporting the familiar blue markings on it helmet held in one hand as the cloned face of Bobba Fett stared out at the road a few blocks away.

"So, Rex what the hell do we do? We are kind of a specialist clean up squad, but this has gone past the clean-up stage this is going to require an extermination just to keep this verse running."

"It isn't our job to worry about keeping this verse running its just our job to do the clean up on this mess Umbrella is not allowed to get ahold of a single Xenomorph or sample of one."

"And the newbie?"

"No need to worry about the newbie I have been informed that he will be relocated to his own verse for an extended period after this."

Putting his helmet on Captain Rex stared at his team composed of the woman Violet who sported a railgun rifle and twin pistols, the fully armored form of Black Noir and his latest member.

The arms crossed over his chest almost obscuring the big 'D' on the front of the costume that he wore.

"Any comments Danny?"

"No, sir just awaiting orders."

Rex could honestly say that he was not enjoying his newest team composed of those collected from across the verses for their abilities they were all carefully vetted and programmed for the work they would do.

"Actually, Danny I have a job for you" Rex hesitated to keep speaking for a moment. "Follow the newbie."

Danny disappeared from view almost instantly drifting away into the sky aware that no one else could see him.

Jon Pov

Hobbling along was a lot harder when he could hear the sound of the Predators arriving watching him yet not attacking like they usually would no instead it was like they were watching one their own perform a first hunt.

That gave Jon back a little bit of his original confidence knowing that even if he survived the horde, he would still have to make an impression on the species of hunters or he would be killed.

There was no other way to look at it so all he could do was fight back as hard as possible rifle coming up as he turned his forward hobble into a backwards waddle. Firing off a single shot every second as bodies hit the road tripping up momentarily the horde allowing him more space to breathe as well.

[4:56, 4:55, 4:54...]

Jon was also keeping track of the counter in the corner of his vision as he kept firing having to switch clips rapidly before resuming his firing emptying another clip before switching weapons.

"Damn zombies."

Pistol raised Jon hesitated for a moment before putting it away pulling a knife out holding it in a reverse grip lowering his center of gravity as he stared at the remaining thirty or so zombies.

"Come on then you bastards!"

Jon leapt forward ignoring the pain in his legs as he back handed the closest one cracking its skull the knife being buried in a second's head as he kept moving.

Weaving underneath a few reaching hands he targeted legs and spines as he came back up stomping on skulls even as he danced through the horde blood and brains splashing about.

He was giving it everything that he had just to keep fighting his stamina waning as his body used it to recover faster a hunger building with each scratch that scabbed instantly or muscle that ached.

While being enhanced came with benefits if his endurance couldn't keep up with the array of abilities, he had then it would be pointless.

With one zombie left in front of him the notification he had been waiting for came his legs no longer aching as Jon jumped in place a few times before exploding forward in a blur of motion.

Arm wrapping tightly around the zombies' neck free hand gripping its chin as he exerted force sharply to the side bones breaking and the resistance it had been offering ending.

Standing amongst the pile of bodies panting heavily knife dripping blood and the last of a few scratches closing up Jon looked over at where the Predators had been finding the biggest one still there.

The rest however had disappeared probably in pursuit of prey to hunt down taking the chance to try acquiring trophies while cleaning up the mess.

Staring up at the masked face Jon tightened his grip on the knife not willing to show weakness to the Predator as it made a single loud huffing noise tossing what looked like just a handle onto the road.

It was so dismissive of the action it had just performed that for a second Jon wandered if it was real eyes trailing the handle as it slid along the road to land against one of the dead zombies.

By the time he looked back up the Predator was gone.

Collecting the handle Jon turned it over a few times examining everything about it yet being unable to determine its use up until he squeezed the handle a blade nearly four feet long springing out.

[Hunters Blade]


[This item gifted by a Predator to a young hunter is a rite of passage and survival marking the passage of a test rarely handed out]

"It seems that they are trying to nudge me onto the path they as a species walk or maybe they are simply trying to acknowledge my potential."

Jon shook off the unnecessary thoughts releasing the pressure on the handle allowing the blade to retract as he attached the now seemingly harmless handle to his waist.

Turning to look at the hospital that was further away now Jon hesitated before steeling his resolve. If this was just the first in a long series of worlds than he needed to be stronger and the surefire way to do that was to kill.

He needed to try his hand at killing that thing in the hospital and hope that it would be enough to accelerate his rescue.