
The Greenhorn cops

In a world where corruption spreads its wings so large and the people who are to protect us are the one making it worse. But who was going to protect the dignity of the few good cops left Mac and his friends, a group of high school students took it upon themselves to put an end to the general believe of everyone being just as corrupt as the rest by trying to bring down the corrupt leaders no matter what. But how much can high schoolers do to help and could the obstacles and the things they see during their self proclaimed mission bring down the hope they have of improving the dignity of the good cops

Precious_chiwendu · Realistic
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2 Chs


THE NATIONAL POLICE UNIVERSITY (NPU) interview for all their aspirant.

Elsa was among the first batch of people to be interviewed by the dean and vice Chancellor of the university.

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the interview

vice Chancellor Christy: what's your future ambition?

Elsa: Actually when i started growing up as a kid, i love watching hip hop dance , so i decided my career that day as a hip hop dancer , few months later i head about some musicians networth , I then thought about it and changed my career to music, I maintained that for a very long time , not until i visited my aunt and she took me to a confectionery gosh the queue there was much and i thought about how much she makes in a day and "Boom"I changed my career to been a confectionery owner .

on a faithful day while i was returning from school , i met some students bullying a child because she was disabled, i couldn't do anything to them because, i was just a kid while thinking of what to do to help the poor child, I heard the police siren, i was glad that the child will be saved from the bullies not until the police got to the venue they stopped their car came down but the girls never acted like they saw a force they kept hitting the child, one of the cops shouted at them to stop but instead of stopping she deeper her hand in her bag and brought a wrapped of five thousand naira note and gave it to him , he collected and ordered the other guys to hop in the car , one of them refused and asked the Money to be returned because he will personally take those girls to the police custody until their parents arrives, he acted according to his words .. I was so happy that atlast the baby girl has been saved, and that when i decided to be cop and do the right thing. (smiles).

vice Chancellor:(laughing)ok , so who is your role model , if i may ask?

Elsa:my role model is DEAN RICHARD because he knows his duty as a police officer ," if everyone has left the scene that day who knows her parents might have lost her "

{dean Richard smiled)

Dean Richard:thank you dear.

vice Chancellor what's your purpose for choosing this career?

Elsa:In a world where corruption spreads its wings so large and the people who are to protect us are the one making it worse.

But who was going to protect the dignity of the few good cops left ,i want to that changing the write ups on the air and make the citizens feel safe to bring their problems to the police.

The vice Chancellor smiled and said"I hope to see that soon " you may leave now.

Elsa took her stuffs and left the scene.

three months later the long awaited exam came and gone , everyone prayed fervently for admission and a good results.

few weeks later the results were officially announced and admissions were given to only those who passed the test.

when Elsa Kingsley heard her name her joy knew no bound because ,why not ,she will be leaving her family for a very long time.

Her parents in the other hand was as happy as a king to the point of them calling everyone in their contact list that very soon they will have an officer of the law in their house.

Few days to resumption Elsa mum, Mrs Kingsley took Elsa to the market bought her all manner of things like a trolley bag ,a big lotion of cream,she bought as many deodorant as possible ,a new towel ,new undies ,she added some junks Incase food was not served on time or the food was not enough for her and a little makeup item to look good and get a husband according to her.

Elsa got home packed her bag praying to get good roommate .