
fast state to a nother worled

jalil is a odenary gay he live in a small country side whenever he was in call ten his father died he life alone in this world aloon on his wine one cold night he was sleeping he suddenly wakeup at1.0clock he sea a bright light the light was so bright he counter open his eyes he wacked towards the light source hes was steall close when he was gone to touch the light sources he suddenly fall he sea nothing but light around him he's eyes beigen to close them selief when he wackup he was in a cave he go scerd dut he he puile him self together he walked toward the intervenes of the cave when he swa out of the cave he was sunta he fill like his body got stuck to the ground he sea the maganifesent forent goloing with light the butifull natucher freeish air buetifuel revier

the sky when he fell the air his body filet like light his fear was gone but when he tried to move he notice that his feet was in mud hole he pull out his leg and started walked toward the lake to wash his shoes (but he don't no what's his deisteny waties for him)