
The Guide of Evolution

The decent of the seven energies had the world in turmoil, and because of this the human race had to be sent to other worlds. The seven energies began to remold the earth but about 30+ people were not affected by the summoning seeing this the world forcefully dragged them to a demonic realm with caused them to dive into endless slaughter . After the remolding of earth, superhumans, cultivators of all sorts, demons, buddhas, gods, and all sorts of fantastical creatures appeared on earth. And with that the human race faces many challenges and many challenges ahead, Tristan Clay who was also dragged to the demonic realm was suddenly struck by lightning and got a mysterious guide Soon after he realized that it was a guide that would drag him to mysterious worlds witch forced him to evolve into an ultimate being . But he would soon realize he wasn't the only one for the other 30+ people who went to the demonic realm was also forced into this predicament.

CosmicRuler · Fantasía
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64 Chs

The Battle Between Desires And Clashing Of Wills II (end)

After meeting eye to eye with the old man a mountain like pressure descended on the world causing it to rumble and shake vigorously, and without noticing it the two began to release a ocean like killing intent causing the world to turn blood red.

The two dashed forward causing the ground to shake violently, their energies at its peak! Tristan punched out and the old man countered with a palm attack.


A ball of energy surrounded the two but instead of dissipating the energy began to compress inwards forcing the two's hand away from each other.

But with gritted teeth they forced their hands to collide and the compressed ball of energy exploded.


As an air splitting noise echoed out the ground the two stood upon turned into fragments.

But this wasn't an obstacle for the two for they where now hopping from fragment to fragment landing devastating blows that echoed out like thunder, if one where to spectated this fight they would see two points of blue and purple lights bouncing about in a zig zag pattern.

The world at this moment seemed to have been hit by a chaotic storm, lighting crackled and horrifying winds blew, one could tell that the amount of energy in the area had reached terrifying levels.

Tristan who was flying towards the old man got hit by a sudden palm attack causing him to spit blood. In the distance one could see two swords lying still o the ground but they vibrated then floated upward.


-The twin blades of the [Holy Evil] have been summoned.


And with that noise the two swords flew forward leaving behind a trail of black and pale blue radiance.


-The twin swords of the [Holy Evil] are 500 meters away.

As the two swords where on the way to the battle field a dark hand stretched upward as if to try and intercept the two blades, the black sword vibrated letting out a wang wang noise.

Spinning in a circular motion it removed the hand of the unknown figure the sword flew forward and pierced threw the figures throat it then spun in a circular motion severing its head.

Now that the obstacle was out of the way the swords flew forward at an even faster speed as if to compensate the time they had spent killing the ant like being.

Tristan who was fighting furiously felt a strange sensation he looked to his left and saw a strange scene, the figure that towered between heaven and earth began to shrink but a fist flew over so he couldn't watch this strange transformation any longer.


-The twin swords of the [Holy Evil] are a hundred meters away 50 meters.


20 meters, 0 meters.

Tristan reached outwards as if to grasp the air itself but as if he was using magic two swords appeared in his hands one pitch black and the the other a pale sky blue at this moment the world seem to have slowed to a crawl.

The old man who was about to rush over felt a heart palpitating sensation he backed off at a frightening speed.

'Tristan smirked and mumbled to himself such sharp senses for an old man but he's too late.'

And as he said that time seem to have flowed in reverse and the old man who was running away was now back to his previous location. Puzzled the old fool looked at Tristan and saw his weird smirk.

He didn't think further for at that moment he felt that odd sensation again so he decided to move but as he was about to do so he realized a horrifying fact, . .

My body . . . it wont move, no i cant even budge an inch.

His eyes moved upward only to see that the two swords of Tristan where raised high into the sky, his body bent at an odd angle as if he was posing, Tristan then spoke in the most arrogant and domineering voice in all existence.

''Old fart I'm going to show you my heaven shaking planet destroying attack [Eternal Immortal Sword Art] first form [Eternity Severing Stance].''


It was as if a hundred atomic bombs had detonated at once causing the sky and earth to change color, the ground to crack open and the sky to be ripped apart causing spatial tears to appear in the surroundings.

As the scene calmed down Tristan could see bits and pieces of the old man on the ground he then looked to his left and saw a head, it was almost unrecognizable but the eyes of the destroyed head where filled with shock and reverence.

Whilst Tristan was staring at the corpse of the old man he suddenly leaned back and turned his head to left and a streak of blood began to flow down his face.

Tristan eyes shifted to the right and there he saw a figure in front its eyes swirling with the mysteries of creation.


-The host is facing the type 6 lifeform.

After receiving the notification from the system, the figure raised its hand then chopped downward at almost super sonic speed, the air rippled causing shockwaves to spread outward.

Tristan figure flew threw the air but the figure that stood as still as a mountain suddenly vanished and repapered next to Tristan, the figure as if using magic had a pitch black sword appear in its hands.

It then chopped downward causing t he air to whistle and the sword to vibrate with wang wang noise, but Tristan raised his sword to block but the sword of the figure went right through it cutting his sword in half.

Tristan who was in the trajectory of the sword twisted his body avoiding the attack by a hairs breath but the wind pressure from the blade blew him away making him spin threw the air like a ragdoll.

As he hit the ground the earth exploded causing ruble and dirt to fly about. With blood flowing from his mouth Tristan pushed himself up his vision blurry

And as he looked forward he saw the figure just standing there its body covered in thick mist, but as Tristan blinked the thing appeared in front of him, its eyes staring dead into his, he backed up because of shock but the right hand of the creatures blurred.


And with that low sound Tristan looked down only to see the figures hand in his chest he then looked up eyes showing disbelief the figure in front it wrapped its hand around tristans hear it then squeezed hard


Tristan vison went grey cause just now he felt the connection between him and his hear being disconnected he knew his heart was crushed.

Tristan fell to the ground with a shocked expression his emotion roiled up his thoughts going on a rampage.

no i must live for hope and the future, i cant just die like this no, . .


But as he was going mad his mind was immediately transferred to a different scene a different world, he looked around in bewilderment and aww,

The mountains pierced the sky its peaks covered with snow, the trees stood tall their roots digging deep into the earth, the rivers flowed without restriction its roar shaking the air.

He looked down only to see himself standing on the hard earth, a natural scent wafted about seeing this he questioned in a weird tone

My heart!

As he said that he looked down only to see nothing he spoke out

Where am i?

But as he asked this question the sky grew dark and a voice boomed across the mountains and rivers.

''$^$@$^$% My eyes cast )*^*^*^$%@ Chaos at every step for *^$^#&%@ t''

The world twist and turn about as if holding back something


&%@ H$& is & T&&4 h

After causing the fabric of space to twist about crazily the unknown thing didn't bother declaring itself as it said in an emotionless tone.

''The strength of human does not lay in the knowledge of the mind or the endless vigor of the body but it lies with the soul.''

Its words echoed across the word like thunder causing the tall peaks to signs of giving way it then said ''now go and discover the meaning of my words.''