
Chapter 6: Passive, enchanting, and healing magic

When everyone came back home, Ratel asked everyone to get a revenge with him. They were sceptical at first, but Ratel managed to convince them.

The next day, lessons about recognizing compatible magic appeared again.

This time, they tested passive magic. Since Kenso already tested it, he did not participate, but he was watching.

Kasaya went first. She was able to electrify the area around her and transfer the electricity into her body, but it was very weak and took too long, although she has great potential to develop passive magic.

Ezark was second. He wasn't able to use the passive magic.

Ratel came after Ezark. He was only able to electrify the area around him.

The next one was Aria. She wasn't able to use the passive magic.

The last one was Tarin. He managed to electrify the area around him and move it, however he did not transfer it to his body.

Teacher was pretty impressed by the scores of Kasaya and Tarin.

Since they were done with passive magic, they moved onto enchanting magic. However testing the enchanting magic wasn't working the same way the active and passive magic did. Enchanting magic splits into a few categories. The same goes for every other magic, but in this case, recognizing whether its suitable differs. The categories are:

Soul enchanting: Allows to increase magic strength of the person it was used on.

Mana enchanting: Allows to increase the control of mana flow of the person it was used on.

Weapon enchanting: Allows to give and/or increase magical attributes of the weapon it was used on.

Physical enchanting: Allows to increase physical strength of the person it was used on.

Psychical enchanting: Allows to increase magic resistance and allows usage of psychic powers for a short amount of time. Only 1,3% of the enchanters can obtain psychical enchanting.

Every category of enchanting, except for weapon enchanting can only be used on one target. Weapon enchanting is able to enchant an infinite amount of weapons, however they can only have one user.

Recognizing enchanting magic is the easiest one to recognise. All you have to do is to stand next to an electronic device. If it's energy raised, then it's soul enchanting; if it's energy starts to move around, it's mana enchanting; if it starts to glow, it's weapon enchanting; If it crashes, it's physical enchanting; and if it breaks, then it's psychical enchanting.

Ezark was able to use soul enchanting. - The device raised it's energy.

Kasaya was able to use mana enchanting. - The device was turning on and off.

Ratel wasn't able to use enchanting magic. - Nothing happened to the device

Aria wasn't able to use enchanting magic. - Nothing happened to the device

Tarin was able to use Physical enchanting. - The device crashed.

Kenso was able to use weapon enchanting. - The device started to glow.

The teacher was happy that more than a half of the class was able to use enchanting magic.

The last one was healing magic.

It was checked almost the same way the active magic was checked, however a different spell was used. There are two types of healing - Active healing and self-healing. The difference is that an active healer can only heal people other than the user, and self-healing can only heal the user.

The only student that was able to use healing magic was Aria. She was lucky enough to be an user of the both healing types. That occurrence is extremely rare. Only 0,6% of the healers are able to obtain both of the types.

The teacher of class B-2 never met such an event. He was impressed, proud, and happy at the same time.

The day has come to an end, and the time left to go to the dungeon has decreased, and it will continue to do so.

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