
The hero of the 8 sacred swords

A young man admitted to high school, after the events that occurred, was excluded by his classmates, and due to an accident he dies and manages to reincarnate in a new world, where he will not have it easy, but he will manage to rise as the strongest of all.

Swords_Sensei · Fantasía
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34 Chs

Chapter 11: Memories Part 11 - Karaoke

After the introduction of the new girl, now known as Caroline, the tutor had an idea to improve the "social situation" in which Rodrigo was.

"Mmm, it seems that the two of them know each other ... Could this girl be able to get Rodrigo join the group again? As a tutor, I have a duty to make sure that none of my students have a bad time in their golden years, if Caroline can to ensure that Rodrigo does not finish like me then I have to help them" -the tutor thought seriously- "Because if I don't, Rodrigo will end up like me, single, without friends or couple at 35, with a teacher's salary that is not enough to give you luxuries, I can barely pay the rent, and I'm so alone, nobody comes close to me, and none of my coworkers has invited me to eat, my mother told me that I was beautiful, why did I reject everyone in high school?, now nobody pays attention to me "-The tutor thought sadly and quickly, who is interrupted by Caroline upon seeing her with a strange face-

"This ... teacher, are you okay?"

The tutor reacted and while she gave a nervous laugh, she told Caroline to sit in the free seat at the back, next to Rodrigo. Caroline was going to happily accept, but Alice raised her voice after hitting the table hard.

"Teacher, that is unacceptable"

Everyone in the classroom fixed their gaze on Alice.

"And why would this be unacceptable?" -Asked the tutor calmly-

"Because ... because ..."

Alice didn't know what to say, she acted without thinking due to her jealousy.

"Because the student Justiniano will be a bad influence for her, because he is someone ... bad, yes, someone bad"

Rodrigo only limited himself to sigh after hearing that, however, Caroline no, she was going to say something happily, but she was interrupted by the tutor.

"Well, well, and tell me Alice, why would * Student * Justiniano be a bad influence on our new classmate? - Said the tutor with a fake smile-

"This ... because ..." -Alice said without knowing what to answer, she didn't really think that, but she didn't like the idea of another girl sitting next to the person she loves-

(Note: in first year, there was a boy sitting next to Rodrigo, who was transferred to classroom 2B)

"Or are you suggesting that I would be able to place a bad influence with another of my students and that would make me a bad tutor?" -Said the tutor with a fake smile and some annoyance-

"No teacher, it's just that ... he's a bad person" -Alice said nervously-

"Well, for me, he is just another one of my dear students, but since you know the reason why he is a bad person, you will be able to do an essay, for tomorrow, of 50 sheets explaining the reason, right Alice? " -Said the tutor with a fake smile and a lot of annoyance-

"This ... well ... sorry, teacher, I acted without thinking, I will not do it again" - Alice said as she leaned in position of "Sorry" and then she returned to sit down.

"Alright Alice, that's better"

Alice, with comical tears on her face, rested her head on her table. Ana could only feel sorry for Alice, and Rose, who was sitting behind Alice, rubbed Alice's head as she spoiled her.

The tutor told Caroline to sit next to Rodrigo and that if she had any questions she could count on his help. Caroline went to sit down and spoke to Rodrigo.

"Heh, are things always * like this * around here?" -Asked Caroline, referring to the strange behavior of the tutor and Alice's behavior-

"Not very often, although the truth is I do not give importance to the environment" - Rodrigo said seriously-

"Ou... well, the tutor said that I can count on you for anything I doesn't understand here, so let's get along, Rodrigo"

"… I suppose"

For 4 days, Caroline became very popular with boys for her beauty and body, she also became well known with girls for her common tastes. In class, she would ask Rodrigo things that she did not understand and at recess she would try to talk to him, since she saw him alone.

"Hey, I see that Alice is well known throughout the school" -Said Caroline-

"It seems so" -said Rodrigo seriously while he ate something-

"Her name seems somewhat familiar to me, but I can't remember what"

On the other hand, Alice was spying on Rodrigo.

"I don't like that girl at all"

"Come on Alice, don't say that, Caroline is nice" -Said Rose, who, along with Ana, were spying on Alice-

"If it bothers you so much, just go and claim what is yours, or was yours" -Said Ana seriously-

Alice was scared, and she told them that she could not get close to Rodrigo because her mother had infiltrated a servant of hers into the school as an informant and that she could only see him hiding so that they would not do anything bad to him.

"Well, but I think you should try to get along better with Caroline, she is very nice and great" -Said Rose-

"Rose ..." -Alice said complaining-

"Rose is right, you should get along better with her" -Said Ana-

"You too Ana?" -Alice said complaining-

"Also, remember the phrase Alice, the way to defeat your enemy is to make her your friend, if Caroline becomes your friend, she will not fall in love with Rodrigo ... probably" -said Ana wisely-

While Rose clapped, Alice only thought about that possibility.


In the second recess, the girls; Alice, Ana and Rose; were eating in the classroom. Alice gave a slight sigh of sadness and Rose asked her if she was okay.

"Yes, don't worry ... it's just that ... I remembered the things that happened before ... you know ..." -Alice said nostalgically-

"Yes, we understand you" -Said Rose-

"The change in attitude of Mr. Pervert has been very radical, he is no longer the same as before" -Said Ana seriously-

"If my mother didn't threaten me ... none of this would have happened ... now I will have to marry someone I don't love ... but, even if that doesn't happen ... I don't think I can be with the one I love either ..." -Alice said thinking of Rodrigo-

There was an awkward silence between the 3 girls, but Rose spoke to break the ice.

"I wouldn't say that at all Alice" -said Rose, trying to cheer Alice-

"Ee? What do you mean? "-Alice answered-

"Maybe you already forgot what happened last year with the research work in History, when your work was rejected by the professor in an unpleasant way, Rodrigo looked furious" - Rose said happily -

"Yes ... I had put a lot of effort into that job and the history teacher rejected it ... but Rodrigo didn't say anything that time ..." -Said Alice disappointed-

"Words are not needed to express emotions, you could see his anger at that moment, a little more and he transformed into a super sayan" -Said Ana exaggerating the facts-

"Maybe they are right ..."

The girls were silent, until Rose spoke again.

"Well now, let's put this tension aside, I was thinking of inviting you to the karaoke, do you want to come?" -Said Rose animatedly-

"Sounds good ... what do you say Ana?"

"For me there is no problem" -Said Ana-

"Well, it's already decided, we are going to the Karaoke" -said Rose aloud-

Caroline, who passed by the classroom looking for Rodrigo, heard that and was happily say.

"Are you going to the karaoke? Can I go too?"

"Aaa, Caroline, of course, come with us" -Said Rose-


"Yes, right girls?"

"Yes, for me it's fine" -Said Ana-

"Yes, just give us a second" -said Alice, who spoke in a low voice with Rose-

"Hey, why do you invite her? You know that"

"But it is a good opportunity for Caroline and you to get along"

"Remember the phrase, to defeat your enemy, make her your friend" -Said Ana joining-

The girls argued for a while, but in the end, they decided that Caroline would accompany them.


At the end of class, Rodrigo was looking at the sky and focused his gaze on a cloud, he was thinking about that day, how strangely close Caroline was with him, about his problems from the past and about the biology homework that they had to deliver tomorrow.

"Caroline is really very social, could we ... become ... friends ...?"

Being so focused on his thoughts, he didn't realize that Caroline was calling him.

"Rodrigo, Rodrigo" -Said Caroline happily-

"What happened Caroline?" - Rodrigo answered with some surprise-

"I was asking you if you wanted to come to the Karaoke with us, the girls invited me to go and I wanted to know if you wanted to go too" -Caroline said happily-

Rodrigo knew that things between him and the girls were not right, so he refused saying that he would only be a nuisance.

"You won't be, rigth girls?"

"This ... no ... but ... I remembered that ... I have to go help my sister with a drawing and I will no longer be able to go to the Karaoque" -said Alice nervously-

"Sister? But Alice, that I remember you are ..." -said Rose, who was hit by Ana-

Rose bent down and rubbed her head, and Ana whispered for her to remember that Alice and Rodrigo couldn't be together because the informant would tell Alice's mother.

"We can't go either Caroline, Rose and I have to help the drama club, right Rose?" -Said Ana with feigned pity and some annoyance at the end-

"Yes Ana" -Said Rose with comic tears-

After that, the girls leave.

"Hee ... well ... if they have things to do I suppose nothing can be done" -Caroline said with some sadness, but she returned to her cheerful tone when she said the following- if the girls won't come, you won't be able to think you're a nuisance "

"Hee ... yes ... I don't think so, I also have things to do, bye" -said Rodrigo as he took all his things and left-

"Eeee, hey wait" -said Caroline, then grabbing her things and going after Rodrigo-

Caroline was pulling Rodrigo's arm and telling him to accompany her (She was throwing a tantrum) as they both walked down the high school's hall, until they reached the lockers, where they were the center of attention and Rodrigo managed to hear the murmurs of the students.

"Who would say that the next victim of the * Killer * would be the new girl"

"Poor thing, she must be being extorted"

"But this girl, she is the one who is always next to him, could she be strange too?"

"Damn, if this continues, Caroline's reputation will be ruined and mine will be even worse" -Rodrigo thought with concern-

On her part, Caroline was still throwing her tantrum.

"Come with me, come with me, come with me"

"There, it's okay, let's just get out of here" -said Rodrigo, then grabbing Caroline's hand and leaving the high school quickly-

They both ran until they reached a park where not many students passed because they did not live near it. This place was Rodrigo's secret route, he discovered it when the opinion of others was still important to him.

"Uff, that's it, now everything is fine" -said Rodrigo somewhat tired-

Caroline didn't answer him, she was blushing because he was holding her hand and it embarrassed her.

"This ... your hand ... could you let me go ...?"

"There is, yes, sorry ..."

"No problem…"

"Well, from here you can get to your house, I'm leaving" -said Rodrigo seriously and starting to leave-

"Hee ... are you really not accompanying me?" -Said Caroline disappointed-

"No, I already told you, I have things to do" -said Rodrigo while he thought- "And I must end this once and for all, I cannot continue to get excited about something that will never be possible"

"It's just ... I wanted to thank you for helping me at school, in the things I don't understand ..."

"Don't worry about that" -said Rodrigo as he continued on his way-

"Well ... okay ... hey, wait, I have to give you something too"

Rodrigo turned around and saw Caroline crouched down, taking something of her out of her backpack, it was the umbrella that he lent her the first time they met.

"This ... helped me a lot that time to get home dry ... after you saved me ... thank you ..."

Rodrigo smiled and said seriously, "Don't mention it," grabbing the umbrella and thinking "I guess ... getting a little excited doesn't hurt"

Caroline was sad to see that Rodrigo was leaving, but he stops at the park entrance and tells her.

"Hey, what are you doing standing there? Didn't you want to go to the Karaoke?"

"EEE? Are we really going?" -Said Caroline excited and going to where he was-

"Mmm, yes ... only if you pay" -said Rodrigo-

"Eeee ... well, okay ..." -Caroline said with some disappointment, but then with joy-

After this they both went to the Karaoke.

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Swords_Senseicreators' thoughts