
The Growing Life of a Strange Man.

Andrew woke up one day and nothing was the same from that point on. The search for answers and control of what's going on is what must be found, and its not easy.

James_Mulanax · Fantasy
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5 Chs

1. When it all Began

<p>Andrew Michael, an average 15 year old boy, woke up in an unnaturally sleepy state, due to his lack of sleep the night before. He had this strange feeling in the bathroom before going to bed, and all he remembered was the feeling he had then. Taking note that the feeling had gone away, he slowly opened his eyes. With the lights he forgot to turn off slightly blinding him as he awoke, he looked out the window at the sunlight peering through the old battered blinds. He rubbed his eyes and blinked a few times, before sitting upright on his bed, next to his side table.<br/><br/>'Hmm, what time is it?'<br/><br/> Andrew thought to himself, picking up his phone off the side table to check the time. However, the phone was dead. <br/><br/>'Damn it, I forgot to plug it up last night? Thats odd.'<br/><br/> He looked around the room at all his knick knacks on the shelves and leaning against the walls. Knowing he is very particular about the state of his environment, he pluged in his phone. Feeling a bit upset with himself for forgetting to charge his phone, Andrew decided to stop observing his favored items, and left his room. <br/><br/> Upon exiting his bedroom, Andrew walked through the living room, and noticed the house to be void of people. His dad often has his friends over for gambling and alcohol, and people tend to crash. It was nice to see an empty house for once. He walked through and into the kitchen next, to view the analog clock on the wall. <br/><br/>'8:30 A.M. Huh.. I wonder why I woke up so early.'<br/><br/> Subconsciously, Andrew understood that getting up early everyday for school all his life, had an impact on his natural schedual. However, he typically sleeps late on nights he stays up late. Not to mention it's the middle of summer. This had him relatively confused, but he couldn't make sense of it, so just shook his head and pushed such thoughts from his mind. <br/><br/>'Oh well. I might as well get ready for the day.'<br/><br/> Andrew walked back into the living room, and down the hallway, to the bathroom in front of his bedroom door. When he walked in he was startled by what he saw...<br/><br/>'Ahh! D..Did I do that?'<br/><br/> Goosebumps flared up all over his skin as he looked at the disheveled bathroom he had used just before going to bed with that strange feeling. <br/><br/>'Wh..What happened in here?'<br/><br/> Andrew stared at the broken towel rack and shattered pedestal sink. He looked at the metal tub which had deep dents all over it. The shower curtains were ripped down and draped over the half of the toilet which was left. Everything was wrecked.<br/><br/>'What the hell?'<br/><br/> Andrew knelt down to pick up a peice of the broken mirror in order to inspect a bit further, but all for naught. As Andrew stood up from the floor, he turned to exit the now inoperable bathroom. His uneasiness turned into total fear when he turned toward the kitchen. The kitchen, much like the bathroom, was utterly destroyed. He was so surprised, he blurted aloud.. <br/><br/>"Oh my god!"<br/><br/> In his shock, Andrew took a long look around the kitchen as the counters were on fire, and the floor was mostly caved in or obliterated. In the center of the floor and carving its path through, was a meteor the size of a large car. <br/><br/>'What in the hell is going on here?'<br/><br/> Andrew had to blink several times to ensure he wasn't dreaming, but to no avail. He was rightly freaked out now and began backing up into the living room in order to go check his dad's room on the other side. Running through the broken visual of his house, Andrew grew more afraid of the safety of his father, who he hadn't seen yet that morning. <br/><br/>"Dad! Dad! Open the door, the whole house in on fire! Dad!"<br/><br/> Andrew called out to his father as he frantically beat on his bedroom door. When his father, Jerry Michael, didn't respond immediately, Andrew took a few steps back and barreled through the locked door. His father, startled awake now, jumped up as fast as a starving dog on a T-bone steak, and onto his feet in front of Andrew. Realizing it to be his son breaking though the door, his surprise subsided. Growling every word spoken, Jerry questioned him..<br/><br/>"Whats the meaning of this Andrew?<br/><br/> Andrew, terrified from his viewing of the house, was breathing hard, standing in front of his father. He looked Jerry in the eyes...<br/><br/>"Are you blind dad? Don't you see that the house is on fire?"<br/><br/> Jerry, looking incredibly confused, looked around his room. When his gaze met Andew's gaze for the second time, Jerry became furious.<br/><br/>"Do you think this is some kind of joke? You do realize that you will be paying for that door right? Get out of my room. Out! Now!"<br/><br/> Andrew was again taken by surprise by his father's reaction. He flinched when his father yelled and then looked around the room himself. <br/>Appalled by what he saw, he swiftly ran into the living room, to see the same thing. he ran into the kitchen, and the bathroom, but nothing. Everything was pristine and undamaged in all regards, aside from the bedroom door to his father's room. <br/><br/>"No. No! I'm telling you it was on fire. Everything was on fire, and there was a massive rock...."<br/><br/> Before Andrew could finish his statement, his father hit him with a closed fist, knocking him to the floor. The enraged Jerry took a look at his son, now laying on the floor.<br/><br/>"Tsk... Does this look like a burning house to you? I don't care what you thought you saw boy. You broke my bedroom door for no reason, you little punk. I want you out. Leave. I'm gonna take a shower, and when I get out, you better not be here."<br/><br/> Jerry then left the living room and went back into his bedroom slamming the door, although it became ajar from the bounce due to it being broken.<br/><br/>'What the f**k man? Where did the fire go? What about the rock?'<br/><br/> Andrew pondered these things while dusting himself off as he stood up. He rubbed his face where Jerry punched him, while looking towards his father's bedroom.<br/><br/>'This is what he did,, since I attempted to save his life, huh?'<br/><br/>You see, Andrew has never had a good relationship with his father. Jerry is physically and mentally abusive, yet he gets away with it on so many occasions. Andrew, on the other hand, is forced to endure the abuse on a daily basis. <br/><br/>'I better leave before he gets back, otherwise he will really give me a beating.'<br/><br/>With that, Andrew went into his room to prepare to leave his home.</p>

( '...' ) words announced in apostrophes are character thoughts.

James_Mulanaxcreators' thoughts