
The Growing Life of a Strange Man.

Andrew woke up one day and nothing was the same from that point on. The search for answers and control of what's going on is what must be found, and its not easy.

James_Mulanax · Fantasía
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5 Chs

2. What To Do

<p>After entering back into his bedroom, Andrew walked over to the closet. This is where he kept all his private items that he kept a secret from most people. In the closet, there sat a saxophone inside of a brown leather case.<br/>Andrew proceeded to pull the case down from the closet, peeled back the lining of the case, and pulled out 4 joints, an unopened pack of cigarettes, and a lighter. Once he retrieved his habits, he put the saxophone back in the top of the closet and continued on to get dressed. <br/><br/>'This will do I suppose.'<br/><br/> Andrew thought to himself, as he patted his body to make sure he hadn't forgotten anything. He was wearing his usual black pullover hoodie, with a pair of blue jeans and cowboy boots. His knife on his side, wallet in the back right pocket, front left pocket...<br/><br/>'Ah, I almost forgot.'<br/><br/> Andrew walked over to his side table, where he picked up his phone and took a look at how much charge it had so far. <br/><br/>'32% should be enough to get to where I'm going.'<br/><br/> He then knelt down to unplug the charger from the wall, put the phone and charger into a backpack with his other items, and turned towards the door. He looked back at his room on the way out, and then shut off the lights and left the room. Walking though the house, he looked around and remembered the broken vision of the house. Just before walking out the front door, he looked at the analog clock on the wall again. <br/><br/>'9:08 a.m. All of that happened within 45 minutes. What a crazy morning.'<br/><br/> Closing the door, Andrew began walking down the driveway and on to the road. He looked both ways before taking a right, and marching forward. <br/><br/>'I should go to Nate's house. We could smoke, and knock the edge of a bit.'<br/><br/> So down the road he traveled. Nathan Jones is Andrew's best friend, and he goes by Nate for most people. Also 15 and full of excitement all the time, they met in middle school and just kind of clicked. Now they consider each other family, and do just about everything together when there's time. <br/><br/>'Yeah, I feel like maybe with his help I can make sense of this morning's strange events.'<br/><br/>***************************************************<br/><br/> Three streets over and seven houses down, Andrew walked up the driveway, to Nathan's door. <br/><br/>*Knock Knock Knock*<br/><br/> Andrew knocked the three solid similar knocks to specify that its him knocking. After the sounds of some foot steps, reverberating through the house, you could hear the locks click.<br/><br/>*Creak*<br/><br/>"Oh hey Andrew, come on in. Nate is out back if thats what you're here for. "<br/><br/>"Thanks pops, how's the misses..."<br/><br/> After a brief conversation between the two, Ronnie Jones, Nate's father, went into his bedroom with Mindy Jones, Nate's mother.<br/>***************************************************<br/><br/> Exiting the back door, Andrew walked into the back yard, facing a medium sized metal building, called the game room. Once he entered the game room, it wasn't difficult to spot Nate. Over by the pool table, making shots like a professional player, you could often find Nate enjoying himself greatly. Nate loves pool, it's something he and Andrew have in common. Nate raised his head towards the door and hollered. <br/><br/>"Aye, it's my boy Andrew! What's up my brother from another mother?"<br/><br/> Nate proudly stated as he walked in Andrew's direction. Once they came within arms reach of one another, they embraced each other. When they released their grappling, Andrew made his statement. <br/><br/>"Brother Nate, it's been one hell of a morning and I've only been awake for a hour and a half."<br/><br/> Nate simply stood there and read Andrew's expression for a moment. Then his eyes lit up, and darted off towards the freezer in the corner next to the entrance of the game room. <br/><br/>"I've got something just for us; to drink right now if you're interested. We can pour us a drink and sit down to chat over on the sofa. What do you say?" <br/><br/> Nate stated, pointing towards the couch on the back wall. He smiled and proceeded towards the freezer. As Nate walked towards the freezer to retrieve the alcoholic beverage, Andrew contemplated his decision to drink or not before the story.<br/><br/>'Should I not drink before I speak of this? It wouldn't seem a credible story from a drunkard. At the same time, maybe a few drinks would make it easier to explain. Hmm.. what should..'<br/><br/> Thats when a light bulb popped up on his head and he reached into his hoodie pocket to pull out a joint. <br/><br/>"Brother..."<br/><br/> Andrew called out in order to gain Nate's attention, who then turned around in response <br/><br/>"Look at what I've brought with me. How about this instead?"<br/><br/> Nate's eyes grew as round as marbles, as he stumbled forward to retrieve the joint from Andrew. He inspected it for a moment before asking...<br/><br/>"Is this what I think it is?"<br/><br/>"Yeah man, that's a generation joint. I made it with all my joint roaches."<br/><br/> Nathan looked at Andrew briefly before their eyes met and they made a mental agreement. Nathan pulled out a lighter and lit the joint. He took a deep breath in and held it for a moment, before exhaling slowing while raising his arms. <br/><br/>"To the sofa!" <br/><br/> Then they sat and smoked for a while. Talking about the event which had unfolded this morning, Andrew told him everything, except the part where his dad hit him. It's kind of embarrassing, and didn't seem important to the story. When Andrew was done speaking however...<br/><br/>"And you're sure that this was real?"<br/><br/> Nate asked with skepticism written on his face. <br/><br/>"I'm certain of what I saw, however the house was fine just as fast as it wasn't. I just don't know what to think about it."<br/><br/> Andrew spoke his thoughts and looked towards the ground holding in a hit of the joint. <br/>When he exhaled, you could visually see his stress begin to part with him. Watching Andrew, Nate began consoling his brother. <br/><br/>"Hey man, maybe you just stayed up a little late and it made you feel woozy. You probably also had a bad dream or something. I don't think you should dwell on it too much. This joint is almost gone..."<br/><br/> Pausing to take another hit, and then continuing after.<br/><br/>"...so what to do? What do you have planned for the day, because I'm wide open homie." <br/><br/> Pondering the question a moment, Andrew shrugged his shoulders, and said...<br/><br/>"Well I kind of got kicked out for the day, so I guess I have all the free time I want. How do you fancy going on a walk?"<br/><br/> With that statement, Nathan's eyes lit up again. Iy was like fireworks in his eye sockets. <br/><br/>"Hell yeah I want to go on a walk! You know me so well brother! Come on let's go"<br/><br/> Nate said with his voice getting faint, as he ran to the house to grab his phone and such.<br/><br/>"Hmhmhm.. I love that guy. HmHmHm"<br/><br/>Andrew chuckled to himself while he too got up to head towards the house to meet Nate, before they took their leave.</p>

You guys let me know what you want to see in this journey. I would be pleased to take what you say into consiseration for later chapters.

No one knows the readers like the readers. I hope you enjoy.

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