
The Grand Heist

Jason was just an ordinary everyday construction site worker, he had no goals in life and had no expectations. He just planned to live a simple life with his mother, until one day something unexpected happened. He doesn't know if it was fate or if it was just a coincidence, but one thing he knew for sure was that it changed his life completely. Join him as he goes through the trials of his life and unmask the mysterys surrounding him. Watch as he carried out one of the greatest heists ever recorded in history. NB: This is my first time writing a book, so the wording might not be good at the start but will progress as time goes by.

larry_prince · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 10: The Group

"Jason, your here! please come in and have a seat" Mr Charles said iwhen he saw me just standing at the door.

I walked in under the heavy gazes of the people in the room, I felt like a celebrity at the moment and the feeling wasn't really good.

When I had my seat next to Mr Charles, he stood up and went to the center of the room.

"Ok squad, the reason why I called you guys together today is because I want to introduce to you your newest member of the team Jason".

In movies you would imagine that after a welcoming speech like that the would be a round of applause, but I didn't get any of that. All I got was six people staring at me as though they were trying to see through me.

I sat there awkwardly under their gazes, not knowing what to do or say.

As though feeling the tense atmosphere, Mr Charles faked a cough indicating something.

Immediately after the cough, as if a switch was flipped, the tense atmosphere vanished and one of the six people who were sitting stood up with a smile on his face, walked towards me and extend his hand.

"Hi, I'm Charlie the leader of the group"

"So this was the man who pointed a gun at my head a few days ago, and now here he is smiling at me as though we have been friends for years" I thought.

The Charlie guy was a tall handsome European man. He looked like he was really popular with the girls. He didn't look like someone who did this type of jobs, he instead looked like the CEO of a multinational company.

But I still extend my hand and shook his hand with a smile while saying.

"I'm Jason, nice to meet you"

"Well then Jason let me introduce you to the team" he said gesturing to the others sitting down.

"But of course let me begin with myself. As you know I'm the leader of the group, but the field I specialize in is strategic planning and out of the box thinking. You see, I come up with all our plans and ideas for all the missions we carry out, and if I must say they always lead us to our goal"

Wow! I've never seen anyone speak with so much arrogance before, it seemed like he was self praising himself.

After rambling more about himself like the university he attended and the awards he has received, he saw that he had spoken enough about himself and change the topic.

"Well enough about me, let's move on to the next person. Here we have Tom" he said pointing at a man who looked like an ordinary civilian to me.

The man just nodded at me in acknowledgement in which I nodded back at him.

"Tom here is our specialized get away driver. As former street racer, Tom here knows everything there is to know about a car. And that's not all, our man Tom here doesn't just know how to drive a car, he can do a lot more than that. From planes to ships to even trains, Tom here can move anything forward as long as it has wheels"

"It seems like everyone on this team has his or her own field in which they specialize in. Where do I fit in all of this" I thought confused.

"Next we have our boom boom bang bang. Ben our weapon's mechanic" Charlie said while pointing at one of the biggest men I've ever seen in my life.

Damm! He's so huge that I'm sure if he stood in front of me I would have to look straight at the sky before I would be able to see his face. He looked like the fit version of the big show from WWE.

The Ben didn't even raise his head to look at me he just continued lying there as though we weren't talking about him.

"Ben here is an ex task force agent and has been on missions more times than anyone in the organization. He specializes in everything that has to do with combat. From hand to hand combat to guns and bombs, he's like a walking tank".

Wow, he is really a tank with that physic of his, just his body alone could scare his enemies away.

"Now that we are through with the men, let's move on to the ladies shall we" Charlie said gesturing to the three people left.

"First we have Barbie our pretty pickpocket. She at first, worked with a group of thugs who used her to trick rich business men into following her to schedule areas before they robbed them clean. But she was later on hired by the president when he saw her potential, And now she our little pretty pickpocket. She specializes mostly in extracting information from others, pickpocketing and many more".

When he finished talking the so called Barbie winked at me with a smile.

"hmm I guess she really does deserve her name because she actually looks a lot like a Barbie doll" I thought while smiling at her. She looked really pretty, but I'm pretty sure she had gone through a lot of plastic surgery to accomplish that look.

"Next we have our brains behind the computer Velma" Charlie said while pointing at the girl in the Conner.

And when I say girl I actually mean girl because what I'm looking at right now is a kid who should be approximately fifteen years old now.

"Do not be decieved by her outer appearance, because what's in that head of hers will put many computer scientist out there to shame. She specializes in everything that has to do with computers. From hacking to information finding to infiltrating, there is nothing this kid can't do when she touches a computer"

And right now the so called Velma was busy tapping rapidly on her computer. She didn't even seem to be aware of what was going on now.

"And last but absolutely not the least, we have Daphne our infiltrator".

When her name was called she turned towards me and smirked mockingly. I turned away embarrassed because I knew she was probably still mocking me for crying at the airport. Well there goes my first impression.

"Daphne here is a former award winning gymnastics and baller dancer. But now she uses her skills for a better purposes, infiltrating. Using her agile and flexible body, she can get in and out of any place with ease".

"And that's our team and our specialties, so what about you Jason what do you have to offer to the team, I'm sure it's really good for the president to have personally hired you" Charlie said with a smile that wasn't really a smile.

I could get the deep sarcasm from his tone indicating that I wasn't needed in the team. I guess all the introductory speech was just to show if their various skills and in the end make me realize that I don't belong here.

And it was really starting to work.

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