
The Grand Heist

Jason was just an ordinary everyday construction site worker, he had no goals in life and had no expectations. He just planned to live a simple life with his mother, until one day something unexpected happened. He doesn't know if it was fate or if it was just a coincidence, but one thing he knew for sure was that it changed his life completely. Join him as he goes through the trials of his life and unmask the mysterys surrounding him. Watch as he carried out one of the greatest heists ever recorded in history. NB: This is my first time writing a book, so the wording might not be good at the start but will progress as time goes by.

larry_prince · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
13 Chs

Chapter 9: Are you done crying ?

I just stood there really confused, and it wasn't because some random person just pulled up and asked me to get into their car, but it was because that so called person was actually a woman and her voice sounded really familiar.

"Hey didn't you hear me, I said GET IN" she said when she saw my dazed look.

I snapped out of my thoughts, and stared at her for a few more seconds before entering the back door of the car.

The moment I got in, the car started and entered the highway. I just sat there not asking any questions because I knew it was probably Mr Charles who sent someone to get me. But that didn't stop me from stealing glances at her. I couldn't help but wonder where I've heard her voice before.

She was a really beautiful woman. Waist length black hair, fair skin, sharp nose, rosy lips, bright ocean blue eyes. She looked more like a model to me.

As though feeling a pair of eyes on her she turned around and looked at me with an expressionless face and said.

"Whatchu staring at".

"Shit" I cursed while turning my head away. I was blushing bad for being caught staring at her so openly.

But in the mist of my blushing I suddenly remembered where I heard her voice from. She was one of those guys who kidnapped chuck and I.

She was the one who spoke about giving us to the higher Ups.

That made me subconsciously look at her again, only to be met with the shock of my life when I found out she was still looking at me.

From then on, I kept my head down until we got to wherever we were going to. When the car stopped, I raised my head to look out the window and I saw we were at the airport.

The mysterious woman got down from the car and started moving without a word. I hurried out of the car when I saw she wasn't going to wait for me. We walked for awhile until we arrived at the boarding pass, and the country displayed on the board was UK.

The moment I stepped into the ward, I spotted chuck waving at me. I smiled and waved back happy to see that he wasn't as depressed as he was yesterday before I left.

When I arrived infront of him, what greeted me was a bear hug. He hugged me so hard I couldn't breathe.

When I felt that I couldn't take it any longer, I struggle until I finally freed myself from his embrace.

"I you trying to kill me you pig" I jokingly scolded him.

We both just laughed at my lame joke.

When the laughing died down, we just stared at each other in silence. I didn't know what to say, he was leaving for who knows how long and this is the last time we'll see each other in a long time, even phone calls weren't allowed during the training period. But I still didn't know what to say, the words just got in my throat as tears started building in my eyes.

Chuck seemed to be in the same situation as I was, he just stared at me not knowing what to say as well.

As if reading each others mind, we simultaneously hugged each other while we let our tears do the talking for us. I poured all my emotions into the hug to let him know that I was going to miss him, and he did the same.

He is the only friend I have in this world, and the only one I trust apart from my mom. So I knew it wasn't going to be easy separating with him, but I know it was for the best and I know he knew that as well.

The announcement for passengers to start boarding separated us from our hug which lasted surprisingly long.

"Stay safe, and make sure you take care of your mom" chuck said with a smile.

I nodded at him not still able to utter a word. He then turned around and started going through the boarding passageway with the man who was assigned to accompany him.

"Stay safe" I whispered when he was out of sight.

I just stood there thinking about the memories of our time together which made me even more depressed.

And in the middle of my day dreaming a mocking voice brought me crashing back to earth.

"Are you done crying".

And that's when I realized that the gorgeous lady was standing right behind me all this time. I felt so ashamed I wish the earth would just open up and swallow me right now. I can't believe I just cried like a girl in front of a girl.

"Chuck you bastard, even when your not close to me your still giving me shitty luck" I thought still ashamed. I couldn't even turn around to look at her, I just nodded my head in acceptance to her question.

"Then let's go" she said, then I heard the sound of her heels walking away.

I took in a deep breath to calm myself, then I turned around and started moving as well.

She had already started the car when I got there. I just quietly got into the back seat and sat without uttering a sound, I was still to embarrassed to look at her.

But it seems like all embarrassment was for nothing because she didn't even seem to care about what happened, she just kept her expressionless face as she drove of into the highway.

We drove for about thirty minutes before the car stopped at were I'm going to be working from now on 'WE LOVE ICE CREAM LTD'.

I still find this unbelievable, I mean how could an organization that focus on what they do use this type of business to cover up their crimes. Who ever came up with this is a clever fox.

The car stopped at the parking lot of the tall building. She stepped out and started walking to the building without even glancing at me.

I smiled bitterly at my myself, thinking that she doesn't like me at all. But I just put that at the back of my head for now and got down from the car to quickly catch up with her.

She walked into the building with me tailing silently behind her. Then she walked towards the receptionist area and siad something to him which I couldn't really hear, then the receptionist nodded and got up from his seat and lead the way into the building. We walked until we came across a door which was guarded by two police men which surprised me.

"What are police men doing in this type of place" I thought to myself.

Once we passed through the door, we entered into what seemed like an endlessly white corridor which had guards stationed every five steps. And this guards looked just like the ones chuck and I met, lifeless dolls.

We followed him into the corridor for a while before coming up to an elevator, which took us to the top floor of the building. After getting off the elevator, the receptionist led us through many other passage way which had guards stationed at every corner. And it had me wondering what they are hiding or protecting here.

We walked until we came up to a door of an office in which the receptionist gestured us to enter into then he turned around and left.

Before we entered, I heard the sounds of people talking in the room.

She pushed the door open and entered into the room, with me following right behind her.

When I entered into the room with came into view were six people excluding my female companion.

And when I walked into the room, everyone stopped talking and all eyes were on me.

If you find any errors, please notify me

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