
The hidden truth of me

"The Hidden Secret of Me" It a story filled with mystery and self-discovery. "The Hidden Secret of Me" is a captivating story! "The hidden truth of me" Follow Bella Sophia Delacroix on her captivating journey as an introverted college student. Embrace her uniqueness and join her in unraveling the mysteries that lie within. Get ready for an enchanting adventure! Natasha, is filled with challenges and transformations. From facing ups and downs in school to discovering her extraordinary abilities on her 18th birthday, It's fascinating how her powers make her stand out, but also make her feel like a "freak."Natasha's life takes a dramatic turn. she tries to hide her true identity while pursuing a successful acting career. she manages to balance her hidden abilities with her public persona. The stranger who offers her help adds another layer of intrigue to the story.

Be_yamba · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Chapter 2_ The Casanova

Felix's Pov

Lyra and I were taking a stroll in my neighborhood. I couldn't help but feel a sense of joy. It had been a while since I last set foot in this realm, so I took a deep breath and inhaled the fresh air.

Lyra abruptly halted, her gaze fixed on me. She urged me to continue on my path and let her relish her own solitude. Before I could utter a word, she swiftly vanished, employing her extraordinary powers.

It appeared that she had momentarily forgotten that we were no longer within the confines of our own realm.

As Lyra abruptly left, I could only nod my head, realizing the challenges she would face in adapting to this world.

I shook my head, trying to shake off those intrusive thoughts. As I strolled along the bustling street, a cacophony of voices flooded my mind, as if the thoughts of people around me were being whispered directly to me.

It was a result of my unique ability, a gift that allowed me to tune in to the innermost musings of others.

To drown out the overwhelming flood of thoughts, I swiftly grabbed the headphones hanging around my neck, desperately seeking solace and hoping to find some respite from the incessant mental chatter.

After aimlessly wandering for what seemed like an eternity, I finally made the choice to return home. A wave of disappointment washed over me as I realized that I couldn't even catch a fleeting glimpse of her. It continues to baffle me why my powers have no sway over her.

I walked into the sitting room and was taken aback by the sight of lyra completely engrossed in a movie. It amazed me how quickly she was adapting to this new dimension. In our world, where televisions and actors don't exist, us fairies reside in magical realms filled with vibrant colors and breathtaking landscapes.

With our graceful wings, we effortlessly navigate the skies, bringing a touch of enchantment to the world around us. Our innate abilities allow us to manipulate the forces of nature and fulfill wishes, adding an extra layer of wonder to our existence.

lyra's words snapped me out of my thoughts, and I turned to her with an intrigued expression, eager to delve deeper into the idea. The notion that certain individuals might possess immunity to magic sparked a vivid curiosity within me.

It was particularly fascinating because I knew that my beloved was impervious to my powers. I couldn't help but wonder what it meant and how it worked. It was as if a door to a whole new realm of possibilities had swung wide open.

Linda's smile widened as she recounted her encounter, excitement gleaming in her eyes. "You won't believe what happened today," she began. "I came across this girl who was completely immune to my magic.

I tried everything - spells, mind reading, even my most dazzling star lighting, but nothing had any effect on her. It was truly astonishing, like nothing I had ever seen before.

And you know what? even Evren, who is known as one of the most powerful fairies in our realm, couldn't resist my star lighting. It just goes to show that there's always something new and unexpected to discover.

My eyes widened in disbelief, as my jaw dropped, and my eyebrows shot up in astonishment. I couldn't utter a single word, completely taken aback by what i just heard.

I couldn't help but secretly hope that it wasn't her who had caught Lyra's attention. I knew Lyra better than she knew herself, and anyone who mistakenly attracted her attention would be in for more.

When she strikes at a person, it's like trying to remove a stubborn blue. It feels nearly impossible to get her away from that person.

Her presence lingers and clings, making it incredibly challenging to break free from her grasp. It's as if she has an irresistible magnetism that keeps drawing people in, making it difficult to resist her influence.

I pleaded with Lyra, "Please, Lyra, remember why we came here. We're supposed to be in a mission let's not attract any attention.

Belle's Pov

Luna i'm sorry, I could not come up with an answer, you know I suck at that.

She lean in a bit closer, her body language showing her eagerness to tell me.

The moment was filled with suspense and curiosity, as she said " Felix Alistair" is back.

My eyes widen in surprise, as my jaw drops slightly, and my eyebrows shoot up. As I take a step back while I place my hand on my chest, as my heart skipped a beat and started racing.

While I was trying to process the shocking news. My face showed a mix of disbelief, astonishment, and a hint of concern.

when I heard the shocking news about him! It felt like a sudden surge of adrenaline, and I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

My mind was racing with thoughts and emotions, and I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement, nervousness, and curiosity.

It was definitely an intense moment that left me feeling a bit overwhelmed.

I ask for more details or clarification, Luna are you serious, wanting to understand the situation better. It's clear that the news has caught them off guard and left them momentarily speechless.

She had a determined look on her face, her eyes focused and intense. She made a gesture with her hands, using them to emphasize her words and make her point.

Her voice were filled with confident and assertive, as she presents her evidence to support her claims.

She lean in slightly, trying to make sure her words are heard and understood.

It's clear that she is passionate about proving her words are true and is willing to go the extra mile to convince me.

I saw him yesterday on my way back from the store, he was on his usual pair of well-fitted jeans, a comfortable graphic t-shirt, and a cool leather jacket, with a pair of trendy sneakers and some stylish watch and his headphones on.

I could not believe my eyes, she said with a triumphant smile, her eyes sparkling with a mix of excitement and anticipation.

She lean in slightly, eagerly waiting for my response. Her body language exude confidence, with her shoulders back and her head held high.

While tap her fingers with excitement, unable to contain her enthusiasm.

My expression was a mix of surprise, awe, and admiration. My eyes was widen, as my jaw might drop slightly, and my eyebrows raise in astonishment.

I lean on the wall, taking a moment to process what i just heard. A smile slowly spread across my face as I realize the seriousness in her words.

I was filled with of surprise, joy, and a hint of nervousness. My eyes were more widen, and my lips was part in astonishment, while my cheeks flush with a rosy hue.

I clasp my hands together in excitement and bring my hand to my chest as my heart skips a beat.

The first word i spoke was a breathless "Wow!" followed by a shy yet hopeful smile.

I can't believe my first love is back, and I was eager to see him, although he might not feel the same way about me.

The air around me was filled with a sense of accomplishment and a hint of nervousness, as I was eager to set my ears on him.

Felix Alistair, a young guy with strikingly chiseled features and an aura of mystery.

His piercing blue eyes hold a hint of icy detachment, captivating anyone who dares to meet his gaze.

With his perfectly styled dark hair and a strong jawline, he exudes confidence and charm. Felix's tall and muscular physique commands attention wherever he goes.

He has a reputation as a Casanova, effortlessly charming and captivating the hearts of those around him. Despite his cold demeanor, there's an undeniable allure to his enigmatic personality.

People are drawn to his magnetic presence, even if they're aware of the risks. Felix Alistair, a guy who leaves a trail of broken hearts in his wake.

From the moment i laid eyes on Felix Alistair the cold Casanova, my heart skipped a beat. My feelings for him are like a whirlwind of emotions, swirling inside you.

Every time he's near, my heart races, and my palms get sweaty. I find myself daydreaming about him, imagining what it would be like to be by his side.

But the fear of rejection and the uncertainty of his feelings keeps me hiding my emotions, like a secret flame burning within me.

It's a bittersweet agony, to love someone from afar, silently yearning for a connection.

It was Luna's gentle voice that called me, with a tap on my shoulder, that brought me back to reality.

I was filled with wonder and awe, as my eyes sparkle with excitement, my smile was wide and filled with joy, and my body language was animated and energetic, as i let out a happy sigh, unable to contain my enthusiasm.

Luna maintain a gentle and empathetic expression. Showing in her eyes as she speak with a soft, soothing tone.

I know it's tough dealing with one-sided love, but remember you're not alone. Take your time to heal and focus on loving yourself more.