

" Any leads on the letter ? "

" None, my lord. However, we did find some members of the Raficlux on the site. And they seemed to be searching for it as well. "

" So we can conclude that the letter hasn't been destroyed yet ? "

" Yes, my lord. They have no idea about the whereabouts of the letter either. "

" Saraphiel, make sure that our peo- "


" Go away child, this is n- "

" Saraphiel... I had called this child. He is about to depart so I need to discuss some things with him. "

" Okay... I shall come back later then. "

" Thank you, Saraphiel. "

Looking at the weirdly dressed man leaving the room, Lucian wondered where people got such an absurd sense of fashion from.

As the door was closed, Lucian turned to look at Professor Theodore. As always he wondered how he can piss off Professor Theodore this time.

" What brings you here, Lucian ? " Professor Theodore asked

" I need you to arrange a tournament at the Toscos district which includes random pairs, except I shall be paired with her. The tournament must last for 3-4 weeks. " Lucian said in a single breath.

" Very well, anything else ? " 

" Oh yes and a bunch of mangoes. "

" ...Mangoes ? " Lucian has made a bunch of absurd requests in the past so this isn't anything new.

" Yes, enough to last me daily for the duration of the tournament. " Lucian said with a smile.

" Have you researched properly ? " 

" Yeah old man just trust me. " Lucian does not like being questioned, especially by Professor Theodore.

" Lucian, mangoes will rot by the end of the tournament. " Professor Theodore said

" You don't have to worry about any of that. Just get me the mangoes. " Typical Lucian attitude.

What goes on inside that twisted mind is a mystery that Professor Theodore has no interest in discovering as long as the job is done.

Bringing out pen and paper, the professor made a note of the demands Lucian made.

" Anything else ? " 

" No, not yet. "

" When would you like to leave ? "

" In 3 days. "

" Okay Lucian, pack your bags and finalise your strategies. "

" Make sure to have travel accommodations for my mangoes. "

The mangoes are a weird addition but the professor will just have to roll with it. Lucian is very bad at explaining his strategies, but they always work.

As Lucian was leaving the room he remembered one last thing. 

" Oh and don't forget my Ciracurus. " Lucian said with his usual smiley face. Making it look like he is asking for a favour but really just making a demand

" Of course child, don't worry about your drugs. " Professor Theodore said as he resumed to reading his ancient looking book. 

Lucian lives a weird life. Living with no memories of his past, studying and working for the head of the most decorated warrior academy in the Land Of The Dragons and having a severe drug addiction. 

He juggles these things very well. But, Lucian knows if one thing goes wrong, he will break down.

Lucian's drug addiction does not allow him to sleep. Only when he has the drug, ciracurus in his body, can he sleep. But Ciracurus is not easy to obtain. It is a drug made out of a Dragon's bone.

And Dragons are majestic creatures that are loved by the gods, so killing a Dragon is considered a grave sin. 

Especially since the Celestiax were very serious about the treatment of their dragons in the past, the fear remained constant. 

But, that is not something that Lucian has to worry about. That's the Professor's headache. Lucian just needs to get started with the written report.