
The Greenhorn cops

In a world where corruption spreads its wings so large and the people who are to protect us are the one making it worse. But who was going to protect the dignity of the few good cops left Mac and his friends, a group of high school students took it upon themselves to put an end to the general believe of everyone being just as corrupt as the rest by trying to bring down the corrupt leaders no matter what. But how much can high schoolers do to help and could the obstacles and the things they see during their self proclaimed mission bring down the hope they have of improving the dignity of the good cops

Precious_chiwendu · Real
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2 Chs


On a Sunday evening Elsa was helping at the family eatery when her mom asked d to go deliver some chicken noodles to their customers at demcok hotel .

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three guys were seen having a conversation when one of the guys called Dino brought up a topic about his girlfriend Roseman how cute, sweet , beautiful and loving she is.

Mac and Lambert (in unison )"let the single breath" they all laughed...

Mac spotted a girl who looks exactly like Roseman, Dino's girlfriend , he alerted the other guys and they went to check it out together.

Lo and behold it was her being in a romantic state with another guy by name Bruce, Dino was shocked to his bone and heart , while his friends laughed but later stopped so they don't spoil his mood the more.

Roseman and her new guy holding hands went to their hotel room without noticing the guys following them .

Dino summoned courage and knocked the door , Bruce came out and dino requested to see his girlfriend Roseman , Bruce was surprised he went in and dragged Roseman out to come explain herself, buh she claimed she don't know Dino and have never seen him before , immediately Mac brought out his phone and show Bruce a picture of Dino and Roseman , before everyone could know what was happening Roseman ran away and they ran after her , Bruce caught her and landed a heavy slap on her cheeks , which led to a fight between Bruce and Mac.

Elsa drove in with her delivery when she saw the crowd she packed her stuffs and decided to see who d gold digger and thief was only to discover it was elder sister Roseman.

she went in the crowd to ask what the matter was only to get insulted and about to receive a slap from Bruce when Mac stopped him and warned him never to raise his hands on a woman again.

Roseman left the scene and took a bus back home as she complained and murmured on her way home , Elsa followed suit .


Roseman returned home ;she never stop raining abuses on Dino for spoiling her day , while she was talking to herself she badge into her room and took off her clothes tied her towel and went into the bathroom to shower after that she applied her facemask and went back to the living room watching TV when Elsa badge in ........

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Roseman the eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Kingsley , she is 22 year old , she is a high school graduate and never have any plan of going to a tertiary institution , she is known as a "lazy ass " she never assist the family in any way all she does is clubbing and hanging out with all manner of guys , spend their money and breakup with them when she gets irritated.

on the other hand Elsa is a 19 year old , light skinned , slim and a curvy teenager, she is also a final year graduate , an also an aspirant of the National police University (NPU).

Elsa does all the house chores and the food deliveries at the eatery which makes her feel like an adopted child in the family.

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Elsa arrived home and met Roseman sitting comfortably at the sofa , she sat close to her and asked her sister to ensure she returns everything she collected from those guys else she will tell her parents all her doings.

Roseman paid deaf ears to her and continued her program.

Elsa went inside her room and ran few seconds later asking Roseman for her money, she acted like she never heard what her sister said not until Elsa held her pyjamas and threatened to tear it , a hot slap landed on Elsa's face it got into a fight , they fought until there parents came in and stopped them , when they found out the cause of the fight , them blamed Elsa and punished her .

Elsa got angry and left the house "i can't wait to get admitted so i can leave the house for them to do as they like"she said to herself.

she stayed out till 10:30 pm , she came back inside left the littered stuff at the living room with placing them in order and walked straight to her room.

she slept off after some time of gazing around the ceiling.