
A Dark Place

Chapter 1

A dark room. The only light that can be seen is the light coming out from a computer. A weak girl sitting up with all her might trying to get up from her bed. Slowly moving herself to the wheelchair conveniently placed beside the bed. There is only one thing she wanted right now, fresh air. She cleaned her room neatly despite her physical condition before going outside. She grabs her bag which is already prepared then she slowly pushed the wheels of her wheelchair.

It's quite dark during 3:00AM but she did not turn on any lights. At the speed she's going, it seems like she's not going anywhere but she's not in a hurry. What's important is that she does not make any sound. She sneaked a last peek in the room of her mother which the door has always been broken but to her surprise, his father is there, still awake, laughing while embracing a lifeless body in a blood stained room. Noticing her father was not asleep, all her exhaustion went back and cold sweat continuously dripped out from her head and back. Nevertheless, she needs to go now. She mustered all her strength and pushed the wheels of her wheelchair slowly. Sound is her worst enemy. It can turn her seemingly harmless father to a brutal, harmful psychopath. "I must not be noticed" she said in her mind. She can't go back now. "Mother said to leave especially when she's gone as I'm the only one my father would vent out on."

32 minutes later she arrived at the door trying to open it but it's stuck. It seems Jaselle would never be able to open it. Just as she was trying to figure out how to open it, she then heard a sound. *Clank* A bottle of beer dropped. His father, upon seeing her trying open the door, stared at the terrified young girl and then he yelled "Jaselle! Come back here!"

The door suddenly opened all the way and Jaselle quickly sprinted out. Jaselle didn't care how the door opened. What she saw in her father's eyes were pure rage and her possible future of being tortured endlessly. "You brat! Obey me right now and come back here with me and your mother!" But Jaselle did not show any signs of slowing down. "You won't be able to go anywhere!". Her father was able to reach Jaselle's wheelchair but then 2 bright lights appeared in their left side. Jaselle thought "My plan worked!" A smile appeared in her exhausted face. "There are some kind people out there, ask for help from them". That's her mother's last advice. The truck that always appear during 3:33AM is her hope.

However, her knowledge failed her since this is the first time she got out from her captivity. She was unable to predict how hard it is for a truck to stop. *Bang* Jaselle got hit by the truck and she flew away. Her father smiled and went back to his house, probably to erase some evidences before police arrived. The truck driver, with long hair and caring eyes said to her in a familiar voice "I'm so sorry, I didn't know this would happen". Jaselle's head was bleeding, she only had a few seconds left. She can't see anything but the driver can see she was still smiling, before and after she's been hit. "Everything is my fault, I'm sorry for trying to ask help from you." Jaselle said. "I was scared... scared of the hit, scared of the pain. But now it's all over... Finally over. Thank you."

Jeselle now closed her unseeing eyes and decided to sleep to the end.


A God with yellow hair and blue eyes wearing a white robe but the six white wings on his back is even more white. He smiled and asked to the other Goddess "I'm not allowed to interfere in the matters of your world, now that she's gone I can take her now right?". Goddess Earth replied "Do what you want Piaz, she's a failure of this world." God Piaz then used his magic and everything He wanted disappeared together with Him. Now all that's left is a broken wheelchair.

"A being that refuses to bare their own fangs on the enemy, what only awaits you is darkness here." Goddess Earth flew away as six dark wings appeared on her back.