
The Given || Alpha

Gabe felt out of place, being ignored by his only family. But that got even worse, and that took a hit on him. He lost everything even his reputation and his dignity that he never would've imagined he would loose. But after every door closing is a new chapter beginning, he left his family, only to be part of the ones he needed.

yander · Fantasía
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17 Chs

Truth Be Told

"It's because of your father's genetic material and his human chromosomes that you were born the way you are. If you took from your mother and was naturally born a wolf, it would've been much easier." Elder Faeris told me over breakfast. After crying a little in front of Harry because of the resurfaced memories with my mother, we only realized that it was the morning when we were called down for the first meal. No one seemed to wonder how or why Harry also came from my room and I'm glad they understand.

"I'm sorry if this opens up healed wounds, Gabe, but you need to know the entire truth." Elder Vix regarded. She was the softest among them being the female omega.

"So what do you want to know?" Elder Jone stopped eating to pay his full attention to me. I could hear metal clinking with the porcelain plates as I sorted out my thoughts. It was only the five of us conversing - the elders and me. I don't know if it had something to do with me being the Alpha that they seem to be scared of me now.

"Everything. I just don't know where to start." I groaned, taking a bite off my bread in frustration.

"It's okay, Alpha. We have ample time, just ask the first question that pops in your head." Elder Jone smiled, it comforted me in a way and made me less tense.

"Is he my real father?" That was the first question that I though of.

"Serge? Yes. Why do you think not?" Elder Patt's voice was filled with concern.

"It's not that I don't think he's not, it's just he could do a better job at it." I squeaked, I was fine talking about my mother but somehow changing the topic to my Dad made me fear something. I shouldn't, right? I'm an Alpha of the pack, I shouldn't even have the thought of being afraid.

"Oh my. If we've seen you earlier we would've definitely took you out there faster." Elder Vix claimed. I was confused.

"Wait, haven't you seen me before? I mean with my mother? What did you mean by-"

"Oh we've seen you, Gabe, your mother always took you here secretly. You should have not remember any of that because your mother always ordered for that part of your memory removed. She wanted to tell you herself when you could fully understand. It's just..." Elder Faeris trailed off. I could pick up where she was trying to lead the conversation as I saw the sadness that filled her eyes. It would be better if my mother could tell me this by herself, but given the events, that wouldn't happen now.

"It's okay, Elders. I understand." I smiled at them. "But wait how were you able to erase my memory?"

"That would be me." Elder Jone smirked.

"Elder Jone has the power of cerebral manipulation. Having access to the brains of people holds so much power. It could erase memories, add memories that never happened, and it could even manipulate your actions by making you think of doing it." Elder Patt explained. Everything I was hearing and I have heard about the abilities of the elders, I get more and more awestruck. I didn't even know Elder Jone could possess something so dangerous, he was very kind outside but behind that lied a force to be reckoned with.

"Have you changed something in my brain, Elder Jone?" I asked stupidly while I'm sure I was shuddering in fear. Soon after, I heard laughter on the table.

"No, Alpha. You're immune to that." Elder Jone smiled again.


"One benefit of being the Alpha is being immune to the dangers of your people's powers. You can still be affected by them, only if it is with good intentions. You will only be stripped with that immunity if one of your wolves challenges your position. That means you will fight for the throne."

"Wait, I thought that being an Alpha was natural?"

"Yes. But a challenge is natural, too. If another wolf defeats you and would prove that he or she is better and more capable of being an alpha than you, then the forces of nature will withdraw whatever power they gave you." Elder Faeris continued. Knowing this, I also perceive that there a lot more that I have to apprehend.

"But I don't even know my powers yet. I can't feel them." I pouted.

"Feel harder." Heros opened his mouth only to insult me. Great.

"Wait, can you still read my mind?" I wondered.

"One hundred percent, Alpha." He smiled. "And no, that was not an insult, that was just a word of advice." Yep, he can totally still read minds.

I glared at him before he broke it off because he stood up after he finished his food. Some of them followed Heros, emptying the table one by one. Savana got the plates of the Elders and mine. I felt luxurious but I didn't want them to treat me differently. I'm still the newbie who didn't know his way around, the only thing that changed was I'm the Alpha that's supposed to know the way around especially when I have a pack to protect.

"What was my mother's power? What if I'll have that, too?"

"No, you can't." Elder Vix shook her head. "Your mother was a healer, and we have Lucy now, don't we?"

"She was a healer?" I wowed. Although I know how it works, it must feel nice to have the power to heal and protect.

"Yes. How else would she keep us safe when she was almost never around? How else would she also keep her family safe?"

"Then how about my powers?"

"There's no need to rush, Alpha. Now, if you'll excuse us we still have to get to work." Elder Vix stood up, followed by the three others.

"You go to work?"

"Yes. How else would we have this house and keep it?" Elder Patt winked. I've observed he has a habit of winking.

"Where do you work?"

"The human world."

"Isn't it unsafe? Especially without an Alpha, being exposed to that would be pretty dangerous, right?"

"Yeah. It is, indeed." Elder Faeris spoke. "But we have always survived and no one has ever caught us. Now we're more protected because we have an Alpha."

"I don't really know how I can even offer to protect you." I scratched the back of my head in shame.

"You will, soon. Now, Elder Vix, shall we?" The three turned their heads to her. She muttered a small 'right' before she snapped her fingers. And one moment they were in front of me, the next they were gone.

Elder Vix - Teleportation. I think that's what happened just now so I made a mental note to confirm that sooner.

"Alpha." I turned to my left to see Harry waiting for me outside the dining area. "I think it would be a great idea to shower."

"Are you saying that I smell bad?" I narrowed my eyes playfully.

"Oh. N-no, Alpha. I-I just-"

"Geez, what's with the stuttering? Don't tell me you're scared of me. Didn't you just talk back to me earlier?" I continued to tease him since I was having fun kind of turning the tables. Wait, does that mean I'm a bully now? Oh no.

"No, it's because it's so cold." He excused but I could see right through him.

"Sure." I exited the room and went past him. I saw some of the others in the living area. "That's what I want, okay? To be treated normally. I'm still me, right? You don't have to be scared of me. I've just been promoted to the highest rank, that doesn't mean I've changed. That doesn't also mean you don't treat me with respect." I hinted my words towards Harry and Heros, the trouble brothers, as I call them now.

"Yes, Alpha." They spoke synchronically.

"And as much as I like to hear you calling me Alpha, I also would still like it if you used my real name."

They nodded in response and, satisfied, I walk up the stairs to my room and wash up. I still have a lot of time before school starts.

Speaking of which, I haven't exactly paid attention to it ever since my mind was distracted about being the wolf. But now that it was, it made me remember how I was frustrated with the slow downfall of my academics. And also stepping foot on school would remind me about my depleting image.

"Hey, Harry. I'm not sure if I can go to school." I stopped to face him. We were walking up the stairs and he was tailing me.

"Why not?"

"You know what happened, right?"

"Well, if they see you with me and notice that there is no problem between you and me, they would let it die down." He assured although I can't really find comfort in it.

"How are you sure of that? And you, going to school? The amount of times I've seen you in that place is less than the amount of wolves in this pack." I said as I continued my steps up.

"Hey, just because you don't see me doesn't mean I don't go. Besides, school is boring. I figured having this scary representation would make my life there easier, and I was so right. The professors can't even face me for a whole minute." He laughed.

"That's not something to be proud of. Do the elders know what you're doing?"

"They don't need to know." He scoffed.

"Well, I don't care if the elders don't know, the Alpha knows now and I order you to stop that."

"Yes, Alpha." He obliged quickly. I smirk at the power that I hold against him, I mean I'm not using it in harm, I just enjoy how I can easily make him submit.

"You obey too fast."

"That's your ability as an Alpha. You are the leader and every command you give will be immediately complied by our wolves." He explained.

"Okay. Now tell me how many other wolves are in our school?"

"I can't for sure tell you, but only Traxter, Ivan, Lance, and me from our pack goes there. And now you, of course."

"How come I haven't seen any of them there? And how about the others?"

"Well, I'm not sure how after all these years we've only tracked you now. We've been finding you for years. That's also the reason why the others go to different schools because we didn't know where to find you."

"What? Don't you have extraordinary sense of smell that can track different scents?"

"Yes, we do but with all the people inside there, the scent gets mixed up. You'll know when we get there how putrid all the scents are combined. Now why don't you get ready now, we still have to drive a long way." He said and patted my shoulder.

I grumbled about how they live so far away, I remember the first trip here that it took almost 40 minutes. Now I need to adjust my time 40 minutes earlier because of that.

I was quick in the shower, as always, I was scared the longer I stay in there, the worse my thoughts would become. I have fully embraced and accepted the Alpha position but what concerns me are the things that changed and the other things that would change. I only shook off those thoughts before they make me overthink things. I'm the Alpha now, strong and brave.

I went down after putting on the clothes that were carefully laid out on my bed. Someone must have put it there. It was not mine since I haven't really bought any clothing because who would've thought I would live here from now on?

Seeing Lance, Ivan, Traxter, and Harry all in one car, I felt like I belonged. Like I had friends that wants me. And this is family.

"You know, I haven't seen you guys at school at all." I said, entering the passenger's seat and turning to look at the three guys backseat.

"Well, the school is pretty wide, that's why we had trouble finding you." Lance answered.

"See, I told you." Harry clicked his tongue the same time he turned on the car. I rolled my eyes and put on my seatbelt.

"Traxter, you have super speed, right? Why do you wait for them?" I turned to the blonde boy behind Harry.

"I don't know, this seems more right than going on my own." He uttered lowly. I know what he means, because for the first time, this feels right for me, too. That this was my life now, and I like it.
