
The hidden truth of me

"The Hidden Secret of Me" It a story filled with mystery and self-discovery. "The Hidden Secret of Me" is a captivating story! "The hidden truth of me" Follow Bella Sophia Delacroix on her captivating journey as an introverted college student. Embrace her uniqueness and join her in unraveling the mysteries that lie within. Get ready for an enchanting adventure! Natasha, is filled with challenges and transformations. From facing ups and downs in school to discovering her extraordinary abilities on her 18th birthday, It's fascinating how her powers make her stand out, but also make her feel like a "freak."Natasha's life takes a dramatic turn. she tries to hide her true identity while pursuing a successful acting career. she manages to balance her hidden abilities with her public persona. The stranger who offers her help adds another layer of intrigue to the story.

Be_yamba · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 3_ Dr Emily

My face was light up with a mixture of relief, gratitude, and a hint of a smile.

My eyes reflect a sense of comfort and appreciation, and my body language was relax, showing that i feel understood and supported.

It's as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, and I was grateful to have someone like luna by my side.

Thank you so much for your comforting words, my dear friend. Your support means the world to me.

I truly appreciate your understanding and encouragement. You're an incredible friend, and I'm grateful to have you in my ....

I could not complete my words due to my phone that began to rang, my eyes widened in surprise as my phone rang, interrupting our conversation.

I quickly glanced at the screen, my expression shifting to a mix of curiosity and anticipation.

"Oh, excuse me," i said, gesturing apologetically to her, my voice filled with intrigue.

I raised my hand to my ear, holding my phone, and tilted my head slightly as i listened intently.

My eyebrows furrowed in concentration, and a small smile formed on my lips as i heard something intriguing.

Aunt:  "Hey, beauty! How are you doing?

Me:  "Hey Auntie! I'm good, thanks for asking.

Aunt:  "listen, I wanted to ask if you could drop by the hospital today."

Me:  "What's going on? Is everything okay?"

Aunt: "Well, we had an emergency, I thought it would be nice if you could bring me my undies and clothes, I won't be home tonight.

Me:  "Of course! I'll head over to the hospital right away.

Aunt: "Thank you so much, dear.

Me: "any thing for auntie Emily,  I'll be there as soon as I can.

Aunt: "That's so sweet of you!

Me: "See you soon, Dr Emily

My face transformed with a mix of surprise and amusement as i ended the call.

I let out a small chuckle, shaking my head slightly, and muttered, "Leave it to Dr Emily to ask me for favors even when she's at work."

Luna glanced over, her eyebrows raised in curiosity. She couldn't help but smile at my reaction, finding it amusing and endearing.

She leaned in and asked, "What does Dr Emily want this time around?

A small smile formed on my lips, Dr Emily just asked me to bring her undies and clothes to the hospital!

my expression to my aunt's request was priceless! I couldn't believe she asked me to bring her undies and clothes to her in the hospital. It was quite unexpected!"

Luna's expression was priceless. She couldn't believe it either!"

'Hey, did you hear about your Dr Emily's latest fashion show at the hospital? She's really taking her style to new heights!'

She's setting trends with her unique attire!'

Luna gave a playful wink and a mischievous smile while raising her eyebrows. It adds an extra touch of humor to her teasing!"

I was caught off guard. I gave her a playful eye roll and a smirk.

responding to her tease in a laughter and playful way.

'Oh please, Dr Emily fashion sense is legendary!'

"Luna, If you don't mind, I need to head home and take my aunt's things to the hospital. I'll catch up with you later. Take care!"

"Oh, so you're leaving now? Just remember to bring back a souvenir from the hospital.

Take your time  Let me know if there's anything I can do to help, she said with a smile that lights up their eyes, lifts their cheeks, and radiates pure happiness"

Seeing her smile also brought a smile to my face too!

Alright see you later, I said to her with a smile on, while I turn around to leave.

Lyra's POV

As I sat by my room window, a gentle breeze caressed my face, creating a serene atmosphere. Suddenly, distant voices caught my attention, and I couldn't resist the urge to eavesdrop.

Using my powers, I honed in on the voices and discovered that they were discussing my brother. It amused me how deeply this girl loved him, the number one player boy in fairy realm.

I couldn't help but feel a mix of sympathy and curiosity, longing to see her face.

As I arrived, she had already departed. However, I encountered her friend walking in my direction. It was evident from her thoughts that she was indeed the girl's friend.

I went up to her friend and used my mind control powers to make her do what I wanted. She answered all my questions without realizing what was happening. After I was done, I released the control.

As soon as Luna regained her senses, her gaze locked onto me with a mix of curiosity and affection. With wide eyes, she asked the most amusing question, wondering if this was all just a dream.

I couldn't contain my laughter, finding her innocence endearing. She glanced around, realizing that it wasn't a dream after all. She seemed a bit perplexed, but I could tell she was just trying to make sense of it all. Growing a bit bored with her chatter, I decided to reveal the truth.

I casually mentioned that I had compelled her, leaving her speechless. Before she could utter a word, I bid her farewell with a simple "Goodbye, Luna Lucian." Placing my index finger gently on her forehead, I erased any memory of our encounter from her mind.


3 hours later

I steps out of the taxi in front of the hospital,  'St. Joseph's Hospital', was boldly written on it, I took her bag with a sense of purpose. walking towards the emergency room, where Dr Emily was busy attending to patients.

My aunt's dressing is uniquely funny, with mismatched colorful slippers and a wild, untamed hairstyle that adds a touch of eccentricity.

I smile while i was approaching my aunt, embracing both my aunt's extraordinary personality and her own uniqueness.

As doctor Emily walks through the doors of the ER, her eyes show the weariness of a long day of saving lives. However, her face lights up with joy as she spots me approaching.

With a grateful smile, she thanked me for bringing her the bag, appreciating the thoughtful gesture amidst the chaos of the emergency room.

My face brightens up with a mix of relief and affection. I warmly greet her and say, "all hail to the great Dr Emily", in a teasing tone, she smiled while ignoring my tease.

I knew she was exhausted, so I gave her the bag I brought.

You're doing an amazing job here, and I'm proud of you. She could not reply to be course of a man who was just rushed in.

As I stepped out of the hospital, a gentle breeze caressed my face, making me appreciate the pleasant weather.

I made the spontaneous decision to walk home, enjoying the freedom and tranquility of the moment.

Lost in my thoughts, I suddenly bumped into Freya, my high school classmate.

The sight of her brought back a rush of memories, and I couldn't help but feel a mix of surprise and delight.

Freya, who was now studying piano to be a pianist, had always possessed a remarkable talent for music.

Her fingers gracefully danced across the keys, creating beautiful melodies that resonated with my soul.

It was a joy to witness her passion and dedication come to life. We exchanged warm greetings, catching up on each other's lives.

The encounter was a delightful reminder of the unexpected connections that can be found in the journey of life.