
The Hollow God of Greece

(None of the images, unless specified, are mine and belong to their respective owners)(one piece, bleach, sds, etc are not mine as well as any characters in the story unless specified) Ares, Hercules, and Perseus come to mind when people think of the children of Zeus. The majority of people are unaware that he had another son. Eneru, or Enel as the Roman's called him, was the name of the child. He was the god of the sky, thunder, lightning, storms, darkness, calamity, destruction, souls, beasts, and judgment. He was the Greek pantheon's strongest deity and had no equal. His tale is told here.

DaoistP8rSJO · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
4 Chs

Ice Ice Baby

(A/n: This story will have many characters and principles of other anime, manga, comics, and movies/shows, that will be mixed with the mythologies/history that will appear much later in this story. Also, many years have passed since chapter one, basically a massive time skip.)


{Narrator POV}

"ARES, DESTROY MY ENEMIES, AND MY LIFE IS YOURS!" A tall, beautiful, and slender woman with long, light blue hair and blue eyes yelled with a face of determination and anger. She wore general's apparel with long sleeves with buttons on the upper arms, a blue scarf on her neck, and high-heeled boots.

Around her, thousands of Greek soldiers lay dead on the ground, with the survivors trying to fight off the barbarians.

She herself was standing on top of a mountain of corpses on her knees, screaming to the heavens.

The ground was muddy due to the constant pouring rain and the oceans of blood of the fallen soldiers.

The sky was pitch black with sudden bursts of lightning that roared with the sound of a god.

Suddenly, as if hearing her prayers, the sky roared with power as hundreds of lightning bolts began to roll down from the sky before one struck right next to her.

From the lightning-stricken ground, a young man appeared. He had short black hair, deep purple eyes, and a long, thin scar running down the left side of his face and across his left eye. He more noticeably had a hole directly in the middle of his chest and a large, gray ring coming from his shoulder blades that had four wooden drums set next to and above his head, each with cream-colored drum skin depicting a black ouroboros on the front and back.

Otherwise topless, his pants are extremely baggy, ballooning ones gathered quite a bit below the knees with separate brown, short cuffs each holding a small, gold-buckled strap of light blue. Each pant leg is patterned in deep black: many longish, rectangular shapes touching in a slanting position, forming three separate rows of which the lowest comes out the cuff; the upper and middle row each tops a single row of white spaced dots, and the rest of the pants is bright white.

(A/n: every five or so chapters or when I add a new character, I will create a character file that will explain or describe them, their powers, personalities, etc., with appropriate photos.)

The general immediately kneeled, knowing exactly who this man, no, god, was.

"I did not expect you to be the one to answer my prayers, Lord Eneru." She said in shock, Why is Eneru of all the Greek gods answering her calls instead of the bloodthirsty God of War?

"Fret not; I think that you'll find me more capable than that brute of a monkey my brother is. He'd probably also have you do something perverse or terrible if he did answer your calls."

He said with a neutral voice, "Now then, I guess I should end this battle quickly."

"Mamaragan!" He shouted as he raised an arm to the dark sky.

Hundreds of thousands of lightning bolts showered the earth. A single lightning bolt had evaporated hundreds of soldiers while creating large explosions which had burned the very earth, leaving behind countless craters.

The general could only look with her mouth left agape as she saw the enemy army be completely destroyed while her own soldiers, at least what's left of them, were completely fine.

When Eneru saw this, he let a small smirk appear on his face before returning to his neutral expression.

"What's your name general?" Eneru asked while staring at the glorious destruction he caused.

"...My name is Esdeath Castellanos, my lord. I was born, raised, and trained in Sparta. I joined the military after the general stationed there saw my strength." The general, now named Esdeath, introduced with a smile.

Suddenly, a barbarian had tried attacking the two from behind but began to disintegrate and turn into dust when Eneru quickly turned around and grabbed his face.

"What was that? As long as you wish to tell me, of course, my lord." She questioned before quickly bowing down to him for repentance.

"It's fine, so raise your head and stand up. While you may be mine in body and soul, you are still a person." He said while dusting off his hands. "That ability was called Hakai, it's an ability that came from the eastern pantheons, more specifically Shiva, which I had thought useful enough and sto- I mean learned it."

"Amazing..." She whispered under her breath with a small blush on her face.

Soon, a blackish red energy pulsed across the battlefield.

"Hmmm...good, looks like no one has been left alive." He said before turning to the general. "Now then, as per the contract, you shall become one of my eternal servants and guardsman. To aid you in this duty, I shall bestow upon you the ability of a great and powerful demon who once tried to take my spot on Olympus. Will you accept?" 

"Yes, my lord." She answered immediately with no hesitation.

"Good, I'll begin the process now, do know that this will be extraordinarily painful and have unforeseen side effects depending upon the power and user." He warned before summoning a  paint brush. "Could you please stand up Ms Esdeath Castellanos. This process will be much easier for us if you do so."

She got up wordlessly and tensed up in pain when she felt the brush begin to touch her skin.

It felt as if she was getting burned by the very sun while being frozen by the coldest thing in the world. She felt her muscles decay and regenerate at the same time in a single moment. She felt her very soul shiver and scream in agony as the brush painted a symbol on her chest. Her very skull felt like it was collapsing in on itself.She was only relieved of the excruciating pain as the brush was lifted off her chest.

She almost collapsed to the ground before being caught and carried in a princess carry by Eneru.

"Everything...Hurt...in...pain." She could barely speak let alone make coherent sentences.

—(Insert Photo)—

"What...this." She groaned out as she looked at the symbol on her chest.

Eneru looked at her while putting her on a bed/boat made of clouds.

"It's called Majin Kengen: Demonzu Ekisu. I obtained it after conquering a large and dangerous creature. I used its body to create the brush and its blood to give the beasts ability to mortals and demigods." He answered with his ever present apathetic godly voice.

'To think he could talk about something like that so casually...he really is my lord, my fated master, the same one the oracle said I would serve for eternity and beyond. The strongest man of all of Greece...' She thought as she fell asleep on the cloud.

"Hmm, she's asleep? How...amusing." He said with a small grin. "I wonder if you'll break like the last one."

As he got on the boat cloud, he commanded it to take off to Mount Olympus, he needed to speak to Athena about something very important.


{Athena POV} {20 minutes Prior}

Ahhhh, today is such a good day... No Ares trying to fight me and take my land; no Apollo and Artemis; No one at all. Just me relaxing in this natural spring...

Nothing will be able to ruin this day...

Nothing at all...

Absolutely nada...



Suddenly I heard someone enter the spring and "felt" the person move towards me via the water. The person soon stopped a few feet away from me.

"What are you doing here, Aphrodite? If I remember correctly, 'your' husband, Eneru, is in the human world. So what do you want?" I questioned with my eyes still closed.

Aphrodite was recently married to Eneru, fifteen years ago actually. In the time they have been married, Aphrodite gave birth to two children. The first one is a boy given the name Vidite and the second was a girl given the name Zelina.

Not only that, but since the moment they met for the first time, she's had this obsessive love for him. It's so disturbing that even Zeus runs away when she is mad or goes on rants.

"... I smelled a different scent, more specifically from a woman, coming off his cheek. Its scent is very strong and similar to yours. You wouldn't have kissed—no, sorry, I meant been near him at all, would you?" She asked with a powerful yet dark aura practically seeping out of her, ironic since she's the goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and happiness.

*sigh* I opened my eyes and looked at her with an empty gaze.

"You know that not every woman wants to fuck him, right?" I replied with an empty smile.

"You didn't answer my question. Tell me why I shouldn't kill you right now. We both know that I'm more capable than I look." She threatened with a glare.

"Tch...fine. I kissed him, so what? We both know that he doesn't care about a measly kiss that has no meaning in the grand scheme of things. You also forget that the fates predicted that me and him would be married." I don't care what she or others think; he is mine and mine alone.

Even if I have to fight the world for his affection, then I will.

"The fates know not what they speak of! We've been married for fifteen years; that alone should tell you that they were wrong. Not only that, but they have been wrong before, meaning that what they see is not always correct, and the fact is that the future is very much changeable by higher powers. So it's best that you leave me, my husband, and my children, the ones that he is the father of, alone, you harlot!" She yelled with a face filled with rage.

"Harlot?! I'm the harlot?! If I remember correctly, before meeting Eneru, you slept with any man that had a fucking pulse! I'm surprised that he decided that marrying someone like you was a good idea!" I yelled back with an equally large amount of anger.




"Old hag!"

We began yelling profanities and curses at each other, so close to destroying the area and trying to kill each other.

However, we stopped when we felt a certain energy signature appear on Olympus. We both knew who it was, but we also noticed a new and much smaller energy signature, most likely from a mortal.

We scrambled to dry ourselves off and put on our clothes before immediately heading in his direction.

He is mine, and only mine! No other whore deserves to even be in his presence, let alone be his wife! I will bear his children and become his wife, no matter the cost.





(A/n: This is the end, hope y'all enjoyed, also I don't mind criticism or tips.)