
The hero of the 8 sacred swords

A young man admitted to high school, after the events that occurred, was excluded by his classmates, and due to an accident he dies and manages to reincarnate in a new world, where he will not have it easy, but he will manage to rise as the strongest of all.

Swords_Sensei · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 10: Memories Part 10 - An Encounter That Would Change Everything

It has been 5 months since Rodrigo was excluded by his classmates, his friends, his best friends and the girl he loved. It was approximately 4 in the afternoon and he was in his room. He gave a little sigh as he stretched out sitting in his chair. (Note: It was a week before the return to school, he would enter second year)

"Who would say that it has been 5 months since that time, I have not talked to anyone about this since I have no one to complain to, hehe."

He looked around for a few seconds and saw the ticket for the romantic dinner on her table, he began to remember slight things from the past.

"I was able to sell this ticket, it has no expiration date, it's something strange ... I thought about Alice and I going there for our first month together, but it seems that the opportunity could not be given ... haha ... since that time Ronaldo has not challenge me to a duel, that's a joy, haha ... "-He clenched his right fist slightly, but with annoyance- "I still can't understand who could have caused me all this ... but maybe I have to thank him ... he made me realize who my true friends were ... no one was ... not Rose ... not Ana ... not Alice ..." he focused more on remembering her- "Alice ... She didn't speak to me since then, and when she was next to me, she looked uncomfortable ... that really bothers me ... but ... I can't hate her for that ... that's what anyone would do with someone like me…Maybe at some point I felt anger when I saw her, but then no ... because no matter how much she be away, I know that she did not play with me ... because she did not replace me, if she had loved anyone, so at any moment she could go and stay with Ronaldo, but she didn't do it… her feelings were real… but not strong enough to be with someone like me… I don't blame her… I wouldn't want to be with someone like me either… "

A message on his phone was what interrupted his thoughts, his aunt had told him that she could not go to give him the groceries for the week because she was busy with her son.

"Well, it seems like it's time to go out, the forecast said it would rain today, I should bring an umbrella" -Rodrigo put on a light jacket and grabbed an umbrella, then went downstairs and went to the supermarket.


Rodrigo was leaving the supermarket with his purchases, when he saw the clouds were dark, he only thought of returning home as quickly as possible. He is waiting to cross the street, and next to her stands a girl with short red hair, in sports clothes, with a slim body and a rather pleasant smile. The girl, who was distracted for listening to music, left early on the road and a truck was going to run her over. When she realized this, she was stiff with fear and thought it was too late to react, that's when Rodrigo drops his purchases and throws himself to prevent her from being run over, however, his right foot managed to collide with the truck, causing him great pain, which he hid with an expressionless gaze.

"Are you OK?" -Rodrigo asked the girl-

"…. Yes, I'm fine "-Answered the girl blushing-

Rodrigo got up and picked up his things, he saw the girl's music player and gave it to her, while he helped her get up it started to rain and he gave her his umbrella, and while he was walking in a great way he said goodbye to the girl saying: "If we meet again, you will return it to me"

The girl, after seeing him, only blushed in the middle of the road, and when she reacted, she ran ashamed in the opposite direction.

Rodrigo, when he got home, went quickly to his refrigerator to place ice cubes in a bag and put it on his feet.

"Damn, Why I will have to be like this? this blow really hurts" -thought Rodrigo while complaining of the pain- "This reminded me of the time I saved Alice in a similar situation ... Alice ... I just hope this pain subsides before I go to school"


A week has passed since Rodrigo hit his foot, it was Monday and he had to go to high school. He got up early, made his lunch, put a pain reliever on his right foot, and changed his clothes.

"First day of school E? ... I'm not so excited about this anymore ..."

He went to the door of his house and left there, he went by the common path to the school and could see a lot of students going the same way. Some girls saw him pass by and began to murmur.

"Look, it's Rodrigo"

"Let's get out of here before he does something bad to us too"

"Yes, let's go."

Our protagonist was already used to that kind of annoyance, so he just sighed and continued on his way to high school.

"What happened to the girl from the other time? ... although it is useless to think about that, even if she was in this high school, I doubt that we could become friends ..."

Rodrigo kept walking until he reached the entrance, many students crowded together when they saw someone, it was Ronaldo, who had returned from a soccer camp he had attended since November of the previous year.

"It can't be, it's Ronaldo" -Mumbled a girl-

"I think I'm going to faint" -Mumbled another girl-

"Me too"

"It seems that the superstar has arrived, he does have things easy, well for him I suppose" -Thought Rodrigo, who then went to his respective classroom, 2B-

What Rodrigo did not know is that he had been observed by someone else, who would walk through the front door after him.


In classroom 2B, the tutor; the same from last year; had finished going through the list and introducing herself.

"And very good guys, this year we have a new classmate" -Said the tutor happily-

The different opinions of the classmates were expressed.

"Will she be pretty?"

"Will she be tall?"

"Will she sexy? ... say, I say, will she be rich?"

This last comment made Rodrigo have a slight thought

"I would not be surprised if another millionaire person arrived, this Ana, Rose, Ronaldo; who is now in 2A; and ... Alice "

Everyone's comments were interrupted by the tutor.

"And now guys, let's welcome her, you can come in now"

"Yyy ... yes ..."

Rodrigo could not believe what he saw, she was the same girl with reddish hair that the last week.

"Eee ... Are you?!, the girl of the truck" -said Rodrigo surprised-

"Aaa yes, you are the one from the other time, thanks for that" -said the girl happily-

"I see you already know each other" -said the tutor-

After resuming his seriousness, Rodrigo affirmed it.

Alice, who was seated ahead, looked at Rodrigo's reactions with some annoyance.

"Well, introduce yourself" -said the tutor-

"Yes, good morning to all of you guys, my name is Caroline, I like the music, the movies of romance and the games, I hope we can all get along" -said Caroline and then smile-

Rodrigo still did not know, but she would be that girl, the one who would make his life take a 360-degree turn.

The hero of the 8 sacred swords: before the swords - bow 2 started

It seems that things will get a bit entertaining with Caroline, Do you want to know more?, gift me your power stone.

Swords_Senseicreators' thoughts