

*Flash Back to when they were kids* Mother: Kathy&Sarah come downstairs the girls head downstairs yes mommy and daddy as Kathy answered?Father: Since its Kathy birthday. I want to give you this beautiful doll.And as Kathy jumps up and down thank you daddy and the Mother: I want to give you this beautiful diamond Necklace and as the light brightens on kathy's face as the look on Sarah face with disappointment seeing how unfair her parents are. As both parents carry on to celebrating Kathy's birthday Sarah heads upstairs but Kathy notices her sister is not their anymore (She feels as if both Her and Sarah are distinitng each other) she frowns but she starts faking her smile and continues celebrating her birthday without Sarah.Sarah looks out the window wishing her family treated her the same as her sister Kathy. As the night was going to end Kathy headed upstairs to check on Sarah to see if she was doing okay *She knocks on the door*Sarah are you okay? Sarah changes the tone of her voice yeah Kathy im fine im going to head to bed.... Sarah: okay then goodnight Sarah... while Kathy was waiting for a response but with no response Kathy softly says goodnight sarah(Feeling like her sister wasn't her sister anymore but a stranger giving her the cold shoulder).. as she walks to her bedroom and changes into her pajamas and heads to her bed waiting for mommy to come and read her a story. and as Mommy comes into Kathy's room she notices the sadness in Kathy's eyes and she asked what's wrong darling? weren't you excited to celebrate your birthday? you are now 11 .Kathy replies yes mommy but Sarah didnt look.. happy mommy(A breif pause) ... Then Kathy asks why do you and daddy treat her so diffrently? Mommy says dont worry honey you rest up now you hear? no more silly questions as she tucks kathy in with her doll by her side(Kathy thinks mommy is clearly avoiding my question)and as her mother was reading her a story and when she finally finshed she said in a gental voice your father and I will have a talk with sarah. Kathy replies okay mommy goodnight as she was cuddling up with her doll and heading to dream land.The mother had the look of anger and discuss on her face she closes Kathy's door and walks to Sarah's room and as she grabs the handle to open her door but Sarah had locked it and Mother started jiggling the door handle saying Sarah you better open this door(With a sterin low voice) but what the mother did not realize that her "daughter" was on the roof smoking Merits(Cigarettes) and did not hear her mothers infurious tone.While trying to open the door but she didnt want to make to much of a sound to wake her precious angel Kathy so she went downstairs and told her husband that darn troubling child of our the father replied who? Sarah is who I am speaking about she has made our pour angel Kathy upset because we give more attention to her then to sarah. Father Replies I see..And as Mother says Sarah is not answering me when I called her demanding her to open the door and that darn troubled child of are's has gone and locked herself in her room and is ignoring me. Mother: Honey what are we going to do about Sarah?