
The Hollow God of Greece

(None of the images, unless specified, are mine and belong to their respective owners)(one piece, bleach, sds, etc are not mine as well as any characters in the story unless specified) Ares, Hercules, and Perseus come to mind when people think of the children of Zeus. The majority of people are unaware that he had another son. Eneru, or Enel as the Roman's called him, was the name of the child. He was the god of the sky, thunder, lightning, storms, darkness, calamity, destruction, souls, beasts, and judgment. He was the Greek pantheon's strongest deity and had no equal. His tale is told here.

DaoistP8rSJO · Fantasy
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4 Chs


{Eneru POV}

I see Olympus in the far distance. While I could have technically teleported to Olympus due to my wearing the "Ring of Iron Will" that would mean I wouldn't be able to witness the beautiful and picturesque landscape and skies of Olympus.


I may be a serious, calm, and collected individual, but even I know how to appreciate the small things in life.

As I neared my abode on Olympus, also referred to as Hermak by the Roman mortals and Kustovi by the Greek mortals, I saw two women standing on my landing area.



As my cloud boat slowly lands on the ground, the two goddesses rush to my side as I pick up and carry Esdeath in my arms.

"Dear, where have you been? I was so worried about you! ... Who is this?" Aphrodite asked in a worried voice before that voice became cold and her eyes became empty.

"This is... no one, and she made a pact with me, and now she is my eternal servant." I answered quickly as I felt a crushing aura emitted from my wife. I almost forgot how scary she could be when mad or jealous.

"Is that so? I'll believe you..." Her eyes were as empty as the abyss as she hugged me and whispered into my ear. "Of course I don't think you'll do anything like that! You're my perfect, loyal husband!" She said this while kissing me on the cheek.

"Ahem! How are you feeling, Eneru? Are you injured?" Athena coughed before checking my body to make sure I was okay, almost like a wife worrying about her husband... huh.

"I'm doing just fine, Athena; in fact, I feel better than ever!" I replied with a lazy smile before noticing Aphrodite glaring at her.

'I've got to think fast!' I thought while sweating.

I was not going to let my home be destroyed!

"How about we go inside? It's rather hot out, and I'd like to take a bath." I said before walking to my home, with the two goddesses quickly following behind.

(How his home looks)

As we near the entrance of the "main hall" of my home, I see two soldiers wearing standard Greek military armor and large white wings coming from their backs, guarding the entrance.

"Welcome back, my lord." The two greeted in perfect sync while bowing.

"It's good to be back! Can one of you bring this woman to one of the empty rooms and bring a doctor to check on her and heal her?" I said this as I handed Esdeath to one of them.

"Yes sir!" He immediately grabbed and carried her before running off.

We continued on our way towards the living area of the building. As we entered the room, I saw my son playing chess with my daughter and failing badly.

"Checkmate!" My daughter, Zelina, declared with a large smile.


"Damn! I thought I could beat you this time! I challenge you again!" My son Vidite didn't back down and instead responded with a fiery determination.


"What did I say about swearing, Vidite? Do I have to punish you again?" Aphrodite scolded the boy with an irritated yet loving smile.

Vidite was a 6'5 giant of a man, er, boy, in Roman armor, and considering he's 10, this makes it even more surprising.

"Yes mother." He was shocked that we where there but he considered not getting punished by his mother even more important.

"Good afternoon father, mother, Ms Athena, how have you all been doing." Zelina asked with a happy smile.

"I'm doing just fine sweetheart, papa just had to deal with a couple things. How have you and your brother been doing while I was gone?" Zelina asked.

"I'm doing fine father, in fact, I recently learned how to create weapons from my shadows! It's difficult to maintain but at least I don't have to worry about being unarmed!" He spoke with a confident voice.

"I've been learning a couple spells from Madam Viole and Sir Churkam. I can even summon a familiar!" Zelina replied with joy.

"That's amazing! I'm proud of the both of you! But remember, even if you train hard, it will all be for not if you don't get adequate rest." I decided to give them a small piece of advice before heading to the bath.

Hopefully nothing bad will happen...



{Aphrodite}{Time-skip: 1 hour}


this is the life...

Just me and my beautiful children that I had with my amazing husband...

That bitch Athena finally left due to Hera calling her and asking her to help her with something.

A truly great day! I would have joined my husband in the baths but I have a much bigger problem to deal with.

What's the problem you ask? Well my beautiful and perfect husband brought a human woman from the mortal realm to our home. He said that she was no one but a human general who needed help.

Even so, that doesn't mean I won't keep my eyes on her. She's extremely beautiful, even more beautiful than some gods and goddesses, which obviously doesn't help the suspicions I have of her.

However, before I could continue my journey to the generals room, I was stopped by a rather large and muscular man with spartan like attire.


"Ares, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be meeting with Zeus later?" Why was this brute in the abode of me and my beloved?

"Aphrodite, I ask, that you marry me. I am superior to that insect in every way! I am clearly more suited for you than that bastard!" He proposed to me... what did he just say about my husband? About the most perfect person in existence? Someone who is infinitely superior than this rabid gorilla? Does he want to die?

"If you don't get out of my home in the next couple of seconds, I will kill you and take your title as God of War... and it will be quite painful." I glared at the filthy insect in front of me.

It seemed like my threat failed but my glare seemed to set off his [danger sense] ability that he obtained after training under Montu from the Egyptian Pantheon. The only way I could tell was the fear in his eyes and the slight shivering of his face.

However a couple moments later, that fear turned into determination.

"You may not know that I'm your destined love now but I'll show you and prove it to you in the future! You will become my woman, it's destined." Was all he said before finally leaving my sight.

"I'm....going....too....kill....him." I said through gritted teeth. "No, you have something more important to do than spend time thinking about him, like making sure that potential whore stays far away from my perfect husband."

I soon continued my way to the barracks, where the human was resting in.


{Time-skip: 10 Minutes}

That certainly took longer than expected. Why did my husband have to make this place so damn big? It's honestly just massive! Even Zeus and Hera's aren't close to being this gigantic.

Calling this place a labyrinth would be unjust, as it is much more complex and larger.

Anyway, after arriving at the barracks and entering her room, I saw her lying on the bed, completely and utterly unconscious.

She had beautiful blue hair and an amazing body; most men, 100% Zeus, Poseidon, and Ares, would be head over heels for her.

I quietly made my way to her and carefully cast an observation spell on her; it would only activate when she was near Eneru. A necessary precaution.

However, as I began to leave and neared the door, I saw my husband, in his usual attire, which consisted of large baggy pants and no shirt, leaning on the doorway.

"E-Eneru! What are you doing here?" I squeaked rather loudly as my face flushed. Don't tell me he saw what I did!'

"I just got out of the bath and came to look for you. What are you doing in the barracks?" He asked with his usual lazy yet loving smile.

"I-I just wanted to c-check on the guest." I stuttered out, flustered and blushing red.

"Very well. Now how about we "retire" for the night?" Eneru said lazily, while having a sultry look and slowly yet gently holding me in his arms.

"I-I, what about the kids? They'd surely hear." I didn't want to ruin their innocence, not when they were so young.

"Don't worry, you just have to be quiet. I also prepared silence spells in advance. I saw that you were pretty stressed lately and wanted to help alleviate it." He replied as he picked me up in a princess carry. Damn it, why does he have to be so perfect?

"F-fine, just don't overdo it. The last time we did it, I couldn't move on my own for a week." He didn't know how to hold back his power during the worst of times.

"I'll try." I'm damn sure he was lying. "Now off we go."

Tonight was going to be a very long night wasn't it?


Last night was heavenly.... but, I can barely feel my legs.

Hmph, I told him to hold back and he didn't!

Sigh, I can't blame him, he's too perfect to blame and he did it for me...

For me...


When thinking about it... my heart begins to as fast as Hermes...to think my perfect, handsome, powerful, and amazing husband did that just for me.... It's amazing... a feeling I wouldn't trade for anything in the world.

"Your staring into space dear, are you ok?" Eneru and his beautiful voice interrupted my thoughts.

"I'm fine dear, just contemplating on the fact that you didn't hold back when I told you to do so." I answered with a pout.

"Haha, I'm sorry but I just couldn't hold back! But...tell me the real reason." He laughed before turning serious.

"*sigh* Ares visited yesterday and he proposed to me. He said that he was a "better choice" and my "true love". I of course rejected him but he said that he'd prove to me that he'd be the superior man. I-I... I'm worried, especially for you." I told the truth before hugging him.

"Is that so? Looks like I'll need to pay him a visit and have a... talk with him." He said while snarling. When it came to me or the kids he can be very protective and dangerous if we are in danger.

"I would appreciate it, but enough of that. We can deal with this later, let's have breakfast!" I changed the subject, not because I wanted to defend Ares, but I was very hungry right now.

"Very well, let's go." He replied before picking me up and taking me to the dining room.

He truly is the perfect husband...

My perfect husband~


(A/n: sorry for the wait, was dealing with some things. Hope y'all enjoyed.)