

when he about to suddenly a voice came calling his name when he he try to fined the source of the voice he SWA a light emerged from sky I am tiglons the goddess of wind I chose you to carry my will to those who defined me

from today on my all powers belonged to you become a god who protect innocent and destroy the Evil who try to harm them go and complete you're quest the light suddenly lift just like it came his his mind was Daisy he was confused what just happen he cannot understand hi don't know what to do in this new place new world he is start working to order forest he just can't understand what just happened when you was walking Tour de forest he does he does not realise that his body was for stronger than before When You Walked toward four wheeled forest he is so some unusual creatures he Never SWA

sometime after he realise that displays work in middle of a forest there are civil dangerous beast roaming around the forest he is not a billion boy but he realised that if he you want to leave he have to avoid getting close to doors beast and become strong hi words in middle of a forest when he saw some humans taking Kabhi Gham Vasu he does not understand what they are talking about but he realise from the clothes that they are Hunters they come here become the forest and wild beast there where weapons are not very good quality one man have I bwo and another man heavy sword under armour there was a men wearing Europe that's colour was read with blue stripes he look like.

a wizard day are kindly fighting with a demon beast its look like bore but twice of size then cow it have yellow fire on its Fure when it's charge for attack t o the Hunters thya easily defeat it then they will realise someone who was watching them hunting wild bore one of the Hunters ask him who are you what are you doing in this dangerous forest Jalil was suddenly shocked who couldn't understand what we are talking suddenly f Lite appear in his mind the language surroundings and all information about the world he was currently in suddenly he can understand what the Hunters asking him he replied my name is Jalil the Hunters ask again what are you doing in this forest and what are those fruits the Hunters realise that he is not from their village because his cloth clothes are kinda wired Jalil. said to them that who was lost he was travelling with his kompanions but suddenly a wild beast attack them and he got separated from his group hymn makeup that story then he said he was working in this forest for couple of weeks he does not remember where is his companions are where he was talking to the Hunters was walking street to them but suddenly hi sweet sleep and we fail to the waterfall nearby 1 of the Hunters jump when he saw the boy was falling to waterfalls he pool Jalil out of the water he took his chance to best for him to take advantage of so he ATC like he was un conceiese