
After the battle

A loud booming sound resounded five hundred meters from the place where Jiang Tian crashed into, the ground vibrated from the sudden impact of the full attack of a eight level Body Refinement martial practitioner.

The people that was around the area felt the slight vibration of the ground and seeing the destruction the arrow that was fired from Mo Xin cause most of them thought that youth that announce his might was already dead.

Especially Meng Ge, he was already thinking of the tattered corpse of Jiang Tian [That fool, he think that just because he have a small power all will change just like that? Trash would truly only be trash no matter what he do. That desperate attempt to face that arrow was just him throwing his life away.]

Looking at the smoke that that dust from the debris and rubbles Meng Ge couldn't helped but gloat at the 'stupidity' that Jiang Tian showed him.

But despite the people that was rejoicing at his bad luck there were also people that was hoping that he was alive, and these people where the people that was like him treated as trash by many people. Even though their strength was stronger than the former Jiang Tian they still couldn't help but feel his heartfelt cry when he announce that he wasn't trash like the others knew.

In the depths of their heart they were all praying that he was alive, but none of them didn't have courage to go near the place where he crashed as they were all scared that they might provoke the people that Jiang Tian was fighting.

Shin carried the exhausted Mo XIn by his shoulder, he was looking at the distant smoke that was starting to climb up to the sky. His face carried a heavy look as he gaze at it from afar, despite knowing the power of the Devil Piercer of Mo Xin he still had his doubt about Jiang Tian being dead or alive.

But after of the impact that the Devil Piercer had cause he thought that he had to be dead [That kid might be tough and his energy reserve might be big but in face of power that is more than his own he do not have a chance to live through that, he also took the arrow head on so his as good as dead.]

Thinking this way Shin quickly made his way back towards the Meng Clan as his boss was also staying there for the time being until they finish their mission.


Ding Ding

"You have leveled up, you are now level eight." The system voice was heard inside the head of Jiang Tian as he struggled on the ground.

In the rubbles Jiang Tian was covered in blood and sweat as he tried to get up from the ground, his body was in tatters and his spirit energy was almost drain as the remaining reserve that he have was the excess that he obtains when he level up.

But this spirit energy was only five percent of the increased amount of spiritual energy that his body can contain now that he is at the eight level, the thing only these amount of energy can do for him at his current situation was let him move a little and tend to his wound by stopping the bleeding to a certain amount.

He was not able to count on backup as he did not let his father know that he was moving around the night and his uncle Yi also did not know about it so he only have himself, and the thing that he have to do now is think of a way to get back to his own home.

Then as he had his back on the crumbling wall he heard footsteps coming from his left side, turning his head the only that he saw was the rubble and the broken furniture of the building that use to be a store before being turned to rubbles by the attack of Mo Xin.

The footsteps that he was hearing begun to get closer and closer to him, he currently did not have the strength to fight back to anyone in his current state, as even a man that have the strength of a first level Body Refinement martial practitioner can deal with him quickly.

Looking around the rubbles he picked up a stone on one hand and positioned it in front of him like how he do when holding a dagger or a short sword. He was trying to make a last ditch effort in order for him to live, and with the high probability of the people that was moving in the shadows were enemies he was planning to take some of them down with him.

Steeling his resolve Jiang Tian held onto that stone like some kind of divine weapon, but his steeled resolve suddenly crumbled the moment he heard a voice coming from the people that have those footsteps.

"Tian'er answer me, Jiang Yi do not stop me when I enact my revenge to the Meng Clan if by chance my son is dead. I will make them pay for this, in fact even if Tian'er is safe I will make our people march on their doorsteps the moment we finish the preparations back home." The whispering angered voice of Jiang Xi entered Jiang Tians ears causing his tense body to be at ease.

Then he heard someone call out to them in a whispering voice making him and the people that was around the area the only people that can hear it "Over here captain I found the young master, come quickly his body do not look god at all." The guard called out to them.

Upon hearing that Jiang Tian was found Jiang Xi did not waste any more time and moved to the place where the guard pointed out, and the moment that his eyes landed on the wounded body of his son on the ground only sitting with the support of a crumbling wall fury emerge from Jiang Xi.

Jiang Yi notice this and made an executive decision and ordered his men to move out of there in case this patriarch of their suddenly erupted into rage. Knowing that their captain was right all of them moved out and went to different places.

But instead of an angered roar all they heard was the wind blowing and the dust flying in the air, they were all confused by the silence that their patriarch made, all of them knew how much the anger their patriarch must have been feeling and seeing that his son was in that situation he should have been screaming and even going on a rampage by now.

However they did not know that he would be reacting like this, and when they confirmed that Jiang Xi was truly not screaming out of anger all of them thought he must have fainted when he saw the young master in that state.

None of the six men in the shadows thought that their master controlled his anger, the patriarch of the Jiang Clan was a well-known doting father and every misdeed that his son made all this year was all taken care by him, and if anyone even try to badmouth his son he would do all he can to stop it.

And in this situation where that beloved son of his was bloodied to the point where he should have died by now, all of them did not have any thought of him being able to suppress that fury.

But after contemplating for a while all of them did not come up with any plausible answer as all of their guesses would return to Jiang Xi shouting and screaming. Then as they continued to think through it the dust that was around the place that acted as a cover for the young master position for a while started to disappear.

Seeing this all of them started becoming slightly panicked. But, after a while of observing two shadow suddenly got out of there and went to their position without any of the people that was around knowing.

This two was Jiang Xi and Jiang Yi, both of them just went out of the rubbles just now and as for Jiang Tian he was already by the shoulders of Jiang Yi resting with his eyes close, his face showed a comfortable expression.

Jiang Yi said to them "Move out."


It have been a total of seven days since the young master of the Jiang Clan suddenly roared and announced to everybody his fight with the people of the Meng Clan.

Since then the two clan have been in each other's throat, the two Clan of the City was having a fight all the time whether it be out in the open or in the shadows both of them were still duking it out.

The people of the Red City knew these things and all of them didn't have any choice but to stand aside and let this thing happen, they didn't have say in the situation but they were still able to talk about it and the frequent conversation topic in this past week was the sudden emersion of Jiang Tian.

All of them were in disbelief when they heard that the trash of the town actually had such strength, at first when they heard about it most of them did not believe it but after some time and with the various eyewitness present all of them at some point believe it.

"That young master if the Jiang Clan is actually that strong, he had been acting like a weak person all these time when in fact he was only hiding his strength from the world, but sadly he had not been seen since he was struck by that arrow I wonder where that young man is."

"You didn't know? It was said that he was seen in the Jiang Clan the other day and all of them said that the Jiang Clan young master was already up and about, they also stated that he was constantly seen practicing at his courtyard."

"Is that so? But is he truly fine already, I mean when I saw that arrow that night the only thing that entered my mind was that whoever was hit by that arrow is dead for certain. But if what you are saying is true then young master Jiang is truly an extraordinary person."

Various kind of talked started to emerge from out of nowhere and all of this story was centered to Jiang Tian, whether it be his might when he stopped that arrow or his miraculous sudden disappearance all of it was beginning to be exaggerated now.

Some people where now saying that Jiang Tian was actually holding back at the time, or some says that he was only playing around like how he pretended how he was weak. And as for how he was able to escape people also started to speculate about it.

But as for the person that concerns all of this stories he was currently busy with training his Flash Step, he was already at the novice mastery level of the Flash Step. Practicing for a three days totally paid off.

The Flash Step was already at the novice level and he only needed another twenty percent before he is finally able to evolve the Flash Step into a mortal racked martial technique, and because his strength was now at the eight level of the Body Refinement he was now able to use the Flash Step more than before.

Added to that his mastery of the technique, he had practically almost mastered the Flash Step at this point. And as he was able to make the Flash Step reach this point he was also able to learn another two martial technique that was used for offense and defense correspondingly.

And as he was practicing his Flash Step he notice a guard was there standing waiting for him to finish, seeing this he said to the guard "Is it time?"

The guard nodded his head.