
Heaven Glass Heart

Chapter 2

"Awaken young girl."

Jaselle opened her eyes to see a see an majestic God floating above her. He was simply looking at Jaselle but His elegance and charm was causing Jaselle to be open with her feelings. A fit body with clean white skin and exquisite facial features together with His shining blue eyes and short but dazzling golden hair. Currently, Jaselle is in a hypnotized state, unable to control her words, she will say everything that's on her mind and only truth comes out of her mouth.

"Jaselle, do you know w..." The God was asking Jaselle a question but she suddenly interrupted "Mother!? I missed you so much!" Jaselle cried and her tears immediately turned the chest part of her dress soaked. "I am not a woman!" God replied with an angry tone.

*Ehem* You can call me God Piaz and Piaz is also the name of the world you'll live in starting from now." God Piaz explained but Jaselle didn't stop crying and mentioning her mother over and over again.

Angry stress marks are now apearing in the forehead of God Piaz. He was about to errupt but then He sighed and asked "Jaselle, do you miss your mother?" God Piaz asked with genuine care. "Yes, but I remember now. She's no longer with me. I'm sorry for my behavior." "Also, you're very beautiful, are you sure you're not a woman?"

*Snap* God Piaz smiled with an intent to kill and He summoned a ball of light which turned to a beautiful sword which Jaselle admired but at the same time, Jaselle felt cold fear at it because... the sword is aiming directly at her!

*Woosh* The sword flew fast in Jaselle's direction. God Piaz laughed, He can feel the fear in Jaselle's heart which is a good indication that this girl still wanted to live.

However, Jaselle stayed in her position.

"Is she unable to move due to her fear? No, its not that." the God quickly dismissed.

The sword's speed is fast but its speed is just enough for Jeselle to be able dodge due to the distance. Just when the sword is about to hit, "Stop!" God Piaz shouted. His magic illuminated the entire place but the sword did not show any sign of slowing down.

"I SAID STOP!" the God transformed into his battle form. His hair grew longer and His eyes shined with fierceness. His dominance is now clearly expressed together with his gesture and serious facial expression. In His whole can be seen a set of golden armor which greatly boosted his magic to unimaginable heights!

The sword finally showed signs of slowing down. "What are you doing there?! Quickly move away, this magic is irreversible!" said God Piaz.

Jaselle then stood up and just when she was about to move, God Piaz lost control once again and the sword stabbed through Jaselle in her left eye. "No!" God Piaz hurriedly flew over to Jaselle with his healing magic ready to be casted but Jaselle's left eye did not show any signs of damage.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Why did didn't you move?!" the God vented out, never in His thousand years of living did He encounter this scenario. Jaselle answered, "I was not ordered to (move)".


God Piaz suddenly recalled what this girl experienced in her life. It seems He has been watching her for a long time. Both of her parents tortured her but she still stayed being an obedient little girl. Her mother, suddenly changed one day affected by guilt thus initiated the fight between her parents and if she was not ordered by her mother to escape, she would have stayed in her father's house.

*Sigh* "Where would I even start with you?" Jeselle got confused but did not answer. "Come here, I need to sit in my throne for a bit. Just sit on the ground in front of me, that is your punishment". God Piaz ordered.

Jaselle replied, "Yes." She doesn't even know what's going on but this is her everyday life. She always doesn't know what's going on. She'll just be hurt all of a sudden. All she needs to make sure of is not to make this man angry even more.

"Wait! What?!" God Piaz was shocked again, He is not using his magic to read Jaselle's mind but Jaselle's one word answer made him terrified for the first time.

Jaselle not knowing what to do knelt on the ground in a kowtow position. "I'm sorry!" God Piaz can feel Jaselle's fear but more importantly His mind is in a complete mess. He was about to wear her battle armor once again but after a few seconds, "No, you're definitely not sent by that guy." God Piaz said while calming Himself down.

"Raise your head". Jaselle raised her head but she did not mention anything. " Just as I thought, you were able to undo it." God Piaz felt more confusion in Jaselle's heart thus He decided to explain.

"When you got here, I casted Heaven Glass Heart, a high level magic only God and Goddesses can do. With Heaven Glass Heart in effect you are supposed to forget everything that happened in here once our talk is over. At the same time this high level magic will force you to keep talking whatever it is inside your mind. How did you undo it?".

A mystery had appeared between the two. Subconciously, God Piaz forgot Jaselle is an ordinary mortal. God Piaz is looking at the girl, waiting for answer. Then Jaselle's eyes somehow sparkled for a second.