
The Great Swordsman Of The Shinobi World V.2 (Paused)

It’s on pause until it’s worth continuing ----- This fanfic is identical to the other one, but with two additional beings. Every time I read an isekai and the main characters get a system, I always wonder why they receive one. What is the reason behind granting them strength through a system? In this version, I attempt to answer one of the many possibilities. I will mark additional chapters that differ from the other fanfic as 'D' for different and 'V2' when the entire chapter is different. ------ Hayashi found himself reincarnated into the world of Naruto, where he discovered the Template System, which granted him the skills of the Greatest Swordsman from the One Piece universe. As he honed his abilities, Hayashi surpassed even the legendary White Fang of Konoha in swordsmanship, earning recognition in the ninja world. ------ ------ Story is AU and modified. I don't own Naruto or One Piece. Kudos to Masashi Kishimoto and Eiichirō Oda. I am only translating this work of Fanfiction. If you want to read the original version without alterations: 火影世界的大剑豪 ------ ------ This is my first time translating a novel. I appreciate all your feedbacks. If you find errors, do not be kind - just be truthful. I can guarantee a minimum of 3 chapters per week. If you just want to support for writing: ko-fi.com/malphegor

Malphegor · Cómic
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63 Chs

D: The Power of a Kage

As the medics rushed to the arena to tend to Megumi's injuries, the crowd slowly began to recover from the oppressive weight of Hayashi's pressure. The sky lightened, and the darkness receded, but the memory of the intense battle would linger in their minds for a long time.

The audience, knocked out cold by Hayashi's intense pressure, slowly regained consciousness. They rubbed their sore heads, looking around in confusion.

Groans and murmurs filled the arena as people struggled to their feet, trying to make sense of what had happened.

"What...what happened?"

A young woman asked, her voice shaking as she sat up.

A man nearby, still dazed, looked around and exclaimed, "People were falling down left and right! I thought it was all over for us!"

His companion, a young kunoichi, slowly got to her feet, her eyes scanning the area.

"What about the others? Are they...?"

She trailed off as she saw the lifeless bodies scattered around them. Her eyes widened in horror.

"Oh no...they're not moving!"


But then, one of the villagers knelt down beside an unconscious figure.

"Wait, she's alive," he said, checking the pulse.

"She's just knocked out."

Another villager, a young woman, did the same for a nearby figure.

"And he's alive too," she said, relief washing over her face.

Some were crying, others were screaming, and a few were still trying to process what had just happened.

One of the villagers, still shaken, pointed to Hayashi.

"W-what did he do?" he stuttered.

"How did he...how did he do that?"


As the civilians cowered in fear, the stronger ninjas stood frozen in horror and disbelief.

"Could it be a bloodline limit?" someone whispered.

"No, even a bloodline limit can't be that extreme!"

"Is this even possible with sword skills?" another exclaimed.

"Who is that silver-haired boy?"

The arena was filled with whispers and confused murmurs as the ninjas struggled to comprehend the impossible feat they had just witnessed.



The Third Hokage and the Fourth Kazekage stood up in shock, their eyes wide with horror.

"That slash didn't have any chakra fluctuations, but it's undeniable that it's as strong as an S-rank ninjutsu," the Fourth Kazekage analyzed.

The Third Hokage's hand, gripping his pipe, shook slightly.

"A twelve-year-old with Kage-level power?" he whispered.

In the ninja world, S-rank techniques were the highest level of mastery, and only a select few could wield such power. Any ninja who masters it wields the power to threaten a Kage.

And Hayashi's slash had just demonstrated that level of strength, surpassing even Kakashi's Raikiri in lethality.

A twelve-year-old Kage-level prodigy? It's a terrifying prospect for a child of such immense power to emerge in an era of peace.

But what surprised them more was the crushing pressure they felt from Hayashi. They couldn't explain what it was, but it was as if the air had been sucked out of the room.


The Fourth Kazekage's gaze, however, drifted to the other boy.

"The other one, he's not bad either," the Kazekage said.

"He may have lost, but his abilities are interesting." he added with a strange glint in his eyes.

The Third Hokage nodded in agreement. 

"He may not have Hayashi's raw power, but I'd like to keep an eye on him, see how he develops," he said.


As Hayashi left the arena, the Third Hokage's gaze followed him, his eyes never leaving the young ninja.

'Is this a blessing or a curse for Konoha?' His eyes narrowed as he thought to himself.

'A ninja with such immense power could shape the village's future, but it also poses a significant threat to our security.'

He glanced at his advisors, their worried looks mirroring his own concerns.

'I need to consult with the others and decide what to do,' he realized.

As he sat down, his mind suddenly wandered to Danzo, his old friend. He wondered what his friend would think of the situation and whether he would have any advice to offer.

Being the Hokage can be a heavy responsibility.



"In the first round, Yusuke Hayashi wins."

Genma's voice echoed through the arena as he looked at Hayashi with a hint of respect.

The crowd, which had been filled with fear just moments before, erupted into excitement.

"Too powerful!" someone exclaimed.

"That wasn't ninjutsu..." another voice chimed in

A lone voice cried out, "Hahaha, let's make Konoha great again!"

The outburst was met with an uncomfortable silence, punctuated only by the sound of whispers and murmurs.



As Hayashi strode into the lounge, the other candidates couldn't tear their eyes away.

Temari and Kankuro, in particular, looked like they'd seen a ghost.

'That guy is a monster like Gaara!'

Even those with limited understanding of the shinobi world recognized that Hayashi was no ordinary Genin.


Shino, adjusting his sunglasses, asked calmly as Hayashi approached Hinata, "Hayashi, was that your full strength?"

Hayashi paused, a sly grin spreading across his face.

"Yeah, that's my full strength."

Shino's eyes narrowed, his breath catching in his throat.

"I see."

The skepticism in Shino's tone was clear, and Hayashi's casual response only fueled the suspicion. Shino's eyes widened in awe.

'That wasn't even his full strength!'



The first round of the third exam had the crowd on the edge of their seats, completely absorbed by the intense performance.

But the excitement was short-lived, as Sasuke's unexpected absence in the second round left the audience feeling deflated.

Disappointed murmurs and disgruntled voices filled the arena as the match was postponed, leaving fans feeling frustrated and let down.

To move things along, the proctors decided to skip ahead to the third round: Aburame Shino vs. Kankuro.

But things only got worse when Kankuro unexpectedly forfeited the match, depriving them of another highly anticipated battle.

The audience's curses and boos rained down on Kankuro, but he didn't seem to care.

He knew he didn't stand a chance against Shino, and by forfeiting, he could conserve his energy for later and avoid a second loss to his opponent.


The fourth round of the tournament finally got underway: Temari vs. Nara Shikamaru. 

This was Shikamaru's chance to impress the senior officials of Konoha with his clever tactics.

He might not have been as strong as Naruto or Sasuke, and a few others could overpower him in a fight. But his intelligence set him apart.

In fact, he was the only one of the nine candidates to be promoted to Chunin in the original series, beating out 152 other competitors.

His sharp mind and strategic thinking were on full display, showcasing his exceptional skills.

However, in a move that surprised many, he chose to concede the match once he had her cornered.

But in a surprising move, Shikamaru chose to concede the match, even though he had Temari cornered. Thus, the fourth round came to a close with Shikamaru's forfeit, leaving many in the audience stunned.